Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Another wacky week

Friday, June 08, 2007

Another wacky week on the share market

Totally bizarre - that's what its all about. First- China goes down- and Wall Street goes up - then Wall Street plunges and China goes up.

The volatility is increasingly getting too fracky.

I thought this week would be a damn good easy run up. Just buy on Monday and sell on Friday - smooth sailing - no bumps. Sleep easy money.

Unfortunately not. It was about as crazy as a roller coaster ride.

I still made some money - unbelievably. Could have made more if I had just closed my eyes and ignored all the fracking warning signals. But I've done that before and got royally screwed.

But I've lived thru over 3 major crashes- 1997, April 2000, and 9/11. And that's just taught me one thing- manage your risk. Be careful and when the price is right on good quality stocks- buy.

The time now is to remain liquid, and cool.

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