Friday, September 27, 2013

Tonga August 2014

 I love swimming in the ocean, esp. in the deep clear blue sea where there is no perceivable depth. Its like flying in outer space. You look down and you can see streams of sunlight glittering down like crystal pillars.

I also love to swim with very large marine creatures. I've scuba dived and swam with whale sharks, manta rays, dolphins, sharks, barracudas, and humpback whales- the latter very briefly.

I've been to Niue in the South Pacific twice already - and both experiences were so-so. The encounters with the whales were very brief and infrequent.

The images coming from Tonga Island (near Niue) are very remarkable. I've seen video footage of the whales congregating like cows on a farm paddock.

I want to swim with a whale just to feel the sense of awe you get being side by such a massive intelligent mammal. I want to look at it in the eye and feel its gaze at me. I want to reach out and then feel the wave as it reaches out too with its massive flipper.

How good will that be!

So in August 2014, I'm going to Tonga to swim with humpback whales.

Watch the video - its breathtaking!

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