Saturday, October 25, 2008

Today's Bible Study... Commitment - committing

Commit: to pledge, to follow, to do things a specific way.

Today's Bible study was good. Thanks Elton! (if you're reading this) What I benefited from this was a timely warning or question:

What are you committed to?

Some people are committed to following the sensual desires of their heart. As the saying goes - "Whatever feels good - do it".

Some people are committed to their own personal ambition. Conquer the world. Become rich. etc..

But as Christians - we are committed to be holy. "Be Holy as God is holy." Clearly an impossible task. But with God - nothing is impossible. Matthew 5:48

The only way to do is - is to die to oneself - to become a living sacrifice. Having said that I believe that Salvation is a once only event - you say the prayer - the Spirit of God enters your life and you get that "ticket" to Heaven... but the process of finding out whether you're saved - working out your salvation - is an ongoing one. Genuine believers want to repent of their sins, they want to change. They may fail but they get up and keep on reforming themselves. They produce the fruits of God's Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness... Its a personal spiritual journey, not a 50m sprint.

Its a tough task. But Jesus himself said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made manifest in weakness." (2 Cor12:7) When we are rich, healthy, everything is going fine... its easy to forget God, or to treat his blessings lightly. But when things start going wrong... we need God's help. And we seek Him (probably more fervently :).

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