Sunday, February 08, 2009

The blackness of the night surrounds me

Recently I have been forced to witness as someone I know, self-destructs. The person has decided to refuse to admit mistakes, perhaps the magnitude of the folly is too much. And instead of seeking wise counsel, Pride disguised as genteel stoic self-respect prevents this. What is so laughable is that the person is so concerned with minuscule matters, and totally ignores the larger issue. Any form of human argument or gentle persuasion fails. Pride is an unassailable stronghold. I don't know how to help this person except to pray and despair.

Is the arm of the Lord too short to save? No. But will he help the proud and stubborn of heart?

In this blackness, I turn to music for solace.

This is one of my favorites. Hoodoo by Urna Chahartugchi. I think Hoodoo in Mongolian means the Steppes/Countryside.

I do not understand the words but I receive resonance from its emotion. The young female singer sings this with such poignanance.

I imagine myself somewhere out there - on the Mongolian steppes - lost in the blackness of the night, alone. Looking up at the stars, I feel so fragile, yet so alive.

You can listen to it here:

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