The address is 237 High Street, Prahran Vic 3181. Phone 95102318 and Mobile 0403858070. Do give them a call an hour before you show up, as it takes them sometime to prepare the fish.
It takes awhile to get there but I like driving in Melbourne Eastern
(Nowadays, the houses resemble something that came out of Lego. Yes, I know you see similar looking houses that have recently been built - but by comparison - they look so cliched and lack soul like they were built by industrial robots with zero taste.)
Anyways, Melbourne also also so many cute boutique shops like these
two. Beautiful, stylish, so European, with impeccable taste.
love driving in the east? Try the eastern freeway now after school holidays ends and Eastlink double the number of cars jammed in the traffic. I think you'll almost start to appreciate Connex then.
Oh so depressing aren't you Andrew lol. Cheer up. At least there's beautiful gothic and art deco buildings to stare at whilst you are in traffic.
Gotta try this Japanese place...
Don't forget to give them a phone call an hour before you come - otherwise you'll just end up waiting for awhile or not even getting anything as they are out of stock.
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