Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Murderers of little Jamie Bolger hailed as victims

No. Just when you thought the Australian Arts Community weren't depraved enough. They go one step further. Frankly I wish I could build a circus with hungry lions and tigers and throw the idiots who write and produce this sort of crap inside. Now that'd be a real laugh.,23599,24055305-1242,00.html

The murderers of British toddler Jamie Bulger are being given a sympathetic treatment in a controversial new comic play opening in Sydney tonight.

The play The Age of Consent presents a series of monologues by a character named Timmy, who is based on the two Jamie Bulger killers Robert Thompson and Jon Venables.

Director Shannon Murphy believes the play, showing at the Old Fitzroy Theatre, presents the boy as "both criminal and victim".

"I feel a huge amount of compassion for the Timmy character," she said yesterday.

"The media absolutely destroyed those two boys and constantly called them monsters and evil children, and it was probably the first time children were really demonised in that way."

Thompson and Venables were both 11 years old in 1993 when they were found guilty of brutally murdering two-year-old Bulger after luring him away from a shopping centre in Merseyside, England.

"It's very dark, some people don't know whether to laugh or not because you're constantly teetering on this point of asking, 'Is laughing at this wrong?'," she said.

"It is a black, black comedy and Peter Morris' writing is so witty, really sharp."

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