Part of the problem is caused apparently by landing on the back of the heel as opposed to the first part of the foot.
One thing that can solve the problem is doing more stretching to improve flexibility.
Like most people - I don't stretch. Or don't stretch in the right spots. Afterall, if you are already tight in those areas- you naturally avoid aggravating them.
Google is your friend. I did some searches and found these two easy stretching excises. The first one you can do sitting on your office chair.
1. Sit Up Straight
2. Cross your legs - so that the thighs are not touching - and lean forward.
(Crossed your legs in a figure 4 and lean forward feeling a stretch, for effect you can look up and down - Piriformis stretch.)
This is great for business meetings - as your colleagues will assume you are trying to concentrate on your work.
The second one you can do on the floor or on your bed. Don't know what to do when you wake up = how about a good stretch?
For more information goto Dr site
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