First off - its the acceptance of the fact that we are sinners - doomed to damnation or a nasty time in eternity.
Second - its the acceptance of the sacrifice of Jesus, our God, for the redemption of our sins. Thus - Salvation by the grace of God not by works so that no one can boast.
Third - its submitting to the Lordship of Jesus - meaning we humble ourselves before God and take His lead.
Fourth- Obey the Golden Rule: Love God. And care for your neighbor as you would yourself.
Fifth - that God is just and good and in the end he will judge everyone for their actions and reward accordingly.
Sixth: OK... what I really want to say is this - Christians are to exhibit the fruits of the God's Spirit - meaning showing Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness.
It really doesn't matter if Christians claim to prophesy, speak in tongues, raise the dead etc.. - if they don't exhibit those qualities. So what? big deal - you can't even pass the basic requirement. Empty Drums make the most noise.
Charismatics, Fundamentals, Evangalicals Born-again Baptist, bah! Why all these classifications? Does it u give a feeling of superiority if you claim to be from a particular denomination that has "special calling" or "superior insight" or "a unique annointing"? How childish is all that.
I'm a Christian. I believe in Jesus and the Fatherhood of God - I believe Jesus died to save me from my sins - that His Spirit dwells in me. I acknowledge that I am nothing without him - and whatever earthly goods I have will be forfeit when I die. I believe that through the power of prayer and his spirit I can move mountains. I believe in the sovereign will of God. And I accept that I am human prone to failure. But by the grace of God when I fall down, I get up again.
I'll go further - if someone who claims to be a Christian - and does not exhibit those qualities - love joy peace patience kindness goodness - and doesn't want to change - such a person is not a Christian. I mean, seriously, why bother going to revivial meetings, church etc. in the first place? Too often I see people who claim to be Christians - being impatient, proud, intolerant, obnoxious, rude, selfish, self-centered, arrogant, deceitful, bad tempered - to their own flesh and blood even their own children, their friends. They refuse to heed advice and are defiant. In fact, they stubbornly refuse to even consider repenting, despite the fact that their sins are so obvious - and are hurting other people. But they don't give a damn. Such people I know are fakes and will probably go to hell. If you think about it, they really belong there.
All I can say is that you can pray for them - but otherwise seek to disassociate yourself from such people - they've chosen their path, no amount of rational talking will dissuade them. Heck, even if Jesus Christ came down from Heaven and spoke to them personally - he'd be thrown out of their homes in less than three days.
Your words are very insightful and well timed.
Thank you for reminding me what a Christian is all about.
Thanks Jeffrey, its been said that if Christians behaved they were suppose to behave for a day - the whole world will turn to God.
Love what you wrote :) Well done!
Indeed. However, whether one is Christian or not, the most basic thing to do is to show respect to fellow human beings whatever their belief systems are. Many a times, i have met christians who 'condemn' other people just because they don't share the same faith. I think this is very wrong. Anyhow, every faith has its share of bad hats. Thats what make us humans - imperfect.
Yes, thats true. Too often people are quick to pass judgment on others - and try and put them down (to make themselves feel superior). Having said that - there are some aspects of some religions which need to be spoken out against.
Glad that rationale human beings are discussing this topic logically here... :)
Its one of the key components that make us human - reason and logic. :) - as opposed to being motivated by instinct and desire.
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