Saturday, July 19, 2008

Cervical Cancer Vaccine leads to deaths

Quite sad. Read on. The cure may be worse than the disease.

THE new cervical cancer jab is believed to be behind a huge jump in the number of women and girls suffering bad reactions to vaccinations .

The first annual vaccination statistics for New South Wales to include Gardasil reveal a 1600 per cent surge in reported adverse side-effects among young females who were immunised last year.

These include allergic reactions, collapsing, dizziness, nausea and unexplained illnesses.

New female cases pushed the total adverse reactions to immunisations last year to the highest on record. NSW Health says it is monitoring the situation closely, but said the results did not outweigh the benefits of the vaccination program.

Australian-developed Gardasil vaccinations were introduced to girls aged 12 and 13 through federal Government-funded school programs last year. They are also offered free to 13- to 18-year-olds as part of a catch-up program, and to young women aged up to 26.

Another eight deaths in just the past few months are being connected to Gardasil, Merck & Co.'s vaccine that targets the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus and is being considered by many states as mandatory for all schoolgirls, according to documents released by Judicial Watch.

There also have been another 1,824 adverse reactions to the drug, bringing the "known total" of such problems to 3,461, according to the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption.

"In light of this information, it is disturbing that state and local governments might mandate in any way this vaccine for young girls," said Tom Fitton, the group's president. "These adverse reactions reports suggest the vaccine not only causes serious side effects, but might even be fatal."


Kathleen Ang said...

thank God I had to turn 27 just before the vaccination was available then.
how could it be out in the market when it is still so dangerous for human consumption??

Yauming YMC said...

Trendy drug of the moment I guess. And happy incompetent officials.