First off - its the acceptance of the fact that we are sinners - doomed to damnation.
Second - its the acceptance of the sacrifice of Jesus, our God, for the redemption of our sins.
Third - its submitting to the Lordship of Jesus - meaning we humble ourselves before God and take His lead.
OK... what I really want to say is this - Christians are suppose to exhibit the fruits of the God's Spirit - meaning showing Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness.
It really doesn't matter if Christians claim to prophecy, speak in tongues, raise the dead etc.. - if they don't exhibit those qualities. Empty Drums make the most noise (if you wack them.) So what big deal - you can't even pass the basic requirement. Go to jail, don't pass Go.
I'll go further - if someone who claims to be a Christian - and does not exhibit those qualities - and doesn't give a damn. Such a person even a Christian.
Too often I see people who claim to be Christians being proud, intolerant, obnoxious, rude, selfish, self-centered, arrogant, deceitful, bad tempered - to their own flesh and blood even their own children, their friends. They refuse to hear advice and don't want to change. In fact, they stubbornly refuse to even consider repenting. Such people I know are fakes and will probably go to hell. They really belong there.
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