But in a lot of instances- education (I'm not talking about hard technical education like medicine, motor mechanics, engineering, math) - is an indoctrination exercise.
The teachers try and make their students think like them, to share their own bias and prejudice.
Whats not taught - is how to think intelligently with logic and with understanding of the context.
Its too easy to look at a problem in a superficial way and pronounce judgement. Its harder to think deeply about the issues and render a careful, wise response. (And unfortunately, since most people are shallow - making wise decisions will probably get you rejected).
It is my misfortune to have to encounter really dumb people who on the surface seem fairly sane and smart. One particular example is a person who has it all. Blessed with a good family, total 300% financial security, a great place to live - its like Eden meets the Playboy Mansion.
Yet, through plain stupidity created by a desire for "face", pride in other words, this person is on the verge of losing it all. Just does not have contentment. Its like seeing Eve get thrown out of The Garden - then miraculously get forgiven and brought back in the next day - and then going straight back and eating from the same damn tree again. "OOOOhh... trust me I know what I'm doing."
WTF?? Unfathomable. Baffling.
Frankly, I find it totally sickening, repulsive, abhorrent. Totally disgusting. Thinking about it for any length of time just spoils my day.
In the Bible its written that some people are blessed with riches, wealth - but unfortunately, not with common sense and contentment. A grave tragedy.
They keep on struggling and striving, fighting against unseen demons, threats, when in actual fact, they are just fighting with themselves.
To them - the grass is always greener on the other side. And they despise what they have to seek what they can't obtain.
Its no shame to admit that somethings are beyond your capabilities. That you are out of your depth. In fact, its a good thing; otherwise, people will be jumping off buildings attempting to fly like an eagle but end up crashing like a sack of rotten tomatoes.
Common sense would usually steer us from that leap of faith.
Wisdom would help us locate the elevator.
Contentment would help us avoid getting up onto the stupid mountain in the first place.
Update: Of course, I'm not poohing on discoveries, new inventions etc.. Sitting back on our bums and doing bugger all is not what I'm advocating either. What I'd like to see is a more balanced way at looking at things eschewing extremist and overtly risky measures.
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