Well... maybe.
But consider this. How bad can it get? Could it be worse than being in a besieged city during a Mongol invasion? The Bubonic Plague? The Black Death that wiped out half of Europe and goodness knows how many others in the rest of the world?
What about the Inquisition brought to you by fellow Christians, the French Revolution by democrats, the capture of Constantinople by the Muslims, the Nazi Holocaust, the Japanese Occupation in the 1940s, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Stalin's bloody reign of terror, Mao's Great Leap Backwards, and having to sit through yet another boring sermon that doesn't seem to end??? I mean, oh, the humanity!!!
Just kidding.
But seriously, imagine you were there. And having to endure what horrors those people went through. Wait, imagine going back there in a Time Machine ... say Auschwitz in 1944 or the Persecution in ancient Rome and telling them - Hey, chill bro, don't worry! It could be worse, it could be... (pause for dramatic effect)... the Last Days!!
I reckon they'd would give you a beating you wouldn't forget.
I think whilst its good to ponder perhaps briefly about the Book of Revelation - and the Last Days - you might consider that all our days on earth are numbered. (Except for me, cos I'm an immortal, but I digress) One day, you will face your Last Day, hopefully lying peacefully in a hospital bed with your loved ones around you. And so with that in mind - whilst you are here on Earth, try and do good and make it a better place for your family, friends, and neighbors.
Pray for your family. Pray for Iraq. Pray for Africa. Pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in the Muslim world where they face terrible persecution daily. Pray for the person who lives down the street who has cancer. Pray for the stubborn, stupid obnoxious relatives that the Evil Satan put here on Earth to torment you. (lol :^) And pray that God will use you to make things better. Hence the phrase coined by Jesus - Be the Salt and Light of the World.
Small acts of kindness are miracles in this indifferent world. Trying to show kindness to someone who doesn't deserve it - is truly an Act of God.
Trying to do the right moral thing in the face of persecution takes more than just courage; its requires the Spirit of God. And that is what I would call - doing the Will of God.
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