Thursday, May 14, 2009

Solomon's Song of Songs: Trying too hard to fit a Round Peg in a Square Hole

"You're really reaching there". I can't remember where I heard that expression from. Its used to describe people who are trying pathetically hard to do a (likely futile) task.

I always cringe whenever I hear a theologian trying to ascribe theological insights into Solomon's Song of Songs, ie. claiming its only about Jesus' marriage with the church. Indirectly perhaps. But to preach from the whole book of Sol's Song of Songs in its entirety??? And trying to draw theological insights from 8:10 ???

It reminds me of a horrible sermon preached once by a pentecostal layman preacher where he made comments about "making love to Jesus" during his quiet time - and how we must have "a love nest" with God. wtf???

Aiiiiyohhhhhh.... and they wonder why there is a drop off in church attendance.

Solomon's Song of Songs is a small book (numbering only a few pages) in the Bible = just after Proverbs and Eccelsiastes. Its all about a king and his new blushing bride. To me- its a poem mainly about a king and his blushing young bride. They obviously love each other and go into some detail about their love making. Hey, and I think its good. Love, sex - its all part of God's design. Great! We get, in between other books about fire, sin, judgement, plucking out ones eye due to lust, brimestone, unforgivable sin, eternity in the Lake of Fire, eternal damnation, we get a book celebrating God ordained sex and love. Wonderful! However....

Occasionally you get preachers who preach from it and attempt to claim that the book is only and all about Jesus and the church. And when they do, I feel like jumping up  and harangue the preacher: Ayah!!! Cmon. That Solomon? The one with 100,000 wives and concubines? Honestly, can't you find another book in the Bible to preach on today???? Pleeeeeaseeeee!!!!! Spare me the Agony!!!!!

Why can't they leave it alone? The sexual allusions contained in it make it too hard to fit into a straight forward Biblical allegory about Jesus and the Church. Besides, you can't preach that sort of thing in a Sunday Church service where there are many Christians and non-believers of different faith levels and ages. I mean seriously. Don't go there man. There are what over 100 other books in the Bible to preach from. Don't do this.

(Haha on a contrary note, I just remembered one of my Sunday school songs: "My beloved is mine and I am his, His Banner of me is Love." I love that song. )


Jeremy N said...

You would have loved to hear SPTG's sermon on the Songs!

Yauming YMC said...

Lord saveth us from the Mongols, Vikings, and wacky preachers!!!!