One thing puzzles me quite a bit about the Japanese though. They've sometimes got a fubar way of thinking.
Check this out:
Japanese Scientist have claimed that after killing 4,500+ whales that Global Warming may... be responsible for whales getting thiner and may be in danger of extinction as a result.
Yes, you read that right. After slaughtering thousands of rare endangered whales over the last 20 years - Japanese scientist reckon global warming is posing a risk to the whale population.
So sad. Click on the photo for the full article.
it's the season to blame everything on global warming...
Well possibly. But do they have to kill whales to prove that whales are having problems? And the way they kill dolphins too.... arghhh....
and have been known to accidentally harpoon the stray scuba diver too... :)
Anyway, I'm getting fed up by this whole "it must be global-warming" crap in Japan. Anyone who is utterly ignorant about global warming is blaming global warming on every freakish event. Essentially they have been lied to by many agencies, seriously those people are so damn easy to lie to considering all the innocently ignorant comments I have had to listen to.
yep.... back to pumping out more carbon from the tailpipe of an Evo. :) Life goes on...
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