"Help me George Bush. You're my only hope." the film maker was reported to have said.
Mullah Sheik Obi Norobi, one of the leaders of the rebel group, have threatened to keep Lucas imprison until: "He reveals the Joowish Consipracy plans to take hold of the Senate, and planning 911."
The US government is astonished how this insignificant and very small rebel group has gotten hold of Lucas - who was last seen at his home at Skywalker Ranch in America, a thousand light years away from the hidden fortress.
Commentators are saying this kidnapping is highly ironic given Lucas' revelation that he based the rebels of his famous Star Wars story on the terrorist groups and Vietcong communist insurgents in the 1960s and 1970s.
No doubt Lucas had also in mind the Weathermen Underground and ultimate poor rich girl Patty Hearst.
US commanders have denied reports that they are organizing special forces to rescue the film maker. "Heck no! Don't you know that violence leads to anger, anger to pain, yoda yada ? We're not going to send storm troopers in. Who do they think we are? The Empire??? Good lord, no, we will have decided to use only peaceful negotiation to obtain his release! So please Obi Norobi - help us!", said a bemused American military spokesperson, who gave his name as Princess Leia.
Faux News Press.
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