Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Why the environmental movement is full of bullsh1t. Its probably that way because most of its leaders are ex-hippies whose brains are messed up up their drug experiments in the 1960s and 1970s.... and probably August 2008.

Having said that, I do agree that mankind has been notably destructive on the environment -  whaling, cynaide and dynamite fishing and other unsustainable industries are really fubar and should be stopped.Other things like baby seal fur, mink coats, which are farmed and can be sustained - I have no issue with. Indigenous people have been using and trading in fur for thousands of years - its natural not synthetic - and provides income for native cultures - good for them! What's required is less rhectoric and more logic and rational thought. Communist and socialist who want us to go back to a utopian world, where they smoke bong all day and read from the works of Karl Marx and Al Gore - need not apply.


Jeremy N said...

You want rhetoric?
Aboriginals in Australia get to hunt both threatened and endangered wildlife in Australian National Parks- namely turtles and dugong. They also have free reign to kill native animals that are otherwise protected except under permit.
Best bit is, they get to use 'traditional' methods - ie, throwing sticks, spears, dead-fall traps and clubs. How very humane.....

Yauming YMC said...

"cultural context" mate. Repeat after me.

Jeremy N said...

hehe okay... "cultural context.... cultural context....."

.......Martini-Henry and strychinine........

Yauming YMC said...

You're going for the gun show mate? I'll probably be there on Sunday with Yang.