Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Rampant Drug Culture: Doing Cocaine is Acceptable

So you've a young professional working in the Attorney-General's Department, nominated as Young Australian of the Year, you get caught doing coccaine... and the response is....???

"I'm not ashamed of the fact that I have used cocaine. I know I took drugs but I still did a good job."

"happily admit" to the District Court to snorting 3g of cocaine a week...

Your former boss, Assistant Director-General Michael Talbot, even gives evidence that the Attorney-General's Department wants you back despite the criminal charges she faced. "There was no impediment of her returning to work."

and you get a long string of defenders...

Read the rest of the crazy news here.
I'm pretty sure (cocaine, ganga etc..) drug use in the Western World will soon become legal. What an irony isn't it? 100 years after the West forced China to accept the Opium trade, the former sellers are in turn corrupted by it. Talk about "sins of the fathers"...

When I read this sort of fubar news about a Society falling apart - I realize that Civilization and decent behavior is a very fragile thing. I'm also reminded of the ancient Greek proverb: "Those that the Gods want to destroy, they drive insane first."

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