St Marks hosts a classic music cantata - singing the classics. In this case, Bach's Cantata No. 140: Awaken Sleeper the Voice is Calling or (Wachet auf uns dis Stimme)."
Special thanks to its choir master - Christopher J. Luke - who has does a fantastic work with the music direction of St. Marks. Unfortunately, this will be his last year of service as he is relocating to Tasmania next year.
It was magnificent. Superb. The last time the church xmas choir sang this song was in 2003 - actually, that concert was much better (it had a larger number of scholar singers and a bigger orchestra). But it was really soul filling to hear the music again. (And my crazy memory) can actually recall the music and the musicians who performed this sweet piece 5 years ago.
This time round, I thought the solo violinist played well - but could have done with a mike for amplification. I was sitting directly in front of her and thought the music was somehow lost in the ambiance of that great church hall.
The soprano was a woman in her late 40s - but she sang with clarity and smoothness like the voice of an angel.
I know this might sound strange. But ( I believe that) God finds many small ways to bless me. I got a front row seat for this performance - and really the music overwhelmed me with joy and passion.
Rejoice in the Lord always I say again rejoice!!
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