Some background: when I was growing up as a child - I lived in an old part of Singapore. There were a lot of grand homes and estates that had been abandoned and were falling apart.
First One
I'm back in English Middlesummer style white bungalow. I'm fixing up things, patching gaps, and generally having some success at it. I step outside - its night. The air is cold. Then I see a gypsy child, a spooky child standing in my back garden in the middle of the night. She's just staring at me. Initially I pay her no attention; I turn away but she's still there starring at me with an evil satanic look. I know its not a child but a demon masquerading as one.
Second Part
I'm at home. Its night. I go to the pantry. And find that the kitchen wallboard has been written over. The handwriting is beautiful; its my sister's work but she (in reality) has bad handwriting. The bakelite clock shows the wrong time.
Third Part
I get back home, I see the French sliding doors are unopened. The wind is blowing the curtains in hard. I get upset as I think I'm the one who left the door opened. I close it but then see one of my family members outside. XZ is making a bonfire and chanting loudly. I call out to XZ to come in but my cries go unheeded. There is a mighty storm brewing. The family member gives me an angry look and I realize there is no point. I do not open the door.
The First One is creepy..
Yeah it was freaky. In the nightmare, I called out for the other pple in the house to come out and help me fight off the evil spirit. There was nothing physically scary about her - just the dripping malevolent presence.
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