Saturday, November 22, 2008

Its Raining - poem

Its raining. Again.
Pouring like a waterfall.
Its been going for
So much Rain!
It surges through the storm water drains
Like a mighty river.
I stand by the balcony and listen.
Listen to its heartbeat.
Entranced by the torrential downpour
Its sweet fragrance.

The land is being cleansed.
Washed. Renewed. Baptized.
It seldom rains where I come from.
And if it does, it is slight.
The land is dry and hard.
Thirsty. Parched.
There is no love.
God has forsaken the land.
A man will cross an ocean to escape from such a place

Copyright: YMC Nov 2008


Classiclicious Jo Ann C said...

Nice poem....I like it:)

Yauming YMC said...

Thanks. I made it up last night. I like watching it rain here. Its real rain - not the poor excuse we get in Melbourne. :)

Classiclicious Jo Ann C said...

I also like to watch the rain from my window :)

Yauming YMC said...

Don't we all... don't we all...