Australia sure is a funny place.
This cab driver, an immigrant, stabbed his wife in the head - and the courts have allowed him to keep his cab driver license and keep driving. Meanwhile, newspapers are not allowed to reveal his secret identity.
(In America- normally, super heroes are allowed to keep their secret id - in Australia, its killer insane cab drivers... go figure)
Frankly, this would make more sense - if the cab driver was hired to be the personal driver of the judges and magistrates. But I don't see the hypocrites hiring.
that's 'cause all our cab drivers are like that. :P
Take a ride one day and find out for yourself.
No thanks! Singapore cab drivers are so much better and cheaper.
you've got no sense of fun... nor danger!
I'd rather swim with a thousand Barracuda, swim with a Whale Shark, go hunting with Manta Rays - and go diving in places where the ocean depth is bottomless; that's what I call fun.
maybe he'll brach out into water taxi's. :D
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