Overcrowded. No Water. An incompetent State govt that has managed to bankrupt the state coffers during the last decade of prosperity. Equally incompetent local councils who know how to purchase overpriced art work but can't fix a road pothole. The Gay Mardi Gras where gays go out of their way to prove people's prejudices correct about their behavior. And a fubar justice system which seeks to protect the wicked at the expense of the innocent. That's Sydney for you. Or should we say - Sodom.
Read on...
A SYDNEY teenager is living in fear after a neighbour who was jailed for sexually abusing her moved back into the house next door.
Two weeks ago, the Macquarie Fields man finished serving a sentence of five years and two months for an attack on his young neighbour, and immediately moved back into his home.
However, a NSW Corrective Services spokeswoman said there were no restrictions on the man's movements.
"He served his full sentence. He's not on parole," she said.
"Under the law ... there is no restrictions." Meanwhile, ...
Convicted pedophile Kenneth Tillman has been released from prison. He was recently released after completing a 10-year sentence for the rape of a nine-year-old girl. He refused to undergo rehabilitation or counselling sessions to deal with his lust for young children.
The Police promise to keep a careful watch on the guy... Tillwhatshisface... in between their trips to CRISPY CREME DONUTS.
I honestly don't understand how a democracy can elect officials who seem to do their utmost to protect the most vile criminals. Isn't the justice system designed to protect the community from scum like this? Or is everything topsy turvy down under?
Melbourne is no different... only probly trailing by 2 years. :O
I don't understand it - how can a society implement laws that they know will harm its weakest members.
simple... we've got an ALP government. Even though its against the fabric of the ALP those people couldn't even collectively organize a drink up in a pub no matter how they tried.
Frankly I think Australia is doomed if they allow the ALP to be in power. The problem is half the country think the Labor Party is alright. I only see a downhill slide.
yep.. the fubar half.
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