Thursday, April 23, 2009

Running in Ruffeys Park and seeing an Angel run pass

I walked/ran to the park near my home today. Total distance is about 10km. I mostly walked - the base of my spine was hurting whenever I started running.

So. I can't seem to fall asleep at night. I put the blame on lack of exercise. At the moment, I do little of it. Gardening doesn't count.

Biologically we are for movement and hard physical work. Our ancestors had to run from lions, chase after animals, work the plow, dig for food, and walk everywhere or on horseback if we were lucky to catch a horse, etc..

When I was in High School I went to bed at 9pm and couldn't sleep until 2am.

On my first day in the Army I thought I better inform the Sargent about my insomnia. I didn't need to. By the 2nd day, I was in ZZZ land the second my head touched the pillow. In fact I was so exhausted from the training, I'd fall asleep everywhere, even running. Once after getting back home from the base, I fell asleep for 28 hours and woke up wondering why it was still night time. Good job I woke up as I had to be at Graduation Parade in a few hours time. If I had missed that, I'd have ended up in military prison with the most sad arse story.

Anyways, by the time I got halfway around the running trip I was quite buggered. I haven't exercised in ages... Then this gorgeous girl runs pass me - ivory skin, beautiful blonde hair, and a lovely proportionate figure. She ran by with the sunlight glittering in her golden locks. And all my problems seemed to fade away. And I gave thanks to God for being so alive.

I love the small moments of happiness in life. :)

I beg your pardon if I come across as being rather amorous. But honestly if we can't admire the opposite sex in our everyday life then life would be very dull indeed. Its a natural instinct; no shame to say the lady is a dame.

The funny thing about our society is that we are usually commended for speaking falsehood. I guess its sometimes called diplomacy.

But when we speak our mind freely, we are condemned for it. There's no point gilding crap and claiming its gold.

Anyways, I think I'll go running again tomorrow :) (And hopefully, I'd run faster so that I can get her phone number.)


Jelissa Mei said...

Sometimes an object (or person) of beauty can make you forget for just that fleeting moment, all your worries and troubles in the world. I for one, am guilty of that at least once a week :p

Teddy Ursa said...

Nothing wrong with admiring beauty. And if it gives you motivation to do better, be happier, work harder, etc, etc, why not? :)

Have fun and good luck!