Was watching TV at about 5pm when I heard a rustling noise coming from the toaster. Went over to investigate and out jumped a small gray mouse. It was tiny. Probably about the same size as the standard notebook computer mouse. I tried scaring it out the front door - but it disappeared into a cavity in my wall cupboard.
Initially I thought it had gotten into the cupboard - but later found a very small hole the size of a 10 cent coin.
I went out and bought a few traps for my furry friend. Men, as you know, like to catch small furry things.
One of my friend was also very kind to loan me their cat for the weekend. Thanks Andrew and Nina!!!
And I set up a trap using the "humane mouse trap" Cost about $2.60 at Bunnings.
Smeared the inside end as instructed with peanut butter. But seemed to have no success for a day or so.Andrew and Nina brought their cat over. It roamed around for an hour or so. Seemed to even like my VW Beetle. hahaha.
After dinner the cat got interested with the trap. It wasn't activated at this stage.Then the cat stuck its hand inside as if it was trying to get at something. The trap door shut.
Right now Cat is stalking something else. I guess there may be more than one mouse in the house... errkk...
I tried photographing the cat - but it just won't stay still at the moment.
After dinner the cat got interested with the trap. It wasn't activated at this stage.Then the cat stuck its hand inside as if it was trying to get at something. The trap door shut.
I thought it was playing around -but when I picked up the trap it felt a tad heavy. I shook it - but didn't hear anything rattling inside.
Just to be on the same side, I called the cat over - by this time it seemed to have lost all interest.
I opened the lid - and out popped the mouse!!! Argghh!!! The cat caught it straight away.
Played with it for half a minute - I thought it would let it go - then cat ate mouse happily. It must have loved the taste of that mouse because after that the cat didn't want to have anymore milk or commercial cat food. But instead went to hunting mode. I opened the lid - and out popped the mouse!!! Argghh!!! The cat caught it straight away.
Right now Cat is stalking something else. I guess there may be more than one mouse in the house... errkk...
I tried photographing the cat - but it just won't stay still at the moment.
Ok...cats. The most disgusting pets ever. Mine dragged in a bat the other day. Other trophies include dried leaves, roaches, frogs and birds.
My cat at home (my profile pix) does not catch anything. She is the most un-cat-like cat I have ever seen. We also used to have a cat that would choke on fish bone!
A few nights ago, a friend recounted his adventure of catching a rat in his house. He didn't set any trap and somehow managed to corner the rat and whacked it to death. It was a real mess and he was somewhat traumatized by the event. I think it isn't easy trying to be The Man of the house. :P
argh battery of the senses!!!
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