Monday, April 06, 2009

Classical Music FM Melbourne

One of the best things about living in Melbourne is the quality of the FM classical radio station(s). There's only two - one government and one commercial. But both of them - ABC Classic FM and 3MBS - have excellent programs - and we don't get repeats or ridiculous ads like we do in Singapore.

God knows why Singapore can't produce a decent classic FM station. But considering how the govt wants to have a user pay system for everything - they'd just fill it with 2nd rate music and tons of annoying advertisements.

They don't know what they are missing. Whenever I hear a truly exceptional classical music - my soul is quieten - I listen and am uplifted in my spirit. I try and stop whatever I'm doing and just enjoy this slice of heaven.

On Sunday nights on ABC FM - they regularly play classical "holy" or church music. Listen to it when you have the time.

I just listened to Guerrero Vexilla Regis - The Choir of Westminster Cathedral/James O'Donnell (Helios CDH55313) - and its calmed me down like an angel's voice.

For overseas listeners - you can tune in at:

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