This is a sample from the scuba diving forum. One of the funny things my dive group found was a big 12 inch knife.
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http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/underwater-treasures/87336-things-youve-found-under-water-post4350682.html#post4350682 Posted by: mk-ultra
On: April 13th, 2009 05:00 PM
My friend and I brought our dive gear on a lakeside camping trip in the El Dorado "desolation wilderness" area near Lake Tahoe. We weren't even sure we were going to dive it -- snorkeling on previous trips revealed little of interest, but what the heck -- might as well get in some practice.
About 60' from shore, slinking along the mostly yucky bottom, I catch what looks like a piece of black pipe sticking out from the muck with my light. I swim over, give it a tug, and OMG -- it's a rifle. More specifically, an AR-15 or M-16. We both surface and give it a look-over. It's in great shape... no rust.
Stamped on the left side near the magazine:
Property of US Govt
M-16 A2
Cal 5.56 MM
[serial number]
with a Colt stamp to the right of the magazine.
My buddy and I were pretty bug-eyed by our find. I made sure the fire selector was on safe and we brought it back in, mostly going "holy ***** holy ***** holy *****" the whole time.
Back on land I hit the magazine release and pulled the charging handle back to see that nothing was chambered. Hrm. Something looks weird.
Looking at the top of the magazine -- this "M-16" turned out to be one of those expensive Japanese replica airsoft guns. Real metal (with a plastic stock and foregrip -- just like a real M-16)... and realistic weight. Guess some kids in a boat were out screwing around and dropped it overboard?
Feel sorry for whoever lost it -- I found they're about $400. We talked to the rangers to see if anyone had reported it missing. Nope. Our toy now :-P Gave it three soaks in the bathtub, blew it out with compressed air and let it dry, lubed it with teflon, and replaced the battery pack. Works like a charm!
Mostly used for ambushing cardboard boxes in my living room. Mostly.
http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/underwater-treasures/87336-things-youve-found-under-water-post4351607.html#post4351607 Posted by: Timoblue
On: April 14th, 2009 12:34 AM
In Okinawa, Japan we find panties all the time, I am just waiting for one of these night dives when I return to the exit only to scare the piss out of one of these skinny dippers.
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Just don't get caught wearing them at the same time :D
Rusty bread knife.
PadLock with key in place.
Fancy mask.
1 fin.
Peace n quiet.
http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/underwater-treasures/87336-things-youve-found-under-water-post4356399.html#post4356399 Posted by: Graeme Tolton
On: April 15th, 2009 09:49 PM
6 pack of coca cola (full)
100' safety spool
100's of fishing lures
5/8" combination wrench
Antique bottles
Marine flare casing
5 pin bowling ball
flower vase
mastercraft 3/8" ratchet
Face mask
Mesh loot bag
Set of false teeth (got a reward for that one)
Much much more... can't remember any others right now.
http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/underwater-treasures/87336-things-youve-found-under-water-post4362072.html#post4362072 Posted by: piffle
On: April 18th, 2009 07:13 AM
My buddy and I were diving a small quarry and found a gun safe. We returned with a lift bag, floated the safe over to the bank and broke it open. Empty. We figured someone stole the guns and ditched the safe.
http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/underwater-treasures/87336-things-youve-found-under-water-post4362321.html#post4362321 Posted by: sibermike7
On: April 18th, 2009 10:47 AM
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We pulled 3 gun safes from Tallinn harbor last year during Project Aware clean-up! Of course all were empty! :depressed:
Underwater Fishing
http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/underwater-treasures/87336-things-youve-found-under-water-post4362769.html#post4362769 Posted by: Baracuda Smile
On: April 18th, 2009 07:09 PM
---Quote (Originally by Ready Diver)---
That's funny that you found a fishing pole. I was diving with a buddy in Monterey and at about 80` found a deep sea fishing pole - bout 10 feet long. My buddy decided to bring it up, so he carried it for another 20 min or so until the end of the dive! It's good to get rid of some of the trash out there.
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http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/underwater-treasures/87336-things-youve-found-under-water-94.html#post4363839 Posted by: FossilDiverDad
On: April 19th, 2009 09:55 AM
Found in Ginnie Springs 4/09 :gold wedding band,diamond earring,gold loop earring,4 .22 bullets,cheap gold plated necklace,silver loop earring,piece of turtle shell, $0.66 change,snorkle keeper all on 1 dive !
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