In it, Melbourne's most dangerous sex offenders might be placed indefinitely behind bars after their prison sentence is up.
This new proposal was prompted by the rape of "Jessica" who was savagely raped by a serial sex offender who was unrepentant and seemed to make raping women his first goal after being released from jail.
However, the High-Risk Offender Panel which reviews the cases and makes recommendations to the govt. prosecutor's office is being run by Council chairman Prof Arie Freiberg. Who appears to be a total nutcase. He claims that
the model had to balance protection of the community with protection of the rights of prisoners under the state's new Charter of Human Rights.
"Whatever you need to do, you should do it in a way that is least restrictive of a person's rights," Prof Freiberg said.
I mean, seriously??? Say again??? Tell me again Professor... whose rights are we suppose to be protecting again? A defenseless 45kg woman or a 150kg nutcase rapist who makes crocs look like lambs?
"Jessica" was unimpressed by the emphasis on human rights.
"I'm obviously quite biased but I believe after a certain time you've got to be able to give up some of those human rights because you don't deserve them," she said.
"How many opportunities do you get to exercise your basic human rights before you're no longer considered a human?" Jessica said people like her attacker were "more like an animal".
Well, Jessica, "they" seem to be the sort of animal that the dear Professor would like in his backyard.
Prof Freiberg touts one option where the animals... are supervised and released into the community.
"The whole focus here is on managing risk to the community, not on punishment of an offender because their punishment will have expired at the end of their sentence," Prof Freiberg said.
WWWHAT??? Managing Risk??? What a crock of shit. "The whole focus is on MANAGING RISK"??? That's a bit like saying- geez this rabid dog chewed off the face of a child last month- let's place it a block away from a kindergarten and see what happens next?
I can't believe this justice bureaucrat is actually advocating letting monsters into unsuspecting people's neighborhood. That's about the same as playing Russian Roulette with the lives of unknowing innocent people. But then again, this seems to happen all the time in Australia. And all the state pollys do is to shrug their shoulders and look away. The problem is that Australian generally take a light hearted view on crime and reckon that most criminals are bad because of the system. Maybe. But the solution isn't to let convicted murderers and rapists run loose and ruin the lives of ordinary good citizens.
This Professor ought to be placed in a small room with several angry starving pitbull dogs so that he can supervise them. After they've bitten off several chunks of his thigh, arms, and his bits of his face, he may learn something useful. But I suspect not.
Frankly, if it was up to me- I'd lock up the Professor with the his beloved criminals too. There- risk management solved!
1 comment:
In my opinion, rapists should be castrated. Hurt them where they hurt. That's the only way to stop them repeating their offences again.
Sorry if you think I'm too mean, but I have no pity for people who go around ruining others' lives just like that for the sake of their own pleasures.
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