The strange thing is that whilst the state govt refer to such rapists as "attackers" or "sexual predators" or "monsters"- it hardly treat them as the animals they are.
If there was an animal that was terrorizing your neighbourhood, attacked children- you'd most likely catch it and kill it. You wouldn't catch it- then drop it off in an unsuspecting suburb far from your home- and not notify the people living there of the problem, unless you were a sick person.
But there's what the Australian legal system is all about- after they catch the rapist, and after a lengthy and expensive court trial, following by several appeals made by his tax funded lawyers - they put him in jail for awhile... maybe 2 years on good behavior, then the Australian legal system puts the cretin back into a neighbourhood or relocates him to a seperate State.
For example, in February 2006, a convicted villan, sex offender and robber was relocated from Western Australia to Victoria. The Vic Govt wasn't interested in monitering him or at the very least, warning his neighbours of his previous offences. He subsequently raped and murdered his neighbours, two sisters. This is what the Labor Premier Steve Bracks did about it:
Meanwhile, Victorian Premier Steve Bracks will not be pushing for tougher monitoring of known sex offenders, despite the murders. Mr Bracks has refused to weigh into the debate on whether Watkins should have been allowed to live without supervision.
In fact, Bracks also defended the lenient sentences given to the murderer in previous cases. The man had a string of violent crimes. You would think that a govt state leader whose main concern should be for the community he serves - would at the very least - do something to prevent such criminals from reoffending. But to Labor leader, Steve Bracks, he prefers to defend the very system that failed the two sisters whose throats were cut by a notorious violent criminal.
Do such labor politicians care whether these monsters reoffend? No, it doesn't seem so. Yet, they and the civil advocates will defend the criminal's "rights" to the death. Then when the rapist murders a defenceless child or woman- they'll say some bullshit about "the pitfalls of a complex modern humancentric society" and somehow blame it on someone else, or just shrug their shoulders- big deal or like Steve Bracks- defend the flawed system.
Anyhow in Brisbane, 36 women were "attacked". Somehow the Brisbane state govt, again run by the Labor Party, hopes to makes it sound more palatable than being saying the word - "raped". I guessed the word, "attacked", makes it less of a tragedy.
So what's the response of the Brisband state govt?
Acting Queensland Premier Anna Bligh has warned against vigilantes taking action over continuing sexual assaults against women in Brisbane, saying the investigation should be left to police.
Ms Bligh said she was distressed to hear of another attack but police said they had enough resources to deal with the problem and there was no need for vigilantes.
Ahh.... Which obviously explains why they've taken 12 months, 36 rapes and counting - and yet haven't found the "attackers". Premier Anna also says:
"While I can understand their frustrations and their very legitimate concerns about the safety of themselves and their families, vigilante action has no place in Queensland and anybody who undertook such action would find themselves in trouble with the law. If people are concerned, they should be talking to their local police."
Just make sure you do it after the police finish their donuts.

And so the Labor Premier is "distressed" over the rapes but seems more worried that a member of the public will catch the rapists and prevent them from raping young innocent women. Why!!! that may be the greater tragedy to dear leader Anna. She'd make a perfect candidate for Kofi "What's Rwanda?" Annan's job.
Ms Bligh also dismissed opposition calls for a police helicopter, saying police already had the resources they needed.
Why worry, aye? What a load of crap. I'd wish someone would hold these sorts of crappy leaders to account and demand they take action to fix the problem. Many years ago practically everyone had written off New York City as "Murder City No. 1" - and Murder Capital of America but look at what Mayor Rudolph Giuliani did. He turned it around. He increased police strength and presence and took a zero tolerance policy for crime. Lefties hated him for it- but he fixed up the city.
Leading criminologist Professor Paul Wilson, from Bond University said Brisbane was not the only place where women were attacked on paths and bikeways.
The short-term effect would be to deter many women from exercising outdoors, which he said would be "a great tragedy".
"That position must be changed as soon as possible because we can't have people locked up inside because of the fear of crime."
Oh geez Sherlock- why not recommend catching the rapists and locking them up for life??
I really hate all these labor politicians and criminologists - most of the time they end up siding with the rapists and murderers and suggesting more tax funded ways to waste on them.
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