Sunday, January 11, 2009

My House will be a House of Prayer

When I was in the Army, a few of my senior NCOs were chit-chatting with me. For some reason, they knew I was a Christian even though I did not tell them nor do I wear a cross.

One of them asked me, laughingly, "Eh Chiam, so Christians can't drink, smoke, disco, @#$..." So, whats the fun in being a Christian?"

I was stumped for words. Somehow telling the Chief Sarge about the joys of the afterlife didn't seem to cut it. I might have said, "We get eternal life with God in Heaven."

Which would have prompted the same response.

"But you can't drink, smoke, disco, @#$ in Heaven can you?"

Recently, God impressed me with this verse from the Bible:

"My House will be a House of Prayer."

What is the point in being a Christian? To be saved for what purpose?

It is not to continue as we are. But to be changed so that we can return to Eden. Not a fruit garden - but to return back to God - to enter back into a right relationship with our Maker.

How can we communicate with the Holy and Awesome God - The Creator and Controller of the Universe? No man can see God and survive.

How can we? Through Prayer. Not through works. Not even good deeds. You can be doing a million things - but without time spent before God - they may be not what God wants.

38As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. 40But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!"

41"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, 42but only one thing is needed.[f] Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

This does not mean that Christians should lock themselves away in Ivory Towers and spent all their time praying and not doing anything.

But surely a Christian who prays effectively - who spends time in God's presence in humbleness - will be transformed for the better. And thus will also be the same person who does good deeds in the "real world". If not, he or she is no better than a tape player.

I've suffered big setbacks last year. And the more I look at it - the more I see God's hand in it. Not to make me suffer needless - but to cause me to look deeply to where my heart is - and who I place my faith and trust in. God or money?

Deep down for me - the answer is money. Money is "real". Money is dependable. People will respect you if you have money. It is the answer for everything. Who needs God when you have money as the saying goes. God on the other hand - seems to be undependable. Sick people pray for healing - but sometimes it does not come. Bad things happen to godly people.

In times like this - we question God. Is He real. If He is. Does He love me?

But as it is written : "My House will be a House of Prayer."

Seek the Lord through prayer, earnestly, humbly. If you suffer problems or face insurmountable obstacles - pray to God about them. Pour out your heart to our God and He will answer you. Most importantly, He will make his presence known to you. And in time, He will guide you to the path you need to take.

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