And whenever you use an internet cafe computer, workplace computer, or computer where other people have access to - never let the computer save your password in its memory. ie never tick the save password command. Simple security protocol.
I just received an email from an old acquaintance's email account (which she rarely uses and has rarely communicated with me). I suspect she must have been working in the UK, used an internet cafe computer - allowed it to save her password - or perhaps had a virus/trojan steal her password.
It reads as follows:
date Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 8:19 AM
subject HELLO!!!
mailed-by hide details 8:19 AM (1 hour ago) Reply Hi,Sorry i didn't tell you i would be travelling on a short trip to Uk, I'm presently in London, but I'm having some difficulties here because i misplaced my wallet on my way to the hotel. My money, and other valuables were kept in it. I need you to assist me with a soft loan urgently of (1,000GBP) to sort-out my hotel bills and to get me back home. I will appreciate whatever you can afford to assist with, I'll send it back to you as soon as i return, let me know if you can be of any help? sorry for the inconveniences this might cause you,i had no choice. Please get back to me ASAP.
Solution: Don't respond. Report to
For more information read here:
yeah that mail has been floating around for a while. From an IT Security guy, you password above fails... whilst it might be random and have some lenght, conatain a mix of letters and numbers, it does not contain upper and lower case, nor does it contain any special characters. ok, now time to snap out of geek mode... :D
I'm sure a very long internet password would be great. something like Ihb43hfds8jq2JJuf379hf300btudj. But for practical purporses something easy to remember might help. AHiaG911 - hows that Andrew Hall is a Geek? haha. Anyways that password does contain an upper case and lower cases.
It doesn't help that the silly banks here have six character passwords.
no special character Yauming... fail again. :D
Not all banks have 6 character passwords. try something more like YMubv4pwds@lways
haha... "Yau Ming uses ....... for passwords always" :D
Cutting off the hands of the internet fraudsters would also be a start.
why stop with the hands....
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