You can read my review here and watch some clips here.
What I find fascinating is how God (or if you like fate) placed a group of unique, complex, well qualified men (and young! Thomas Jefferson was only 33 years old) - who were also very flawed- to lead this insurrection - and to bring it to its successful conclusion: a stable republican democracy underpinned by great humanitarian text such as America's Declaration of Independence.
Consider all the other modern revolutions - the French Revolution - ended with Napoleon the Corsican Emperor - the Russian, Chinese and all the other communist revolutions which ended disastrously for most of their populations. They all failed dreadfully, everyone of them, to bring about genuine material and social happiness for the people.
But yet the American Revolution succeeded remarkably well. Why?
That is one immense obstacle traditional non-Christian societies face. How do you overcome tribalism and nepotism without resorting to brutal central government - Authoritarianism?
How? in a society with citizens who think clearly and can overlook ethnic, religious and racial differences - and cooperate and work together. (Unfortunately, most nations cannot do this.)
In Christianity lies inherent the concept of fair play, social justice, pragmatism, and a belief in a moral world governed by a higher supernatural power that compels you to behave in a manner that contradicts selfish design and personal vanity. That was why John Adams stepped aside to let Thomas Jefferson pen "America's Declaration". That was why he also helped forge a peace with France despite knowing that war was a popular option. Christianity - with its emphasis on forgiveness, atonement, mercy even to enemies - is also the agent which brings former foes to peace.
It succeeded because it was led by good honest decent God fearing people like John Adams and his wife Abigail - who based on their Christian beliefs followed their conscience and did their utmost to do what was right and just. They refused to buy slaves to keep their farms - Abigail made a point to hire freed Africans as workers. They sought to do the best for their country's interest; Adams spent 3 often frustrating years abroad negotiating with the worldly Europeans.
There's something peculiar about Christianity. When Jesus said: he said: "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple. And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple." (Gospel of Luke 16)
The things good people do when acted in good faith, love in accordance with Christian principles - may seem unnaturally cruel to one's own family. But a Christian conscience will do such things when in some other cultures - this is impossible.
(Note: To be sure: John Adams was imperfect - and his administration was tarnished by his notorious Aliens and Sedition Act.)
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