Sometimes you just can't win. The people who aren't affected don't know the personal hell you are going through - and come up with cliches - "turn the other cheek.", "don't worry this will pass", "laugh it off" etc...
But the daily strain of being bullied - ridiculed in public - constantly - is mental abuse. You can't see the scars, bruises, no legs are broken, but you are dehumanized and the spirit is crushed. And what is a human being if his spirit is broken?
I hate people who got out of their way to make life unpleasant for others. People who delight in calling people names - demeaning them. May God reserve a special place in hell for such bullies, an eternity in torment.
I bring to you the story of Christine Hodder, 38, a beautiful woman, married mother who had almost completed her Bachelor of Nursing degree when she killed herself in her backyard.
What I find terribly sad - is that she should have quit from the place of employment. Experiencing a day of this bullshit is bad enough. Having to endure it for over 8 years from her colleagues is just unbelievable. Having been in that sort of position - I can understand why she endured it for so long. She probably felt trapped. She thought if she left - it would an admission of defeat. She may have even thought that eventually the bullying would cease. Or that her good works would cause her workplace bullies to eventually respect her.
In that respect, she was wrong to believe in that humanitarian lie. Humans are not naturally good and civil. They are generally selfish. And too many behave worse than animals. Doing good often brings about ridicule - especially in an immoral society.
She was probably not in a sound frame of mind when she committed suicide. But I do pray that somehow God is in his wisdom would find her a better place in eternity. (I don't support the Catholic idea of suicide=hell) Well, who knows?
Click here for more details on Christine.
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