His car also did not have a bonnet as he had hooked up the battery externally. It was sitting in the passenger seat with a pack of beer resting on top for balance. The bonnet was removed - in a mandom logic manner - to allow the connecting cables access to the engine. The first battery was dead. Otherwise he would have had to cut a hole in the bonnet which is what I'd probably have done :)
He was also unlicensed to drive and speeding over the limit. He also faces charges of driving an unroadworthy vehicle, disobeying traffic signals, etc..
Which is expected as he's a man from Weribee.
Bad luck Yang on getting busted with your firearms... better luck next time.
... the car's a manual so if it was Yang, he wouldn't have made it out of the driveway......
maybe thats what drew the cops attention to it in the first place... the sound of gear grind...
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