8 inches of snow fell on Monday. (That's about 20cm)
No one expected it to be heavy as its mid Spring. Actually when we got to Hotham on Sunday - the snow levels were sub-average. You could see the metal roofs of the houses and plenty of patches of dead grass and barren ground. A lot of the snow was brown and yucky looking, tainted with dirt and dust. It was no surprise as it was the end of the season. We took the day off and went sightseeing.
I prayed that we would get snow that night. Unfortunately we didn't. We went skiing on Monday nonetheless - I found it rather slushy.
Then just before lunch - the snow clouds came storming in. First it rained, then ice flakes fell, and the winds blew the sleet into our faces like glass. Grandfather Winter came back to work.
(Sleet or snow, I'm just pleased that something happened. Anything!!! Its not everyday you experience this sort of thing - in Singapore or Melbourne city).
And then it really snowed. White fluffy soft white wonders!! The wind carried the snow flakes like cherry blossom petals, blowing them any which way. Initially, they melted straight away when it touched ground. Then as the temperature dropped to 2 then zero then subzero -1, -3, -5, colder and colder... and the land once again turned pure white with fresh snow.
At night we walked out to the bar in minus -10C temperatures. It felt like minus 20 due to the wind chill factor. Genius here decided to wear shorts. Talk about a case of blue balls. haha. But the Amber Ale draft beer tasted so delightful afterwards. Made me a bit sleepy though - wasn't much of a conversationalist after that. lol
It just kept on snowing all through the day and night. Unfortunately, the blizzard closed down the lifts for the rest of the afternoon and we ended up in our apartment cooking hot bah kuh teh soup with Italian spaghetti noodles - fusion food. Hahaha!!!!
Meanwhile it kept on snowing. And with the windy weather, I was like "PLEASE STOP!!!!". The wind was so strong that I wasn't too sure whether we could go skiing. Total blizzard. And to make matters worse, the gas mains froze up and we lost heating and hot water in out apartments. Hard way to find out when you are taking a shower.
But even if we were snowed out - I wouldn't really have been too upset. Its out of your control y'know? Main thing is that we get to experience good snow. I definitely didn't come up here to get a sun tan.
Storm blizzards nonetheless, I find it a true zen moment to watch the snow flakes fall out of the sky in the comfort of my living room. It feels like time stands still. I disconnect and enter into a state of serenity. My friends call it 'stoning out'. But really why disparage this peaceful mental state that requires no medication or un-natural means to attain? (Mmmm... I ought to hire a ski chalet and stay out there for a good week).
Mid-morning the weather calmed down. And finally we went skiing!!! OMG! Beautiful, this feeling of stepping onto soft white snow powder. The ground whispers sensually as you glide along with your skis.
I got a bit crazy and went onto the competition snow ramps (which were officially closed). Massive big ramps - packed snow the size of bungalows. I giggled like a school kid the first few times I went on them. It was like a roller coaster ride - except I was the ride. I took off into the air a few times. Nothing dramatic. But still a gut lifting feeling. After the 4th or 5th, it seemed quite easy. But i dared not go too fast as I've watch too many horror skiing accidents videos. Erin managed to get just one video of me doing the run - you can see it here.
Going home was a bummer, not the least because our cars were half-buried in snow - and we didn't bring shovels. The cold temperatures also made it absolutely horrible trying to fit the snow chains onto the car tyres. Thankfully, the Mount Hotham staff were very helpful and friendly and helped us out. You have to salute them for it - trying to untie frozen greasy metal chains with your cold bare fingers in subzero temperatures is not a happy experience.
I'll post up more photos of the trip in my photo page later... gotta sleep now!
Update: costs was about $250 for the accommodation (two nights). First time I ever had a whole room (and it was big) to myself. Nice loft with walk in wardrobe.
Lift pass costs was $134 - $74 for a whole day and $59 for half a day.
Gear Hire was $88 for the two days. Got a nice discount too for having my own shoes.
Food, drinks, petrol, etc.. is probably around $50.
So altogether: about $520 for the three days, two nights stay. (250+134+88+50).
It was much cheaper because its the "off-peak" season - normally it'd be 30% - 50% more expensive. No one expected so much snow on Monday. And the place was fairly deserted - so no long ques or packed crowds!!!
(You know what I'd really love to do - go skiing in Whistler in Christmas - then go diving in Sipadan in (Aust) Summer - then go travelling in Autumn.
I miss snowboarding...
the last time was in 2003 at Falls Creek!
Hmmm... I think I was there too. Great year for snowing 2003.
2003 was indeed a BUMPER season. Mt Buller, Queenstown NZ (Remarkables, Coronet Peak, Cardrona), Falls Creek, Mt Buller. I skiied right up to Oct, when I did my knee on Little Buller Spur haha.
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