Got to bed real late at 5am, it took ages to setup the secure wireless connection here. Got hungry in the middle of the night and wandered down to the old Indian food cafe at Bencoolen street. Roti-prata at 2am. lol.
One of the best things about Singapore- is that everything is so lush and green. You don't know what you're missing unless you live somewhere else - like in Melbourne where its so dry it doesn't rain for months and everything turns all brown and yucky.
My place is near the Istana. Its quite quiet and very green. Except for the St. Nic's primary girls school next door and the incesscestant re-building of the apartment blocks.
Woke up this morning at 10. One of my buddies rang me up and went for lunch with him.
Sweet- turns out that old Malay food canteen that closed down when I left in 2007- is back running up again! Hurray!!! They serve the best food in generous servings. And its not so busy and noisy unlike the Chinese stalls.
I found a mysterious parcel from TCC - the coffee club. It was nicely wrapped- cool! Perhaps a block of coffee grains from Timor or Java??? Nope, just a diary.
you stay somewhere behind Plaza Sing area? the place looks familiar..
Yes, its near the old MGS school.
which malay food store? pray do share... i love nasi padang!
Its located on the 3rd level of Peace Centre, Selegie Road. Best time to go is at 11.15am. At 12 it gets crowded. Its quite famous- it even gets Museum staff who are a fair distance away coming over to eat.
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