Frankly why? Why not just take Monday off? The damn journey is going to be about 14 bloody hours there and back. And if we plan to leave on Friday and come back by Sunday night- it will only give us less than 24 hours there. So max 5 dives only.
Coming back on Sunday means we have to run through the immigration hellhole in Johor at peakhour. Its like walking into hell. The whole place is jammed packed with people returning to Spore from Johor. You're forced to wade into a small busy laneway used by the motorcyclists. Arghh. Meanwhile, you stand a good chance of getting pickpocketed or stabbed for your wallet and watch.
What a totally fubar way to run an immigration checkpoint.
Hopefully I'll be bringing along my new Fuji f31 diving camera that everyone has been raving about. And really cross my fingers hopeful - we'll get to see a whale shark.
Happy diving! Now I get to sit at home and wait for photos!! Chances of the big fellas seem to be higher start and end of monsoon. I missed one at the start of this year!
I'm fortunate. I'm going with another group next week to Pulau Au - lol.
Have Fun!
have a good time!
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