University of Canberra students have "found" one great way to get young men 18 -25 to eat their vegetables and fruits - with advertisements of attractive clothing-deficient young women posing with said vegetables.
In other words- sex sells. Duh...
But kinky, yah?? Posing babes with vegs... that's kinna gross if you ask me.
I don't think I'd be any keener eating a banana, tomato or celery after seeing an ad with... well you know. :)
Then again, its probably a sure fire winner with (Japanese men and) Canberra men.
Check out the news article here:
Canberra students discover the oldest trick since Eve posed with the forbidden fruit and asked Adam, "Want a piece of me?".
Personally, I'd get the young men to attend a lecture of a couple of old geezers who have hemorrhoids problems - with picture slides. The horror of that talk would surely set them right. Same goes for car hoons- I'd strap them wide eyed in a room and force them to watch video footage of fire fighters and medics rescuing car accident victims- and watch the surgeon operate.
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