Lord, I feel like Alfred J Prufrock now. In other words being left high and dry by the current tide.
But anyhow, I had a good ride this year. So I shouldn't complain. One of my Aussie mining shares went up by 100% - which is great - but another stock which I sold last year went up by 5000% from 50 cents to $5.00. Aiyoh.... No F*way!!! Crazy times.
What is certainly tempting now is to jump straight back in - but its hard to find anything decently priced now. I think I'll stick with my game plan and wait for that market correction before getting in. I say we have a good chance of seeing that correction if the chart breaks to 3600.
The China index still has that Double top formation. I emailed Daryl Guppy - the share trading guru - about it but he reckons its a consolidation phase - followed by a see-saw effect.
My sister - HM and her bubby- Richie - are still in Thailand having left Euen their almost 4 year old son with me. Thankfully he didn't jump on my head this morning or wake me up at 4am. I still had to chastise him when he sat on the keyboard and demanded to "play the computer" - just as the SGX was opening.
Took him to the National Library yesterday but he tried to rearrange the furniture there. I noticed he tends to put on a show and cry croc tears to try and get his way. He must be getting spoilt over at the other home.
I wanted to sell my holdings a few weeks ago....but I received TOO MANY WARNINGS. My father, mother, auntie, sister, uncle, cousin were all asking me to sell!!!
I decided to hang on for a while to see what comes out.
Someone told me in not so serious logic...:
1. Years ending with 7 tend to have crash...1987 (black monday), 1997 (asian crisis), 2007(?).
2. Years ending with 7 have crashes roughly in Oct.
My own thinking is we are probably having one last surge this earnings season, then the market would discount all and every possible good news from now till 2010. Sell and say good bye....
LOL. Who knows? As the saying goes - Victory and an Early Death favor the Bold.
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