Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Some thoughts on Fatherhood

I speak of fatherhood from a son's perspective.

What is fatherhood? Its more than just a provider and a giver of life. Fatherhood implies guidance, both morally, spiritually and physically as well. It means imparting your knowledge, your learned wisdom, to your son, to the next generation so that they may build on your foundation and hence, progress. In this way, man can attain a sense of immortality. He molds his child, he molds the future.

In this age of single mothers and absentee fathers, fatherhood has attained a derogatory status. I've spoken to a Christian who reckons fathers are almost superfluous, mothers can handle everything.

At a superficial glance, yes. A single parent would suffice. But this state is not good. You still need Father, and Mother to bring up a child. Both have distinct roles to play.

The father - to provide leadership and spiritual guidance, the mother to provide love and care - in greater measure.

Having said that, there are a lot of really bad fathers out there, and by the same token probably a lot of bad mothers too. But the godly ideal is not crushed by the base reality.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Answer to "What should I do to marry a rich guy"

I found this looking for Brrr Blobs icecream. A classic Magnolia icecream popular in the 1980s.

A young and pretty lady posted this on a popular forum:

Title: What should I do to marry a rich guy?

I'm going to be honest of what I'm going to say here. I'm 25 this year. I'm very pretty, have style and good taste. I wish to marry a guy with $500k annual salary or above. You might say that I'm greedy, but an annual salary of $1M is considered only as middle class in New York . My requirement is not high. Is there anyone in this forum who has an income of $500k annual salary? Are you all married? I wanted to ask: what should I do to marry rich persons like you? Among those I've dated, the richest is $250k annual income, and it seems that this is my upper limit. If someone is going to move into high cost residential area on the west of New York City Garden ( ? ) , $250k annual income is not enough.

I'm here humbly to ask a few questions:

1) Where do most rich bachelors hang out? (Please list down the names and addresses of bars, restaurant, gym)

2) Which age group should I target?

3) Why most wives of the riches is only average-looking? I've met a few girls who doesn't have looks and are not interesting, but they are able to marry rich guys.

4) How do you decide who can be your wife, and who can only be your girlfriend? (my target now is to get married)

Ms. Pretty

And this was the amazing reply:

Dear Ms. Pretty,

I have read your post with great interest. Guess there are lots of girls out there who have similar questions like yours. Please allow me to analyse your situation as a professional investor. My annual income is more than $500k, which meets your requirement, so I hope everyone believes that I'm not wasting time here. From the standpoint of a business person, it is a bad decision to marry you.. The answer is very simple, so let me explain.

Put the details aside, what you're trying to do is an exchange of 'beauty' and 'money': Person A provides beauty, and Person B pays for it, fair and square. However, there's a deadly problem here, your beauty will fade, but my money will not be gone without any good reason. The fact is, my income might increase from year to year, but you can't be prettier year after year. Hence from the viewpoint of economics, I am an appreciation asset, and you are a depreciation asset. It's not just normal depreciation, but exponential depreciation. If that is your only asset, your value will be greatly diminished 10 years from now.

By the terms we use in Wall Street, every trading has a position, dating with you is also a 'trading position'. If the trade value dropped we will sell it and it is not a good idea to keep it for long term - same goes with the marriage that you wanted. It might be cruel to say this, but in order to make a wiser decision any assets with great depreciation value will be sold or 'leased'. Anyone with over $500k annual income is not a fool; we would only date you, but will not marry you. I would advice that you forget looking for any clues to marry a rich guy. And by the way, you could make yourself to become a rich person with $500k annual income.

This has better chance than finding a rich fool.

Hope this reply helps.. If you are interested in 'leasing' services, do contact me...


And an update report on this

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The strangest dream

I had the strangest dream last night. I had just fallen into sleep when I felt a presence waking me and hitting my head, admonishing me over something I had done.

I struggled to see who it was.

I didn't have a fever nor did I have a heavy meal. It had only been about an hour or 30 minutes when I slept. Initially I thought it was person X as the voice was the same. But then as I struggled, I realized it was someone else. I questioned the entity then...

I woke up and I really felt like someone had wacked me on my head.

Went downstairs, did my laundry then went to bed and slept soundly.

Really strange, it may even have been a visitation from an angel or the Holy Spirit. I certainly didn't feel terrified. But I was still perturbed by the event - enough to reconsider my actions for the day - which I won't say what it was. And don't ask me.

I struggle with sin in my life which have a bind over me. When I get that way, reading the Bible is the furthest thing from my mind.

Time to reflect.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Politics in the church

"Politics" within the circle of believers has been around since Adam met Eve.

Think about it - when the Fall occurred - Adam was quick to blame Eve who in turn blamed someone else.

If any pastor of a rebellious church ever feels alone. He should re-read the life of the ancients again - like Moses for example.

Imagine abandoning a life of prestige and wealth to go rescue a group of people only to find them - time and time and time again - threatening to kill you or deliberately disobeying you. Even God Himself lost patience with them.

And it took poor Moses to persuade God Himself to reconsider. Exodus 32.

9 "I have seen these people," the LORD said to Moses, "and they are a stiff-necked people. 10 Now leave me alone so that my anger may burn against them and that I may destroy them. Then I will make you into a great nation." 11 But Moses sought the favor of the LORD his God. "O LORD," he said, "why should your anger burn against your people, whom you brought out of Egypt with great power and a mighty hand? 12 ... 14 Then the LORD relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened.

Even within the Early Church there were causes of discontent. There were two distinct groups in the church - one who wanted to reach out to Jews; the other who wanted to preach the Good News to the Gentiles. The first group led by James wanted the Gentiles to incorporate Jewish laws and tradition. This caused a great deal of conflict.

The Apostle Peter also seemed to have lost the plot at one stage. Even though God revealed to Him the Vision at Joppa. Acts 10:9 - 38; Acts 11:1. Later, he changed his mind. Galatians 2:11-13.

11When Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he was clearly in the wrong. 12Before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group. 13The other Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that by their hypocrisy even Barnabas was led astray.

I find it amazing that even after the miraculous conversion of Cornelius which occurred with the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit, some of the Jewish believers, ie. James, still clung strongly to the Jewish Law.

Reading through Acts, Galatians, etc.. you get the feeling that the Apostle Paul was a forthright person - a straight talker and this tended to irritate fellow believers.

Paul eventually separated from Barnabas. Acts 15:39. But perhaps came to regret it. 2 Timothy 4:11. And in Colossians 4:10.

Disagreements. Conflict. All this from people who experienced the power of The Divine first hand.

Worth remembering whenever we ourselves face similar problems.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Politics in the church: Some thoughts

"Politics" within the circle of believers has been around since Adam met Eve.

Think about it - when the Fall occurred - Adam was quick to blame Eve who in turn blamed someone else.

If any pastor of a rebellious church ever feels alone. He should re-read the life of the ancients again - like Moses for example.

Imagine abandoning a life of prestige and wealth to go rescue a group of people only to find them - time and time and time again - threatening to kill you or deliberately disobeying you. Even God Himself lost patience with them.

And it took poor Moses to persuade God Himself to reconsider. Exodus 32:9 -14. Unfortunately for Moses, the Israelites soon (again) forgot this tremendous act of kindness and kept on rebelling, again, again and again. How sad. Imagine having to wander for 40 years!!! in the stinking scorching wilderness with that mob. (Hint to Christian leaders: Try going hiking with a bunch of disagreeable Christians complainers for just four days).

Even within the Early Church there were causes of discontent. There were two distinct groups in the church - one who wanted to reach out to Jews and retain Jewish Law; the other who wanted to preach the Good News to the Gentiles. (Read 1 Corinthians 1:10 - 3:23) The first group led by James wanted the Gentiles to incorporate Jewish laws and tradition. This caused a great deal of conflict.

The Apostle Peter also seemed to have lost the plot at one stage. Even though God revealed to Him the Vision at Joppa of the need to preach the Gospel to non Jews. Acts 10:9 - 38; Acts 11:1. Acts 15 and he was the first disciple to break with convention and a pagan, and worse, a Roman soldier, later, he wavered due to fear. Galatians 2:11-13.

11When Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he was clearly in the wrong. 12Before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group. 13The other Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that by their hypocrisy even Barnabas was led astray.

Even after the miraculous conversion of Cornelius which occurred with the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit, some of the Jewish believers, ie. the Apostle James, still clung strongly to the Jewish Law and were insisting that "true believers" incorporate it into their faith or, an apartheid system making a distinction between Jews and non-Jewish believers.

This caused division within the church and even, the Apostle Peter made some errors in judgment despite his earlier supernatural revelation.

Reading through Acts, Galatians, etc.. you get the feeling that the Apostle Paul was a forthright person - a straight talker and this tended to irritate fellow believers. Its probable his "overseas" appointment (Acts 15:22) by the church leaders had something to do with his outspokenness. "Sending away" has a double meaning here.

Paul's strong views eventually caused him to be separated from Barnabas. Acts 15:39. It looks like he came to regret it. 2 Timothy 4:11. And in Colossians 4:10.

Disagreements. Conflict. All this from people who were filled with the full measure of the Holy Spirit. These are people who were personally taught by Jesus Himself! And yet their behavior was less than Christ-like at times. Think about that.
Its worth remembering this whenever we ourselves face similar problems.
(And we haven't even touched on the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Catholic vs Protestant conflict, the numerous bloody Religious wars fought between Christians and the constant fighting amongst various church groups even today.)

The cure can sometimes be as bitter as the disease though. Whenever there are sharp disagreements, its quite easy for both sides to become antagonistic and for the seed of bitterness to spread in. In attempting to resolve disputes, you've also got to watch yourself in case you yourself fall into sin.
There is a tendency in religious circles to view complex issues in very black and white terms and regard the opposing side as "the enemy" or worse. The early Christians once so victimized by the pagans, were themselves very ruthless with non-believers when they got into power. The same sad ironic story was replayed in the Reformation and in many many subsequent church revivals. Revenge and hypocrisy is an infectious disease.

That's why Paul wrote:

23Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. 24And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. 25Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, 26and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.


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Politics in the church

"Politics" within the circle of believers has been around since Adam met Eve.

Think about it - when the Fall occurred - Adam was quick to blame Eve who in turn blamed someone else.

If any pastor of a rebellious church ever feels alone. He should re-read the life of the ancients again - like Moses for example.

Imagine abandoning a life of prestige and wealth to go rescue a group of people only to find them - time and time and time again - threatening to kill you or deliberately disobeying you. Even God Himself lost patience with them.

And it took poor Moses to persuade God Himself to reconsider. Exodus 32.

9 "I have seen these people," the LORD said to Moses, "and they are a stiff-necked people. 10 Now leave me alone so that my anger may burn against them and that I may destroy them. Then I will make you into a great nation." 11 But Moses sought the favor of the LORD his God. "O LORD," he said, "why should your anger burn against your people, whom you brought out of Egypt with great power and a mighty hand? 12 ... 14 Then the LORD relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened.

Even within the Early Church there were causes of discontent. There were two distinct groups in the church - one who wanted to reach out to Jews; the other who wanted to preach the Good News to the Gentiles. The first group led by James wanted the Gentiles to incorporate Jewish laws and tradition. This caused a great deal of conflict.

The Apostle Peter also seemed to have lost the plot at one stage. Even though God revealed to Him the Vision at Joppa. Acts 10:9 - 38; Acts 11:1. Later, he changed his mind. Galatians 2:11-13.

11When Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he was clearly in the wrong. 12Before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group. 13The other Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that by their hypocrisy even Barnabas was led astray.

I find it amazing that even after the miraculous conversion of Cornelius which occurred with the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit, some of the Jewish believers, ie. James, still clung strongly to the Jewish Law.

Reading through Acts, Galatians, etc.. you get the feeling that the Apostle Paul was a forthright person - a straight talker and this tended to irritate fellow believers.

Paul eventually separated from Barnabas. Acts 15:39. But perhaps came to regret it. 2 Timothy 4:11. And in Colossians 4:10.

Disagreements. Conflict. All this from people who experienced the power of The Divine first hand.

Worth remembering whenever we ourselves face similar problems.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I love this music!!!

This has got to be the most cutest "innocent" music group ever.

I love how they use everyday objects - even children's pianos like Snoppy's Schroder - to make their music.

You can check out their music on Youtube:

Their main page is here

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

I joined back to my old gym

I've signed up for AquaArena, my old gym. Its just 10 minutes drive from my place. 5 minutes really but there's a few traffic lights along the way.

Its run by the YMCA (heh heh) I should have asked for a discount. And its well run. There are no dodgy sneaky contracts they get you to sign up for unlike the smaller independent gyms like Equi1ibrium. Those gyms are really shonky operators - typically they try and lock you into a 12 month auto-renewable contract which is hard to escape from. (Meaning - the contract auto-renews itself for another 12 month unless you jump thru several hoops to cancel).

I've been geared towards a mainly aerobic and flexibility program for the next two months. Looking forward to going for the pilate classes and limbering up.

Inherent stiffness in the body runs through my family bloodline. I also never seriously stretched much after exercising. So I've got a bit of a biological uphill climb to do.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Prayer meeting friday

Rowville had a combined church prayer meeting on Friday. I showed up late - my bad. I missed out on a really powerful praise and worship session. You could even sense God's presence in the carpark.Or maybe its just anticipation.

It wasn't a big turn out at the prayer service. But to be with your fellow believers in holy prayer and communion with God, what more can you ask for? Everyone was united in prayer and purpose. It was really beautiful.

This state of being in God's presence lingered with me throughout the whole weekend. Even now as I close my eyes I am drawn back to that holy place.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Prayer meeting friday

Rowville had a combined church prayer meeting on Friday. I showed up late - my bad. I missed out on a really powerful praise and worship session. You could even sense God's presence in the carpark.Or maybe its just anticipation.

It wasn't a big turn out at the prayer service. But to be with your fellow believers in holy prayer and communion with God, what more can you ask for? Everyone was united in prayer and purpose. It was really beautiful.

This state of being in God's presence lingered with me throughout the whole weekend. Even now as I close my eyes I am drawn back to that holy place.

Monday, September 14, 2009


I did 6km this morning... or rather walked half of the way. My lower back spine or muscles were shooting the hell out of me halfway thru the run.

I don't think its a spinal problem - more likely tight muscles - my hamstrings and lower back muscles are tight. I've seen chiros and physios in the past - but neither of them have discovered anything serious like a slipped disc.

The pain does go away after the run. So its quite likely just tight muscles.

This site has got good tips for that problem.

Maybe I'll go for a swim tomorrow or do a shorter run.


I did 6km this morning... or rather walked half of the way. My lower back spine or muscles were shooting the hell out of me halfway thru the run.

I don't think its a spinal problem - more likely tight muscles - my hamstrings and lower back muscles are tight. I've seen chiros and physios in the past - but neither of them have discovered anything serious like a slipped disc.

The pain does go away after the run. So its quite likely just tight muscles.

This site has got good tips for that problem.

Maybe I'll go for a swim tomorrow or do a shorter run.

Friday, September 11, 2009

10 things I want to do

1. Learn Mandarin
I couldn't learn Mandarin when I was a kid. No one in my family spoke it. We all conversed in English which is as similar to Mandarin as I am to Godzilla. And I seriously couldn't get over the fact that Mandarin has no alphabet. And I thought Chinese people were smart - why didn't they come up with an alphabet?? For god sake they're still using a form of hieroglyphics similar to the ancient Eqyptians. Anyway, I think I'm over the anarchistic

2. Learn French.
I didn't like it until I heard it spoken by the (actors) Huron Indians in the film "Last of the Mohicans" - then I thought "Wow, real men speaking French - it sounds so manly, chic, and cool."

3. Build an outdoor military chin-up (pull-up bar) at my home. Its a great exercise as well as providing a great means of stretching your back muscles. It feels wonderful doing it. Today, I went to Bunnings and found that the 2m Cedar Pillars cost about $50. If I can buy two then build in a metal bar between them and secure the 2 wooden posts into the ground in my courtyard - there its that simple. But I don't have the tools to do this... need help!!

4. Finish the taxes.... yeah I said that like about 10,000 times.

5. Run 10km at least twice a week. I used to be very fit in the army then I slacked off. Then I hired a personal trainer in 2004 and got uber fit again in 3 months.

6. Build a pathway from the front garden to the back topside garden. At the moment, the topside garden can only be accessed via a steep uneven path - I plan to knock down the wooden fence, build a gate in place, and construct a gravel pathway to that sector of the garden.

7. Get uber fit. "300 Spartans" fit. Damn, what am I doing about it??

8. Grow a million red poppies in my garden in the Summer of 2014 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War One. Its not too far away.

9. Scuba dive in the Bikini Atoll, site of the biggest naval nuclear bomb test. Dozens of warships are sunk here in diveable depths.

10. Join a undersea treasure hunting expedition. There are plenty of sea wrecks in our sea waiting to be discovered, esp. in Indonesian waters.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

10 things I want to do

1. Learn Mandarin
I couldn't learn Mandarin when I was a kid. No one in my family spoke it. We all conversed in English which is as similar to Mandarin as I am to Godzilla. And I seriously couldn't get over the fact that Mandarin has no alphabet. And I thought Chinese people were smart - why didn't they come up with an alphabet?? For god sake they're still using a form of hieroglyphics similar to the ancient Eqyptians. Anyway, I think I'm over the anarchistic

2. Learn French.
I didn't like it until I heard it spoken by the (actors) Huron Indians in the film "Last of the Mohicans" - then I thought "Wow, real men speaking French - it sounds so manly, chic, and cool."

3. Build an outdoor military chin-up (pull-up bar) at my home. Its a great exercise as well as providing a great means of stretching your back muscles. It feels wonderful doing it. Today, I went to Bunnings and found that the 2m Cedar Pillars cost about $50. If I can buy two then build in a metal bar between them and secure the 2 wooden posts into the ground in my courtyard - there its that simple. But I don't have the tools to do this... need help!!

4. Finish the taxes.... yeah I said that like about 10,000 times.

5. Run 10km at least twice a week. I used to be very fit in the army then I slacked off. Then I hired a personal trainer in 2004 and got uber fit again in 3 months.

6. Build a pathway from the front garden to the back topside garden. At the moment, the topside garden can only be accessed via a steep uneven path - I plan to knock down the wooden fence, build a gate in place, and construct a gravel pathway to that sector of the garden.

7. Get uber fit. "300 Spartans" fit. Damn, what am I doing about it??

8. Grow a million red poppies in my garden in the Summer of 2014 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War One. Its not too far away.

9. Scuba dive in the Bikini Atoll, site of the biggest naval nuclear bomb test. Dozens of warships are sunk here in diveable depths.

10. Join a undersea treasure hunting expedition. There are plenty of sea wrecks in our sea waiting to be discovered, esp. in Indonesian waters.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

District 9 - otherwise known as another Half Life 2 mod

Genre: Action & Adventure
Watching this show is a bit like waiting for a firework display. It seems to take forever. You spend most of your time waiting for things to happen... the storyline doesn't seem to make much sense. Then BANG!!!!! It all comes together and just when it seems its finished - the real fireworks begins and by golly, its awesome.

So what is it about? Well, its a bit like a story from the pc game, Half Life, man meets creepy looking aliens+and there is a conspiracy. There are these strange creatures which have got powerful weaponery which they use to exchange for cat food (no kidding). I guess this "game" was set to dead EASY noob setting.

Along comes a man - like Freeman (from Half Life) and yeah, well I won't spoil the rest of the story.

So half star for the plot. Half star for the flying pig, 1 star for the exoskeleton mechwarrior stolen from the AppleSeed Manga series, and 2 stars for the fight sequence.

This movie gives me hope. Hope that a kickass movie series (with hopefully a believable and interesting plot) on Appleseed, or Mechwarrior will come out one day.


If you don't know what AppleSeed is about read here:
Contains nudity and violence

My map route run

I found this useful tool on Geronimo Geraldine website. You can use it to map out your running route and measure how long it is.I always thought my run was about 10km. But apparently it falls short by 500m. Here it is.

A race to honor the memory of the dead

I completed a 30 minute run again! Ran down the road towards Ruffey Park lake.

I really hope I can keep this up. Once I slack off I really slack off. Its not easy running on a regular basis. My dad had great discipline and kept on running exercising even when he was in the depths of his cancer. He was an avid runner and regularly took part in IPPT runs to prove his fitness. It also pleased him immensely to beat men half his age in the runs.

I probably have some of his physical endurance spirit in me. It seems to be getting easier going for the run... maybe in part because of the Spring weather. Every morning seems that much brighter (unlike Winter). Heehee, maybe my body is solar powered. But I think its just the natural inclination to do things when the sun is up and bright. I wake up better this way with my room bathed in natural sunlight.

Anyways, I really need to keep this up. I hate myself fat. And when I'm fit and healthier, everything seems so much better - my mind seems to be able to think clearer too. Being overweight however is like a downward spiral.

Its not easy though - it takes a lot of mental energy to psyche myself for these runs - its so much more easier to avoid it. I need to push myself aggressively for the run.

The anniversary of my dad's death is coming up on October 10th. I plan to run to Ruffey Park's lake and back - a total of 10km from my doorstep in honor of his memory. The ancient Greeks did a runner race to commemorate and honor the dead. I think dad would be pleased about that.

A race to honor the memory of the dead

I completed a 30 minute run again! Ran down the road towards Ruffey Park lake.

I really hope I can keep this up. Once I slack off I really slack off. Its not easy running on a regular basis. My dad had great discipline and kept on running exercising even when he was in the depths of his cancer. He was an avid runner and regularly took part in IPPT runs to prove his fitness. It also pleased him immensely to beat men half his age in the runs.

I probably have some of his physical endurance spirit in me. It seems to be getting easier going for the run... maybe in part because of the Spring weather. Every morning seems that much brighter (unlike Winter). Heehee, maybe my body is solar powered. But I think its just the natural inclination to do things when the sun is up and bright. I wake up better this way with my room bathed in natural sunlight.

Anyways, I really need to keep this up. I hate myself fat. And when I'm fit and healthier, everything seems so much better - my mind seems to be able to think clearer too. Being overweight however is like a downward spiral.

Its not easy though - it takes a lot of mental energy to psyche myself for these runs - its so much more easier to avoid it. I need to push myself aggressively for the run.

My dad's funeral anniversary is coming up on October 10th. I plan to run to Ruffey Park's lake and back - a total of 10km from my doorstep in honor of his memory. The ancient Greeks did a run race to commemorate and honor the dead. I think dad would be pleased about that.

Monday, September 07, 2009

I like Bach, Beethoven but Britney rocks

There's something insanely magical about her in this music video. Its also that cute malevolent tone that makes this song all that more endearing.

You can watch the outtakes here. Funniest thing I've seen all day.

Its quite interesting analyzing the video and seeing what makes it so fun to watch. Its very well constructed - as was the actual song itself. There are so many layers to this. It takes genius to make the complicated and hard - look fun and easy.

So let's see...

1. The song is about a girl who attracts guys like bees but is generally disinterested with them. That's powerful imagery there - Desire meets unattainable affection. You want it - but you can't have it. And the desire is made worse by the girl's flirtatious mannerism, that youthful vitality bursting with life and that almost cruel casual indifference to her devastating effect on the opposite sex.

2. The song is very well composed, good beat, tempo, that smashing cresendo; and young Britney sings it to perfection - helped by her background vocalists who added extra bass.

And the full version here:

I like Bach, Beethoven but Britney well...

There's something quite magical about her.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Father's Day September 6th

Happy Father's Day to all the dads. In this day and age of single parenting, it seems the idea of fatherhood has taken a back step.

I believe fathers hold a vital and important role in the family. The father is the spiritual head of the household. He has a great influence on his children that transcends material providence. He holds the family together. He is the leader of the family.

But too often fathers don't live up to that role. Post-modern Society has come to expect fathers to fail in this task. Too many families are run by single mothers. Fathers, in the feminist mindset, just provide the seed - nothing more. Fatherhood is irrelevant today says the fat ugly hairy armpit woman.

This is partly due to the rise of feminism in modern society - women have been accorded the same rights like men. Women are allowed to vote, attend schools, universities, even join the Army. At all levels, women are competing against men for the same positions. This has good points because in the past, men would often abuse their dominant position as fathers and husbands, treating women like their own personal property to be bought, sold, traded or killed.

And its true. Father's are often abusive, intolerant, arrogant, unkind, petty, unforgiving, manipulative, control freaks, cruel, etc.. and in some cases, monstrous to the point of becoming pure Evil. But the sins of many do not negate the ideal set by God. However, they do cause people to be disheartened.

Fathers, usually disappoint. I guess its because they are human and thus fallible. I wish my dad was different. Somehow I got the feeling that he didn't like me. I was different from him. It took me a long time to figure things out and I wasn't so independent. I also wasn't as driven as he was. He finished his PHD in 3 years. It took me twice as long to complete my masters.

I guessed I rubbed him the wrong way. He seemed like a stranger to me. A distant figure, now even more distant due to his demise over a decade ago.

I wish he had been a bit more encouraging, more fatherly. He was aloof. A man stuck in his office too busy or too bored to help me with my math work. When I was in my mid-teens I had to go overseas to study in a boarding school (yeah, like Harry Potter). Like one of Wes Anderson's characters - I was after a father figure. I never found "him".

How does a boy become a man? He does it mainly by watching his own father. A father is more than just a bread winner - he imparts his wisdom, experience, even his spirit, to his children. Perhaps my father was the way he was because his own father was much worse. I wonder what unpleasant traits I picked up from my dad - or developed new ones on my own?

I think I found "my father" through observing older people. My older cousins, Uncles, school seniors, my teachers, my army officers, even my pastors - mostly disappointments I'm afraid. And sometimes it takes a long time to erase their influences from my mind.

That's why I find movies about failed fathers, like Life Aquatic and Royal Tenenbaums, quite cathartic to watch.

But you learn, I guess, what works and what doesn't.

I wish my father was alive to encourage me, offer wise counsel. (He had a doctorate in Chemical Engineering from a prestigious university). When he was alive, he would gladly offer it to strangers. But to me - he sort of expected me to figure it out by myself.

"Go figure it out yourself." Dad shouted.

How strange. Maybe his own father was like that. I certainly hope I don't carry forward this trait.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Father's Day September 6th 2009

Happy Father's Day to all the dads. In this day and age of single parenting, it seems the idea of fatherhood has taken a back step.

I believe fathers hold a vital and important role in the family. The father is the spiritual head of the household. He has a great influence on his children that transcends material providence. He holds the family together. He is the leader of the family.

But too often fathers don't live up to that role. Post-modern Society has come to expect fathers to fail in this task. Too many families are run by single mothers. Fathers, in the feminist mindset, just provide the seed - nothing more. Fatherhood is irrelevant today says the fat ugly hairy armpit woman.

This is partly due to the rise of feminism in modern society - women have been accorded the same rights like men. Women are allowed to vote, attend schools, universities, even join the Army. At all levels, women are competing against men for the same positions. This has good points because in the past, men would often abuse their dominant position as fathers and husbands, treating women like their own personal property to be used, bought, sold, traded or killed.

And its true. Fathers are often egoistic, abusive, intolerant, arrogant, unkind, petty, unforgiving, manipulative, control freaks, cruel, etc.. and in some cases, monstrous to the point of becoming pure Evil. But the sins of many do not negate the ideal set by God. However, they do cause people to be disheartened.

Fathers, usually disappoint. I guess its because they are human and thus fallible. I wish my dad was a better Christian. He served in a prominent role in the church as did his father and grandfather. (I think my great-grandfather was also a Christian). But there were moments when he behaved like a pagan. I remember those moments most vividly.

Somehow I got the feeling that he didn't like me. I was different from him. It took me a long time to figure things out and I wasn't so independent. I also wasn't as driven as he was. He finished his PHD in 3 years. It took me twice as long to complete my masters.

I guessed I rubbed him the wrong way. He seemed like a stranger to me. A distant figure, now even more distant due to his demise over a decade ago.

I wish he had been a bit more encouraging, kind, conciliatory, more fatherly I guess. He was aloof. A man stuck in his office too busy or too bored to help me (with my math work). He was easily upset over very trivial matters. And he was obsessed about winning. In some ways, he reminded me of the main character in the film, "There will be Blood".

When I was in my mid-teens I had to go overseas to study in a boarding school (yeah, like Harry Potter). Like a Wes Anderson's character - I was after a father figure. I never found "dad". How does a boy become a man (mentally)? He does it mainly by observing his own father. A father is more than just a bread winner - he imparts his wisdom, experience, even his spirit, to his children - apart from his genetic makeup and dispositions. Perhaps my father was the way he was because his own father was much worse. I wonder what unpleasant traits I picked up from my dad - or developed new ones on my own?

I think I found "my father" through observing older people. My older cousins, Uncles, school seniors, my teachers, my army officers, even my pastors - iron sharpening iron - but mostly rusty disappointments I'm afraid. And sometimes it takes a long time to erase their influences from my mind.

That's why I find movies about failed fathers, like Life Aquatic and Royal Tenenbaums, quite cathartic to watch. In many ways, I identify with the characters and their predicaments.

But you learn, I guess, what works and what doesn't.

I wish my father was alive to encourage me, offered wise counsel. (He had a doctorate in Chemical Engineering from a prestigious university). When he was alive, he would gladly offer it to strangers. But to me - he sort of expected me to figure it out by myself.

"Go figure it out yourself." Dad shouted.

(But I can't; I wasn't half as smart as him in the technical subjects. And my clunky memory "bluescreens" trying to remember complex or even simple mathematical formulaes.)

Maybe his own father was like that - hard arsed. I certainly hope I don't carry forward this trait.

Father's Day September 6th

Happy Father's Day to all the dads. In this day and age of single parenting, it seems the idea of fatherhood has taken a back step.

I believe fathers hold a vital and important role in the family. The father is the spiritual head of the household. He has a great influence on his children that transcends material providence. He holds the family together. He is the leader of the family.

But too often fathers don't live up to that role. Post-modern Society has come to expect fathers to fail in this task. Too many families are run by single mothers. Fathers, in the feminist mindset, just provide the seed - nothing more. Fatherhood is irrelevant today says the fat ugly hairy armpit woman.

This is partly due to the rise of feminism in modern society - women have been accorded the same rights like men. Women are allowed to vote, attend schools, universities, even join the Army. At all levels, women are competing against men for the same positions. This has good points because in the past, men would often abuse their dominant position as fathers and husbands, treating women like their own personal property to be bought, sold, traded or killed.

And its true. Father's are often abusive, intolerant, arrogant, unkind, petty, unforgiving, manipulative, control freaks, cruel, etc.. and in some cases, monstrous to the point of becoming pure Evil. But the sins of many do not negate the ideal set by God. However, they do cause people to be disheartened.

Fathers, usually disappoint. I guess its because they are human and thus fallible. I wish my dad was different. Somehow I got the feeling that he didn't like me. I was different from him. It took me a long time to figure things out and I wasn't so independent. I also wasn't as driven as he was. He finished his PHD in 3 years. It took me twice as long to complete my masters.

I guessed I rubbed him the wrong way. He seemed like a stranger to me. A distant figure, now even more distant due to his demise over a decade ago.

I wish he had been a bit more encouraging, more fatherly. He was aloof. A man stuck in his office too busy or too bored to help me with my math work. When I was in my mid-teens I had to go overseas to study in a boarding school (yeah, like Harry Potter). Like one of Wes Anderson's characters - I was after a father figure. I never found "him".

How does a boy become a man? He does it mainly by watching his own father. A father is more than just a bread winner - he imparts his wisdom, experience, even his spirit, to his children. Perhaps my father was the way he was because his own father was much worse. I wonder what unpleasant traits I picked up from my dad - or developed new ones on my own?

I think I found "my father" through observing older people. My older cousins, Uncles, school seniors, my teachers, my army officers, even my pastors - mostly disappointments I'm afraid. And sometimes it takes a long time to erase their influences from my mind.

That's why I find movies about failed fathers, like Life Aquatic and Royal Tenenbaums, quite cathartic to watch.

But you learn, I guess, what works and what doesn't.

I wish my father was alive to encourage me, offer wise counsel. (He had a doctorate in Chemical Engineering from a prestigious university). When he was alive, he would gladly offer it to strangers. But to me - he sort of expected me to figure it out by myself.

"Go figure it out yourself." Dad shouted.

How strange. Maybe his own father was like that. I certainly hope I don't carry forward this trait.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Taken (2008)

Genre: Action & Adventure
I liked it. OK, the violence was gratuitous and story a bit far fetched and it panders to stereotypes and urban legends... but these things do happen.

Whats the story about? Its a Luc Beeson film about a retired Bourne-type spy, played to perfection by Liam Neeson, who worries about his rich spolit teenage daughter going to Paris for a holiday with her friend. He seems overtly paranoid. And like every father's worse nightmare, the worse happens. The girl and her ditzy friend are kidnapped, drugged, and forced into the sex slave trade.

Daddy Bourne then flies to Paris to find his daughter and uncovers the sinister sex trade market. Then all hell breaks lose. Plenty of chases, well choreographed fights, and plenty of villains die painful deaths. Huzzah!!! How come there aren't more films like these? I mean who doesn't like to see bad men getting the sh1t beaten out them slowly.

You may think the story is impausible, stupid etc.. but this sort of thing does happen in real life. Attractive females are regularly kidnapped in the Middle East and Asia and sold into the sex slave industry. One true horrible story involved newly weds on a honeymoon to Bangkok. The husband went back into the hotel to retrieve his camera but when he returned to the taxi - it was gone together with his pretty wife. She was never found. Another story involved three models setup for an assignment in Cambodia - which turned out to be fake. Thankfully, something went wrong with the kidnap plan - and the girls got away.

Attractive female slaves, since ancient times, are worth a great deal of money. And there are unscrupulous men who will see you as a commodity to be used, traded and profited from. I think a lot of women in civilized societies fail to realize the dangers inherent in the world and think lightly of the dangers involved in travel.

Anyways, maybe the film has a slow start, but don't worry it gets better, much better.

I look forward to the sequel.

On this day 70 years ago, War comes to town.


I wrote this back in Sept 3, 2009 back in my old Blog. Its being reposted here: On this day 70 years ago, Britain and France declared war on Nazi Germany for invading their ally Poland; thus, beginning World War Two (in Europe). Germany had broken promise after promise in the preceding years. The attack on Poland was the last straw. Two years earlier, France and Britain had the choice of supporting another ally, Czechoslovakia, when Germany threatened its borders. But the people in the Democracies feared war and placed greater faith in paper treaties and negotiations with Hitler. How ironic.

I find this photo very poignant. It shows a son breaking free from his mother's hands and reaching out for his father. It would be 6 years before the son would see his father again, if he survived.

The troops are Canadian btw. And the photo taken from iconic photos blog.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

On this day 70 years ago, War.

On this day 70 years ago, Britain and France declared war on Germany for attacking their ally Poland. Germany had broken promise after promise in the preceding years. The attack on Poland was the last straw. Two years earlier, France and Britain had the choice of supporting Czechoslovakia when Germany threatened it. But the people in the Democracies feared war and believed it was possible to negotiate with Hitler to avoid war. How ironic.

I find this photo very poignant. It shows a son breaking free from his mother's hands and reaching out for his father. It would be 6 years before the son would see his father again, if he survived.

The troops are Canadian btw. And the photo taken from iconic photos blog.

Philip Garrido: The ultimate Justice System Fail. How the heck did he get out in the first place?

The infamous pedophile and child sex slaver - phillip garrido - was once arrested for abducting and torturing a woman in a special dungeon he made. Her fate was sealed - this monster was going to rape, torture and eventually murder this. If you think this is amusing I suggest taking a hammer and hitting your genitals and head as you read this.
Fortunately for her, a policeman happened to pass by and rescued her. The rapist garrido was sentenced to jail but got out early - and even had time in jail to complete a degree in psychology. He even had the gall to find and intimidate his former rape victim.

You would have thought that the authorities would have been extra vigilant. His parole officer even promised the rapist would be watched carefully.

If there was some justice in that moronic state - they would have picked him up on some misdemeanor or way laid him somewhere. Or better yet, just put him next door to the Judge or State Governor who reckon that he's served his sentence and the law must now be respected.

Apparently he wasn't even watched at all - as the rapist managed to abduct a 11 year old girl and imprison her as his sex slave for nearly 20 years. Shocking barely covers this crime.

This just goes to show that sometimes you really need to throw away the key on some criminals. I mean, whats the point of the law if it doesn't serve to protect the innocent and the community from monsters like garrido. You might as well not even have a police and court system if you're going to be so lenient - which seems to be the case in Australia.

Its not a question of revenge - its more an issue of trying to keep law and order.

Someone who concocts such an elaborate scheme for rape and torture should have been jailed forever. The authorities lack the manpower to watch over these sort of people. I really don't see why the death penalty for such scum is not enforced. These monsters have no qualms about denying the basic liberty of the innocent. They would have no problems in torturing the innocent for the rest of their lives. What kind of punishment would even fit such a heinous act? They are beyond all hope of rehabilitation and even if it was possible - what kind of system would allow them the chance to reoffend?

Allowing them to even live would seem a perversion of justice. But they let him walk free. The authorities by acting so weak in such matters only cause the public to lose faith in the justice system. What's the point in democracy or paying taxes if monsters like these can walk free and enjoy the morning sunrise? fubar man.

You can read the tragic story here.
Katherine Callaway Hall was 38 years old and working at a roulette table in a Lake Tahoe, Calif., casino in 1988 when a thin man ordered a cocktail, remarked how he hadn't had a drink in 11 years, then cashed out his chips without ever placing a bet.
"Hope to see you again real soon, Katie," the man said as he left.
That man was Phillip Garrido, now 58, the man who had kidnapped and repeatedly raped Hall 12 years earlier - and who would allegedly abduct 11-year-old Jaycee Dugard three years later. Now Hall believes the seed for the idea of taking a child as a sex slave came from her own eight-hour ordeal at his hands.
It was 1976 when Hall first met Garrido. She'd just bought groceries to make dinner at her boyfriend's house when there was a rap on her car window. It was a thin man in a ponytail, asking for a ride. Hall agreed.
But when Garrido lured her to a remote road, he overpowered her, handcuffed her and drove her to a garage-sized storage locker in Reno, Nev. Inside, Garrido had converted the space into a sex dungeon...
"He raped me there, and the rape, which lasted about seven hours, is what I've completely blocked out of my mind," Hall says, her voice cracking.
Around 2:30 a.m., a policeman noticed that someone had jimmied his way into the storage locker, and knocked on the door. Garrido untied Hall and told her to act as if nothing were wrong. She promised to cooperate.
Garrido told the cop he was "partying" with his girlfriend, but when she realized there was a policeman nearby, Hall crashed through the hanging rugs and boxes and told the officer her story.
"Please don't tell on me! Please, please," Garrido pleaded with his captive.
But she did tell, in court, and Garrido was given 50-to-life for raping her, and a life sentence for kidnapping her. His parole officer said Garrido would live "in a fishbowl" and be watched constantly.
Which is why Hall is incensed that her onetime tormentor got out of prison so quickly and managed to hide Jaycee Dugard from notice for 18 years.
"I just can't imagine how they would not check on him," Hall says. "Why weren't they more curious? He had a reputation as being a weirdo and was getting more psychotic. I can't believe they went to the house several times and never checked back there."

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Woman bashes Man's privates


Click onto the link... its a video of a lovers' quarrel. Don't know what the quarrel is about but the dude is getting a real scolding.

One word - Ouch!

I love Paris

Everyone loves Paris.

On another note, I bet Hitler was thinking, "Well, I've won the war now. What else could go wrong?"

Monday, August 31, 2009

Top Ten Quotes that make me Wary

(note: most of these notes are written in sarcasm and thus not to be taken literally.)

1. Trust me I know what I'm doing.
(Actions speak louder than words. And unfortunately when defensive phrases get used, invariably its done as part of a scam. This phrase is deeply burnt into my sub-conscious after it was repeated to me in a series of fucking unmitigated disasters by a confident person.

2. You're doing this for God.
(When I hear this phrase, I think of the Children's Crusades)

3. This time its different.
(I heard this phrase during the boom. I believed in it at the time)

4. The leaders know what they are doing.
(Leaders who are especially confident and hate criticism... somehow they remind me of Hitler, a real success story in 1940.)

5. Don't worry, it should go OK.
(I'm worried because you've just jinxed us.)

6. What else could go wrong?
(After successfully completing a big sale a few years back, I was overawed by the success, I smiled, "Perfect, what else could go wrong?" A lot, apparently.

7. Thus saith the Lord...
(This makes me flinch. Its used too often in church history for dubious purposes. Read the Crusades.)

8. Trust your gut feeling.
(Its magical when it works, like astrology and fortune telling.)

9. You're not trying hard enough.
(Or perhaps the plan sucks? No, really. I think of Hitler exhorting his men to fight harder.)

10. Its a good learning experience.
(Like the Battle of Passchendaele. Doesn't take a genius to figure out that enthusiasm probably won't stop machine gun bullets, but I guess its worth giving it a shot.)

Top Ten Quotes that make me Wary

(note: most of these notes are written in sarcasm and thus not to be taken literally.)

1. Trust me I know what I'm doing.
(Actions speak louder than words. And unfortunately when defensive phrases get used, invariably its done as part of a scam. This phrase is deeply burnt into my sub-conscious after it was repeated to me in a series of fucking unmitigated disasters by a confident person many years ago. The first time I heard it I was wary, the subsequent times only brought about an increasing sense of revulsion and dread. Oh no, not again.)

2. You're doing this for God.
(A simple "Please" might suffice. When I hear this phrase, I think of the Children's Crusades. I really don't like it when people over-spiritualise.)

3. This time its different.
(I heard this phrase during the boom, I believed it and got screwed. The next time I heard this phrase being bandied about, I sold out of the market, bought puts and made a small fortune.)

4. The leaders know what they are doing.
(Leaders who are especially confident and hate criticism... somehow they remind me of Hitler, a real success story in 1940. Pity about 1945.)

5. Don't worry, it should go OK.
(I'm worried because you've just jinxed us.)

6. Success!!! What else could go wrong?
(After successfully completing a big sale a few years back, I was overawed by the success, I smiled, "Perfect, what else could go wrong?" A @#$ing lot, apparently. But after reading Bible/Luke 12:16 - 20, I think that I got off quite lightly.)

7. Thus saith the Lord...
(This makes me flinch. Its used too often in church history for dubious purposes. Read the Crusades.)

8. Trust your gut feeling.
(Its magical when it works, like astrology and fortune telling, pity about the times it doesn't.)

9. You're not trying hard enough.
(Or perhaps the plan sucks? No, really. I think of Kitchner, Hitler or Tojo exhorting their men to fight harder.)

10. Its a good learning experience.
(Like the WW1 Battle of Passchendaele. Doesn't take a genius to figure out that enthusiasm probably won't stop machine gun bullets, but I guess its worth givin it a shot.)

10a. Its unsinkable. Totally safe.
(Think Titanic)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Top Ten Quotes that make me Wary

(note: most of these notes are written in sarcasm and thus not to be taken literally.)

1. Trust me I know what I'm doing.
(Actions speak louder than words. And unfortunately when defensive phrases get used, invariably its done as part of a scam. This phrase is deeply burnt into my sub-conscious after it was repeated to me in a series of fucking unmitigated disasters by a confident person.

2. You're doing this for God.
(When I hear this phrase, I think of the Children's Crusades)

3. This time its different.
(I heard this phrase during the boom. I believed in it at the time)

4. The leaders know what they are doing.
(Leaders who are especially confident and hate criticism... somehow they remind me of Hitler, a real success story in 1940.)

5. Don't worry, it should go OK.
(I'm worried because you've just jinxed us.)

6. What else could go wrong?
(After successfully completing a big sale a few years back, I was overawed by the success, I smiled, "Perfect, what else could go wrong?" A lot, apparently.

7. Thus saith the Lord...
(This makes me flinch. Its used too often in church history for dubious purposes. Read the Crusades.)

8. Trust your gut feeling.
(Its magical when it works, like astrology and fortune telling.)

9. You're not trying hard enough.
(Or perhaps the plan sucks? No, really. I think of Hitler exhorting his men to fight harder.)

10. Its a good learning experience.
(Like the Battle of Passchendaele. Doesn't take a genius to figure out that enthusiasm probably won't stop machine gun bullets, but I guess its worth giving it a shot.)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Beware of joining Equillibrium Gym or small gyms

I just got an SMS from the Equilibrium gym asking me to join and get free useless crap. And so I thought its worth mentioning my past experience with them...

I'd caution anyone thinking of joining these small boutique gyms like Equilibrium etc.. They frequently offer 1 month free gym fees - but slug you into a 12 month or 24 month contract which you can't get out of even if you get eaten by Godzilla. Payment is usually deducted from your credit card account directly. Meaning, even if you lost or change your credit card - the deduction will continue irregardless.

The payments are also deducted using a 3rd party broker - meaning, you won't see "GYM X is deducting xxx amount" from your account. In this case of Equillibrium they used a company that was similar to my phone company details - which lead to a lot of confusion.

These small gyms also do not issue out warning letters to its clients who have stopped coming - in fact, once the contract is set in - they really don't care whether you come or not. You could be dead or stuck on a remote island- but so long as the credit card is stocked with cash - the deductions will carry on. They don't care.

Even after the contract has ended, canceling the membership is harder than getting out of the Hotel California. Two years ago when I left for a long overseas trip I sent a letter to the gym to cancel the contract. Apparently, that's an invalid method. According to the fine print in the contract. you have to personally show up at the bloody gym and speak to the manager to "discuss your reasons for quiting".

You can imagine my surprise when I found deductions were still carrying on 1 year later. Why? Because I had to personally see the manager and please explain.

Anyways, its a good point to study the contract carefully and read your credit card statements just as carefully. Its not always good to assume things - esp. over contracts.

Beware of joining Equillibrium Gym or small gyms

I just got an SMS from the Equilibrium gym asking me to join and get free useless crap. And so I thought its worth mentioning my past experience with them...

I'd caution anyone thinking of joining these small boutique gyms like Equilibrium etc.. They frequently offer 1 month free gym fees - but slug you into a 12 month or 24 month contract which you can't get out of even if you get eaten by Godzilla. Payment is usually deducted from your credit card account directly. Meaning, even if you lost or change your credit card - the deduction will continue irregardless.

The payments are also deducted using a 3rd party broker - meaning, you won't see "GYM X is deducting xxx amount" from your account. In this case of Equillibrium they used a company that was similar to my phone company details - which lead to a lot of confusion.

These small gyms also do not issue out warning letters to its clients who have stopped coming - in fact, once the contract is set in - they really don't care whether you come or not. You could be dead or stuck on a remote island- but so long as the credit card is stocked with cash - the deductions will carry on. They don't care.

Even after the contract has ended, canceling the membership is harder than getting out of the Hotel California. Two years ago when I left for a long overseas trip I sent a letter to the gym to cancel the contract. Apparently, that's an invalid method. According to the fine print in the contract. you have to personally show up at the bloody gym and speak to the manager to "discuss your reasons for quiting".

You can imagine my surprise when I found deductions were still carrying on 1 year later. Why? Because I had to personally see the manager and please explain.

Anyways, its a good point to study the contract carefully and read your credit card statements just as carefully. Its not always good to assume things - esp. over contracts.

The driver who killed Mary Jo Kopechne is dead

Edward "Ted" M. Kennedy a US politician is dead. To some on the left - he was a great politician, a gifted orator, a great American.

To me he was the driver who ended the life of beautiful girl Mary Jo Kopechne in a car accident off the Massachusetts island of Chappaquiddick.

Kennedy had attended an all girl party on July 18, 1969 and left with the pretty Mary Jo.

He drove off the side of a bridge doing 20MPH. The car came to rest in under 6 - 8 feet of water (roughly 2 metres). He swam out leaving her behind. Kennedy claims he made several attempts at rescuing her.

Mary Jo apparently survived the crash but was trapped inside the car.

Failing that, he walked back to the party to get his friends to help.

For some reason, as Kennedy left the accident scene, he didn't bother knocking on nearby houses and calling for help or the police. Neither did his friends apparently.

Kennedy and friends claimed they couldn't swim into the low submerged car lying under about 2m of water. They gave up after a few tries. Curiously Kennedy did find the strength to swim across the channel back to his hotel. Exhausted, he fell into a deep sleep but he did find the time to make a complaint a noisy party next door.

Next morning, he woke up - chatted with people about a sailing race and had a good breakfast. And he's still not called the police or told anyone else about the crash.

Meanwhile, local residents discovered the submerged car and a diver found Mary Jo Kopechne's body still trapped inside. He said she could have been alive for 2 hours.

The judge gave him a suspended 2 month sentence. Strangely, no autopsy was performed on Mary Jo's body despite blood being found on her skirt.

Kennedy asked his electorate, the people of Massachusetts, whether he should resign. He went on to win the re-election with 62% of the vote which only goes to show that democracy is over rated.

Mary Jo Kopechne's parents used the money they had been saving for her wedding day for her funeral. She was their only child.

This is so fubar.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Follow the Heron home by Karine Polwart

The back of the winter is broken
And light lingers long by the door
And the seeds of the summer have spoken
In gowans that bloom on the shore

By night and day we’ll sport and we’ll play
And delight as the dawn dances over the bay
Sleep blows the breath of the morning away
And we follow the heron home

In darkness we cradled our sorrow
And stoked all our fires with fear
Now these bones that lie empty and hollow
Are ready for gladness to cheer


So long may you sing of the salmon
And the snow scented sounds of your home
While the north wind delivers its sermon
Of ice and salt water and stone

by Karine Polwart from her album "Scribbled in Chalk : buy it here.

The driver who killed Mary Jo Kopechne is dead

Edward "Ted" M. Kennedy a US politician is dead. To some on the left - he was a great politician, a gifted orator, a great American.

To me he was the driver who ended the life of beautiful girl Mary Jo Kopechne in a car accident off the Massachusetts island of Chappaquiddick.

Kennedy had attended an all girl party on July 18, 1969 and left with the pretty Mary Jo.

He drove off the side of a bridge doing 20MPH. The car came to rest in under 6 - 8 feet of water (roughly 2 metres). He swam out leaving her behind. Kennedy claims he made several attempts at rescuing her.

Mary Jo apparently survived the crash but was trapped inside the car.

Failing that, he walked back to the party to get his friends to help.

For some reason, as Kennedy left the accident scene, he didn't bother knocking on nearby houses and calling for help or the police. Neither did his friends apparently.

Kennedy and friends claimed they couldn't swim into the low submerged car lying under about 2m of water. They gave up after a few tries. Curiously Kennedy did find the strength to swim across the channel back to his hotel. Exhausted, he fell into a deep sleep but he did find the time to make a complaint a noisy party next door.

Next morning, he woke up - chatted with people about a sailing race and had a good breakfast. And he's still not called the police or told anyone else about the crash.

Meanwhile, local residents discovered the submerged car and a diver found Mary Jo Kopechne's body still trapped inside. He said she could have been alive for 2 hours.

The judge gave him a suspended 2 month sentence. Strangely, no autopsy was performed on Mary Jo's body despite blood being found on her skirt.

Kennedy asked his electorate, the people of Massachusetts, whether he should resign. He went on to win the re-election with 62% of the vote which only goes to show that democracy is over rated.

Mary Jo Kopechne's parents used the money they had been saving for her wedding day for her funeral. She was their only child.

This is so fubar.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Facebook Fail - things not to do on facebook

fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail BlogThis serves as a good warning to people about sending messages via the internet...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

All my possessions for a moment of time

"All my possessions for a moment of time" - apparently the last words spoken by Queen Elizabeth 1st of England as she lay dying.

(Meaning - she wished she could exchange all her worldly possessions for a brief moment of time.)

Studying her history, I think she said it with a hint of irony or just for dramatic effect, and not in desperation. Like King Canute - she was playing around with words. Perhaps trying to find a Shakespearean phrase as her life was ending?

Or perhaps she was fearful of death. Of what awaited her in the next life? In that realm she was no longer a ruler but a subject - and would face a certain judgement of which she no doubt felt some unease.

Who knows?

I think of all the Queen Elizabeth 1st production - the one I love the best is the one done by Helen Mirren. Her acting was sheer brilliance. And her chemistry with Jeremy Irons playing the Earl of Leicester was simply perfect. Watch her as she switches from anger upon learning about the execution of Mary Queen of Scots to a mortified repentant as she prays for forgiveness.Sheer brilliance.

She has such incredible screen presence that you could feel the sheer venom emanating from her rage. Another actor who is just as good is Daniel Day Lewis in "There will be Blood".

I wrote this poem about what Queen E may have been thinking.

All my possessions for a moment of your time
A moment to reflect
A moment to ponder
A moment to weep for what was lost

All my possessions for a moment of your time
A time long gone
A lover that will not love back
A moment lost forever

All my possessions are useless to me
My gold, my silver, my palatial palaces
They cannot love me
They cannot return your affection

I would trade all my possessions
To hear your voice kindly call out my name again
To feel the touch of your hand
To sleep on the warmth of your chest.

No more. No more.
You are gone.
And all I have are my possessions.
Yauming Chiam July 2013.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Windy Cindy

Its terribly windy now. The wind is simply howling!!!! The roof is rattling. House and car alarms are going off.

Feels like a hurricane a little bit.

Ten things about Yau-ming

1. I don't like reality tv generally speaking. I dislike the endless navel grazing and the faux psychologist analyzing behavior. I can't stand shows like Big Brother or the American Idol shows... unless... it involves a bevy of very pretty young charming women like Brooke Burke. I'd watch that for a while. I also don't mind watching reality tv shows where men or women are doing extremely hard or strenous activties like the Tough Guy Race. But not freak shows. I've got time to watch a military recruit training program but watching a bunch of fat obese people trying to do an obstacle course, that's just plain pathetic.

2. I'm partially deaf. When I was a child, my Chinese language teacher at ACS twisted my ears so hard that my ear bone snapped. Now I have trouble hearing low frequency sounds. If a person with a low voice is trying to talk to me and there's background noise, I find it painfully hard to hear.

3. I wish I could speak more than one language fluently. I'd like to speak French like how the French Foreign Legion soldiers speak French.

4. I had few friends in my childhood and high school was pure hell. I couldn't get along with people. I blame my wacky upbringing and the crazy logic my mildly sadistic parents instilled in me. And it didn't help that I was surrounded by a bunch of really arrogant screwed up classmates whose sole pleasure in life was to make my day miserable.

5. My sister and I share the same sense of humor. When we were kids we attended a modern gallery art exhibit and laughed so hard we started to cry. They kicked us out 3 times. I rarely have any disagreements with her.

6. I intensely distrust people who can't control their temper. People who fly into a rage of fury - especially for very trivial reasons - really upsets me. They remind me of my parents. If you're reading this, and wondering why our friendship has grown cold, this may be the reason.

7. I deal with a lot of my problems through sarcasm. I like clever quirky humor. Example, Wes Anderson's films - Royal Tenenbuams, Life Aquatic, Darjeeling Limited and most of South Park episodes.

8. I'd like to get buried at sea in the deepest part of the ocean. Read Psalm 139:9. The land is for the living. I think of cemetries, esp. Chinese cemetries, as a waste of space.

9. I despise obsessive gamblers. Gambling is like flushing money down the drain. Why can't they use the money productively and constructive like insulating the house, education, etc.. It serves no purpose except fueling the person's greed and pride. Its obviously a mental affliction and they should be incarcerated.

10. I believe in capital punishment and longer sentences for criminals. Society and the lives of innocent people should be protected from criminals, not the other way around. I despise the Australian and British criminal justice system. But you probably knew that. So...

10a. I think that too many Christians are hypocrites. You probably knew that already...

10b. I think it would be really cool to reverse the flow of rivers in Australia and build a massive inland sea in the heart of Australia. But that's a thot, it shouldn't count.

10c. I would not be surprised if I was the reincarnation of a Japanese fighter pilot who died in WW2 even though I don't subscribe to that brand of theology.