With words unspoken
With feelings untouched
We pass by each other
Like passing ships at dusk
- something I wrote back in 1993- ekkk!!!!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Travelling Poem
With words unspoken
With lips untouched
We pass by each other
Like passing ships at dusk
- something I wrote back in 1993- ekkk!!!!
With lips untouched
We pass by each other
Like passing ships at dusk
- something I wrote back in 1993- ekkk!!!!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Mass Media
I've stopped subscribing to newspapers for a long time now. I usually only read a few sections, and then the paper gets thrown out. A waste of resources. Imagine the number of trees or forests that get slaughtered! LOL.
I prefer to read online these days. Its more convenient. You can easily cut and store information you want.
Another reason why I don't subscribe to the (Western Media) papers like the SMH or Age or NYT is the amount of utter rubbish that they spout. If I had a dollar each time the media lampoons George Bush and Ashcroft, I'd be richer than Bill Gates. If there was a story that had some dirt on a western politician or the war against terrorism - that was just pure speculation or rumor- the western media would certainly run it.
Yet with issues such as Arab Muslim immigrants causing major problems- such as running amok over a few Danish cartoons, the Western media remains silent.
Mark Steyn says it best:
In the words of a Deadwood resident, "They've got their heads so far shoved up their ass, that they can't find it."
I prefer to read online these days. Its more convenient. You can easily cut and store information you want.
Another reason why I don't subscribe to the (Western Media) papers like the SMH or Age or NYT is the amount of utter rubbish that they spout. If I had a dollar each time the media lampoons George Bush and Ashcroft, I'd be richer than Bill Gates. If there was a story that had some dirt on a western politician or the war against terrorism - that was just pure speculation or rumor- the western media would certainly run it.
Yet with issues such as Arab Muslim immigrants causing major problems- such as running amok over a few Danish cartoons, the Western media remains silent.
Mark Steyn says it best:
The Danish cartoons story was a test, and the civilized world failed it … It seems it’s one thing to “speak truth to power” when the power’s George Bush or John Ashcroft, quite another when it’s an Islamist mob coming to burn your building down. Needless to say, reflex blowhardism is so ingrained in the media class they couldn’t resist passing off their prioritizing of self-preservation as a bold principled stand. Or as Philip Lee, professor of journalism at St Thomas University in New Brunswick, put it: “Freedom of the press means you can publish, or not. Not publishing is also an expression of freedom.”
In the words of a Deadwood resident, "They've got their heads so far shoved up their ass, that they can't find it."
Friday, December 29, 2006
Mass Media
I've stopped subscribing to newspapers for a long time now. I usually only read a few sections, and then the paper gets thrown out. A waste of resources. Imagine the number of trees or forests that get slaughtered! LOL.
I prefer to read online these days. Its more convenient. You can easily cut and store information you want.
Another reason why I don't subscribe to the (Western Media) papers like the SMH or Age or NYT is the amount of utter rubbish that they spout. If I had a dollar each time the media lampoons George Bush and Ashcroft, I'd be richer than Bill Gates. If there was a story that had some dirt on a western politician or the war against terrorism - that was just pure speculation or rumor- the western media would certainly run it.
Yet with issues such as Arab Muslim immigrants causing major problems- such as running amok over a few Danish cartoons, the Western media remains silent.
Mark Steyn says it best:
In the words of a Deadwood resident, "They've got their heads so far shoved up their ass, that they can't find it."
I prefer to read online these days. Its more convenient. You can easily cut and store information you want.
Another reason why I don't subscribe to the (Western Media) papers like the SMH or Age or NYT is the amount of utter rubbish that they spout. If I had a dollar each time the media lampoons George Bush and Ashcroft, I'd be richer than Bill Gates. If there was a story that had some dirt on a western politician or the war against terrorism - that was just pure speculation or rumor- the western media would certainly run it.
Yet with issues such as Arab Muslim immigrants causing major problems- such as running amok over a few Danish cartoons, the Western media remains silent.
Mark Steyn says it best:
The Danish cartoons story was a test, and the civilized world failed it … It seems it’s one thing to “speak truth to power” when the power’s George Bush or John Ashcroft, quite another when it’s an Islamist mob coming to burn your building down. Needless to say, reflex blowhardism is so ingrained in the media class they couldn’t resist passing off their prioritizing of self-preservation as a bold principled stand. Or as Philip Lee, professor of journalism at St Thomas University in New Brunswick, put it: “Freedom of the press means you can publish, or not. Not publishing is also an expression of freedom.”
In the words of a Deadwood resident, "They've got their heads so far shoved up their ass, that they can't find it."
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
I love this song
I love this song. Its sad, yet has such a deep sense of poignance.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Let your heart be light
From now on,
our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Make the Yule-tide gay,
From now on,
our troubles will be miles away.
Here we are as in olden days,
Happy golden days of yore.
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more.
Through the years
We all will be together,
If the Fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.
And have yourself A merry little Christmas now.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Let your heart be light
From now on,
our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Make the Yule-tide gay,
From now on,
our troubles will be miles away.
Here we are as in olden days,
Happy golden days of yore.
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more.
Through the years
We all will be together,
If the Fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.
And have yourself A merry little Christmas now.
Monday, December 25, 2006
I love this song
I love this song. Its sad, yet has such a deep sense of poignance.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Let your heart be light
From now on,
our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Make the Yule-tide gay,
From now on,
our troubles will be miles away.
Here we are as in olden days,
Happy golden days of yore.
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more.
Through the years
We all will be together,
If the Fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.
And have yourself A merry little Christmas now.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Let your heart be light
From now on,
our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Make the Yule-tide gay,
From now on,
our troubles will be miles away.
Here we are as in olden days,
Happy golden days of yore.
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more.
Through the years
We all will be together,
If the Fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.
And have yourself A merry little Christmas now.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
The young prince
The young prince lived in a castle. The castle was magnificent, ornate, filled with wonderful furniture, jewels, arms and armour, wealth and riches beyond compare. Its library was vast and had more books that a year has seconds. Outside its walls was a large splendid garden with beautiful roses and fields of colorful poppy flowers.
But the prince was alone, he searched in vain for other young people but there was no one to be found, not even a squeaky mouse. The prince tried many times to leave but he found he couldn't. The castle wouldn't let him. In the day he walked out, but when he fell asleep he found himself right back in his ornate chamber bed.
One day, the young prince found a baby boy in the garden, asleep among the roses. He took him in and raised him up, teaching the orphan all he knew. Then one day, the prince died; and orphan and castle mourned for him. All the flowers died and a mighty wind carried their petals, scattering them onto the corpse. The heavens opened, the sky grew dark, and it rained, and rained, and rained.
At last the orphan took the crown of the dead prince, and placed it on his own head. He said, "Behold I am the prince let me reign." The rain stopped as if on command, the sun shone, and the flowers bloomed.
But the young prince wept.
But the prince was alone, he searched in vain for other young people but there was no one to be found, not even a squeaky mouse. The prince tried many times to leave but he found he couldn't. The castle wouldn't let him. In the day he walked out, but when he fell asleep he found himself right back in his ornate chamber bed.
One day, the young prince found a baby boy in the garden, asleep among the roses. He took him in and raised him up, teaching the orphan all he knew. Then one day, the prince died; and orphan and castle mourned for him. All the flowers died and a mighty wind carried their petals, scattering them onto the corpse. The heavens opened, the sky grew dark, and it rained, and rained, and rained.
At last the orphan took the crown of the dead prince, and placed it on his own head. He said, "Behold I am the prince let me reign." The rain stopped as if on command, the sun shone, and the flowers bloomed.
But the young prince wept.
The young prince
The young prince lived in a castle. The castle was magnificent, ornate, filled with wonderful furniture, jewels, arms and armour, wealth and riches beyond compare. Its library was vast and had more books that a year has seconds. Outside its walls was a large splendid garden with beautiful roses and fields of colorful poppy flowers.
But the prince was alone, he searched in vain for other young people but there was no one to be found, not even a squeaky mouse. The prince tried many times to leave but he found he couldn't. The castle wouldn't let him. In the day he walked out, but when he fell asleep he found himself right back in his ornate chamber bed.
One day, the young prince found a baby boy in the garden, asleep among the roses. He took him in and raised him up, teaching the orphan all he knew. Then one day, the prince died; and orphan and castle mourned for him. All the flowers died and a mighty wind carried their petals, scattering them onto the corpse. The heavens opened, the sky grew dark, and it rained, and rained, and rained.
At last the orphan took the crown of the dead prince, and placed it on his own head. He said, "Behold I am the prince let me reign." The rain stopped as if on command, the sun shone, and the flowers bloomed.
But the young prince wept.
But the prince was alone, he searched in vain for other young people but there was no one to be found, not even a squeaky mouse. The prince tried many times to leave but he found he couldn't. The castle wouldn't let him. In the day he walked out, but when he fell asleep he found himself right back in his ornate chamber bed.
One day, the young prince found a baby boy in the garden, asleep among the roses. He took him in and raised him up, teaching the orphan all he knew. Then one day, the prince died; and orphan and castle mourned for him. All the flowers died and a mighty wind carried their petals, scattering them onto the corpse. The heavens opened, the sky grew dark, and it rained, and rained, and rained.
At last the orphan took the crown of the dead prince, and placed it on his own head. He said, "Behold I am the prince let me reign." The rain stopped as if on command, the sun shone, and the flowers bloomed.
But the young prince wept.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Casino Royale
Why I like Casino Royale.
Here's a trailer for the film. Click here.
It seems there are quite a lot of people, mainly guys, who don't like the new Bond. They complain that he's pussified- and carries a small puny Barretta instead of a macho big gun like an AK-47... duh.
I think they ought to reread- Ian Flemming's classic story. In it Bond uses three weapons- a sawn off .356 revolver, a long barrelled Colt special .45 pistol, and in his pocket he carries his faithful "Beretta", the weapon of choice for spies due to his small size- easy for concealment.
As for me, I found the previous series of Bond films- pretty tiresome. Bond swaggers in, says dumb pick up lines, women with big tits and dim wits swoon at his feet, he fights ridiculous villians who use outrageous weapons like a solar LaaaZer beam which he outruns in his invisible car. Oh please. You need to be drunk to sit thru such movies. Just leave that to Austin Powers thanks.
Here's a trailer for the film. Click here.
It seems there are quite a lot of people, mainly guys, who don't like the new Bond. They complain that he's pussified- and carries a small puny Barretta instead of a macho big gun like an AK-47... duh.
I think they ought to reread- Ian Flemming's classic story. In it Bond uses three weapons- a sawn off .356 revolver, a long barrelled Colt special .45 pistol, and in his pocket he carries his faithful "Beretta", the weapon of choice for spies due to his small size- easy for concealment.
As for me, I found the previous series of Bond films- pretty tiresome. Bond swaggers in, says dumb pick up lines, women with big tits and dim wits swoon at his feet, he fights ridiculous villians who use outrageous weapons like a solar LaaaZer beam which he outruns in his invisible car. Oh please. You need to be drunk to sit thru such movies. Just leave that to Austin Powers thanks.
Lefties and military service
I don't understand why when left-wingers, communists, or radical groups protest - some or most of them would be wearing military uniforms or ex-army camo. If they hate the military so much- why wear the colors?
This article explores the paradox a bit more.
This article explores the paradox a bit more.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Toy Museum Seah Street
Its 6.29pm, I'm lying in my bed with a sore throat and slight temperature and I suddenly realize I have a 6.30 function at the Toy Museum. ... ding... two panadols, a hot shower and I was out of my house in 10 minutes flat.
I waited for quite awhile before a taxi showed up. This one however had a "BUSY" sign on it. The driver, a kindly Muslim man asked where I was going because he was on his way to the Mosque for evening prayers. When I told him my destination, he said "Hop on, its on my way." He talked about Islam a little bit and then I felt the (Holy) Spirit prompt me to use this opening to share the Gospel with him. In Singapore - despite the religious freedom- one has to be careful in such matters, I think it is illegal to preach the gospel to a Muslim, but, thankfully, it is not illegal for a Muslim to convert to Christianity unlike Malaysia. Anyhow, I only went so far as to talk to him about the appeal of Christianity to the young. And he laughed and said, "Why yes, the young are more open and receptive to such positive messages." And after a bit of nervous laughter, we left it like that; the trip was also short- only about 6 minutes. And I've come to realize that ramming the Gospel of Christ down someone's ear like a Salem preacher is counterproductive.
The Mint Museum of Toys 26 Seah Street Tel: 6287 0060 is the world's first purpose-built toy museum. The architecture and design of the place is truly outstanding. Very modern, minimalist, plenty of immense glass panels and white polished reconstituted marble floors - I had that zen feeling when you walked thru its stainless steel doors.

A few of the toys date from the 19th century but most of them are from the 20th century. I took particular interest in the Star Wars toys- mint and still in their original packaging- and the collection of 1960s memorabilia toys ranging from the Green Hornet to Double 07. What we saw in the beautiful glass cabinets only represented a fraction of the collection of Chang Yang Fa. Its hard to believe but this one man, Mr Chang, amassed the entire collection. He started early at 6. He collected cutie pie dolls, gollywogs, mickey mouse dolls, teddy bears, tin toys - same make, different national manufactuers. Two of the rare tin toys included a windup Popeye the Sailor Man tank and a Mickey Mouse hurdy gurdy model which included a workable dancing Minnie.
I think the most poignant ones are the collection of 1920 - 1930 dolls made by escaped Chinese slave women and girls at missionary stations. In the 1920s and 1930s, Chinese girls were often kidnapped, or sold to become sex slaves and menial workers. Christians missionaries took pity on them and set up five homes which acted as sancturies for the girls who escaped. They were taught how to read, write, do math, needlework, sewing which included doll making so that they find proper employment when they left.
In a way I think Museum is a temple to Mr Chang's collection. Clearly, a work that surpasses the dedication and effort of most mortals. I can't help making mental comparisons with the ancient pyramids which housed the wealth of the pharoahs.
Its way cool- check it out here at Uniquely Singapore
Opening hours are from: 9.30am to 6.30pm daily and the cost of admission is SGD 10 (Adult) and SGD 5 (Child). That's about US$6 and US$3.
The Museum also does functions, there is a restaurant at the basement. And here: I attended the first Writer's Clique meeting. You can click onto the Yahoo Group page here. It was fun. We talked about all kinds of things under the sun. It was an open relaxed event... quite cool. Special praise should be given to Ms. Rena Tan, the function's organizer- for going thru the trouble of hiring the place- and taking the risk if NOONE showed up. 35 people were suppose to be there. I think only 15 came. I guess it was expected- everyone is away on holidays at this time of the year.
I waited for quite awhile before a taxi showed up. This one however had a "BUSY" sign on it. The driver, a kindly Muslim man asked where I was going because he was on his way to the Mosque for evening prayers. When I told him my destination, he said "Hop on, its on my way." He talked about Islam a little bit and then I felt the (Holy) Spirit prompt me to use this opening to share the Gospel with him. In Singapore - despite the religious freedom- one has to be careful in such matters, I think it is illegal to preach the gospel to a Muslim, but, thankfully, it is not illegal for a Muslim to convert to Christianity unlike Malaysia. Anyhow, I only went so far as to talk to him about the appeal of Christianity to the young. And he laughed and said, "Why yes, the young are more open and receptive to such positive messages." And after a bit of nervous laughter, we left it like that; the trip was also short- only about 6 minutes. And I've come to realize that ramming the Gospel of Christ down someone's ear like a Salem preacher is counterproductive.
The Mint Museum of Toys 26 Seah Street Tel: 6287 0060 is the world's first purpose-built toy museum. The architecture and design of the place is truly outstanding. Very modern, minimalist, plenty of immense glass panels and white polished reconstituted marble floors - I had that zen feeling when you walked thru its stainless steel doors.
A few of the toys date from the 19th century but most of them are from the 20th century. I took particular interest in the Star Wars toys- mint and still in their original packaging- and the collection of 1960s memorabilia toys ranging from the Green Hornet to Double 07. What we saw in the beautiful glass cabinets only represented a fraction of the collection of Chang Yang Fa. Its hard to believe but this one man, Mr Chang, amassed the entire collection. He started early at 6. He collected cutie pie dolls, gollywogs, mickey mouse dolls, teddy bears, tin toys - same make, different national manufactuers. Two of the rare tin toys included a windup Popeye the Sailor Man tank and a Mickey Mouse hurdy gurdy model which included a workable dancing Minnie.
I think the most poignant ones are the collection of 1920 - 1930 dolls made by escaped Chinese slave women and girls at missionary stations. In the 1920s and 1930s, Chinese girls were often kidnapped, or sold to become sex slaves and menial workers. Christians missionaries took pity on them and set up five homes which acted as sancturies for the girls who escaped. They were taught how to read, write, do math, needlework, sewing which included doll making so that they find proper employment when they left.
In a way I think Museum is a temple to Mr Chang's collection. Clearly, a work that surpasses the dedication and effort of most mortals. I can't help making mental comparisons with the ancient pyramids which housed the wealth of the pharoahs.
Its way cool- check it out here at Uniquely Singapore
Opening hours are from: 9.30am to 6.30pm daily and the cost of admission is SGD 10 (Adult) and SGD 5 (Child). That's about US$6 and US$3.
The Museum also does functions, there is a restaurant at the basement. And here: I attended the first Writer's Clique meeting. You can click onto the Yahoo Group page here. It was fun. We talked about all kinds of things under the sun. It was an open relaxed event... quite cool. Special praise should be given to Ms. Rena Tan, the function's organizer- for going thru the trouble of hiring the place- and taking the risk if NOONE showed up. 35 people were suppose to be there. I think only 15 came. I guess it was expected- everyone is away on holidays at this time of the year.
Casino Royale
Why I like Casino Royale.
Here's a trailer for the film. Click here.
It seems there are quite a lot of people, mainly guys, who don't like the new Bond. They complain that he's pussified- and carries a small puny Barretta instead of a macho big gun like an AK-47... duh.
I think they ought to reread- Ian Flemming's classic story. In it Bond uses three weapons- a sawn off .356 revolver, a long barrelled Colt special .45 pistol, and in his pocket he carries his faithful "Beretta", the weapon of choice for spies due to his small size- easy for concealment.
As for me, I found the previous series of Bond films- pretty tiresome. Bond swaggers in, says dumb pick up lines, women with big tits and dim wits swoon at his feet, he fights ridiculous villians who use outrageous weapons like a solar LaaaZer beam which he outruns in his invisible car. Oh please. You need to be drunk to sit thru such movies. Just leave that to Austin Powers thanks.
Here's a trailer for the film. Click here.
It seems there are quite a lot of people, mainly guys, who don't like the new Bond. They complain that he's pussified- and carries a small puny Barretta instead of a macho big gun like an AK-47... duh.
I think they ought to reread- Ian Flemming's classic story. In it Bond uses three weapons- a sawn off .356 revolver, a long barrelled Colt special .45 pistol, and in his pocket he carries his faithful "Beretta", the weapon of choice for spies due to his small size- easy for concealment.
As for me, I found the previous series of Bond films- pretty tiresome. Bond swaggers in, says dumb pick up lines, women with big tits and dim wits swoon at his feet, he fights ridiculous villians who use outrageous weapons like a solar LaaaZer beam which he outruns in his invisible car. Oh please. You need to be drunk to sit thru such movies. Just leave that to Austin Powers thanks.
Lefties and military service
I don't understand why when left-wingers, communists, or radical groups protest - some or most of them would be wearing military uniforms or ex-army camo. If they hate the military so much- why wear the colors?
This article explores the paradox a bit more.
This article explores the paradox a bit more.
Boy strangles teacher- walks free
A 16 year old Sydney school boy walked free after strangling his 24 year old female teacher. It seems he also bruised her "chest"- which I assume would mean he grabbed her breasts. She's in hospital.
But "Magistrate Paul Mulroney gave the sorry boy an 18-month suspended control order provided he undergo counselling.
Counselling???? Err... wait I forgot... who got assaulted again???
Oh boo hoo, he was sorry? And you believe him???? So what, the next time some kid tries to kill his teacher and fails- all he has to do is plaster lemon juice in his eyes and say "I'm sorry" repeatedly and will the Court counsellors and judges bleed their tender hearts for his pretty pretty ass?? Is that it???!!!
I wonder how the judge would feel if some young punk put him in hospital with a half broken larynx? Good grief, where in the world do they get these judges from- I think the munchkins from The Land of Wizard of Oz would hand out more appropriate decisions.
Next news item - NSW govt ponders poor teacher recruitment roadshow... Education Minister can't imagine why.
Read the rest of the story here in the Australian.
Frankly, they ought to cane the little bugger til he really cries; then, afterwards send him for counselling. But that would no doubt bring up a chorus line of civil libertarians, lawyers, and judges defending his human rights.
But "Magistrate Paul Mulroney gave the sorry boy an 18-month suspended control order provided he undergo counselling.
Counselling???? Err... wait I forgot... who got assaulted again???
Mr Mulroney said he would not impose a custodial sentence due to the remorse shown by the boy." He said there was "no interest" in the boy being placed in custody.
"It clearly will not provide any lesson. It seems that many of the lessons he needs to learn have already been learnt," he said.
"There is considerable evidence that (the boy) feels very deep remorse for what he has done."
Oh boo hoo, he was sorry? And you believe him???? So what, the next time some kid tries to kill his teacher and fails- all he has to do is plaster lemon juice in his eyes and say "I'm sorry" repeatedly and will the Court counsellors and judges bleed their tender hearts for his pretty pretty ass?? Is that it???!!!
I wonder how the judge would feel if some young punk put him in hospital with a half broken larynx? Good grief, where in the world do they get these judges from- I think the munchkins from The Land of Wizard of Oz would hand out more appropriate decisions.
Next news item - NSW govt ponders poor teacher recruitment roadshow... Education Minister can't imagine why.
Read the rest of the story here in the Australian.
Frankly, they ought to cane the little bugger til he really cries; then, afterwards send him for counselling. But that would no doubt bring up a chorus line of civil libertarians, lawyers, and judges defending his human rights.
Toy Museum Seah Street
Its 6.29pm, I'm lying in my bed with a sore throat and slight temperature and I suddenly realize I have a 6.30 function at the Toy Museum. ... ding... two panadols, a hot shower and I was out of my house in 10 minutes flat.
I waited for quite awhile before a taxi showed up. This one however had a "BUSY" sign on it. The driver, a kindly Muslim man asked where I was going because he was on his way to the Mosque for evening prayers. When I told him my destination, he said "Hop on, its on my way." He talked about Islam a little bit and then I felt the (Holy) Spirit prompt me to use this opening to share the Gospel with him. In Singapore - despite the religious freedom- one has to be careful in such matters, I think it is illegal to preach the gospel to a Muslim, but, thankfully, it is not illegal for a Muslim to convert to Christianity unlike Malaysia. Anyhow, I only went so far as to talk to him about the appeal of Christianity to the young. And he laughed and said, "Why yes, the young are more open and receptive to such positive messages." And after a bit of nervous laughter, we left it like that; the trip was also short- only about 6 minutes. And I've come to realize that ramming the Gospel of Christ down someone's ear like a Salem preacher is counterproductive.
The Mint Museum of Toys 26 Seah Street Tel: 6287 0060 is the world's first purpose-built toy museum. The architecture and design of the place is truly outstanding. Very modern, minimalist, plenty of immense glass panels and white polished reconstituted marble floors - I had that zen feeling when you walked thru its stainless steel doors.

A few of the toys date from the 19th century but most of them are from the 20th century. I took particular interest in the Star Wars toys- mint and still in their original packaging- and the collection of 1960s memorabilia toys ranging from the Green Hornet to Double 07. What we saw in the beautiful glass cabinets only represented a fraction of the collection of Chang Yang Fa. Its hard to believe but this one man, Mr Chang, amassed the entire collection. He started early at 6. He collected cutie pie dolls, gollywogs, mickey mouse dolls, teddy bears, tin toys - same make, different national manufactuers. Two of the rare tin toys included a windup Popeye the Sailor Man tank and a Mickey Mouse hurdy gurdy model which included a workable dancing Minnie.
I think the most poignant ones are the collection of 1920 - 1930 dolls made by escaped Chinese slave women and girls at missionary stations. In the 1920s and 1930s, Chinese girls were often kidnapped, or sold to become sex slaves and menial workers. Christians missionaries took pity on them and set up five homes which acted as sancturies for the girls who escaped. They were taught how to read, write, do math, needlework, sewing which included doll making so that they find proper employment when they left.
In a way I think Museum is a temple to Mr Chang's collection. Clearly, a work that surpasses the dedication and effort of most mortals. I can't help making mental comparisons with the ancient pyramids which housed the wealth of the pharoahs.
Its way cool- check it out here at Uniquely Singapore
Opening hours are from: 9.30am to 6.30pm daily and the cost of admission is SGD 10 (Adult) and SGD 5 (Child). That's about US$6 and US$3.
The Museum also does functions, there is a restaurant at the basement. And here: I attended the first Writer's Clique meeting. You can click onto the Yahoo Group page here. It was fun. We talked about all kinds of things under the sun. It was an open relaxed event... quite cool. Special praise should be given to Ms. Rena Tan, the function's organizer- for going thru the trouble of hiring the place- and taking the risk if NOONE showed up. 35 people were suppose to be there. I think only 15 came. I guess it was expected- everyone is away on holidays at this time of the year.
I waited for quite awhile before a taxi showed up. This one however had a "BUSY" sign on it. The driver, a kindly Muslim man asked where I was going because he was on his way to the Mosque for evening prayers. When I told him my destination, he said "Hop on, its on my way." He talked about Islam a little bit and then I felt the (Holy) Spirit prompt me to use this opening to share the Gospel with him. In Singapore - despite the religious freedom- one has to be careful in such matters, I think it is illegal to preach the gospel to a Muslim, but, thankfully, it is not illegal for a Muslim to convert to Christianity unlike Malaysia. Anyhow, I only went so far as to talk to him about the appeal of Christianity to the young. And he laughed and said, "Why yes, the young are more open and receptive to such positive messages." And after a bit of nervous laughter, we left it like that; the trip was also short- only about 6 minutes. And I've come to realize that ramming the Gospel of Christ down someone's ear like a Salem preacher is counterproductive.
The Mint Museum of Toys 26 Seah Street Tel: 6287 0060 is the world's first purpose-built toy museum. The architecture and design of the place is truly outstanding. Very modern, minimalist, plenty of immense glass panels and white polished reconstituted marble floors - I had that zen feeling when you walked thru its stainless steel doors.

A few of the toys date from the 19th century but most of them are from the 20th century. I took particular interest in the Star Wars toys- mint and still in their original packaging- and the collection of 1960s memorabilia toys ranging from the Green Hornet to Double 07. What we saw in the beautiful glass cabinets only represented a fraction of the collection of Chang Yang Fa. Its hard to believe but this one man, Mr Chang, amassed the entire collection. He started early at 6. He collected cutie pie dolls, gollywogs, mickey mouse dolls, teddy bears, tin toys - same make, different national manufactuers. Two of the rare tin toys included a windup Popeye the Sailor Man tank and a Mickey Mouse hurdy gurdy model which included a workable dancing Minnie.
I think the most poignant ones are the collection of 1920 - 1930 dolls made by escaped Chinese slave women and girls at missionary stations. In the 1920s and 1930s, Chinese girls were often kidnapped, or sold to become sex slaves and menial workers. Christians missionaries took pity on them and set up five homes which acted as sancturies for the girls who escaped. They were taught how to read, write, do math, needlework, sewing which included doll making so that they find proper employment when they left.
In a way I think Museum is a temple to Mr Chang's collection. Clearly, a work that surpasses the dedication and effort of most mortals. I can't help making mental comparisons with the ancient pyramids which housed the wealth of the pharoahs.
Its way cool- check it out here at Uniquely Singapore
Opening hours are from: 9.30am to 6.30pm daily and the cost of admission is SGD 10 (Adult) and SGD 5 (Child). That's about US$6 and US$3.
The Museum also does functions, there is a restaurant at the basement. And here: I attended the first Writer's Clique meeting. You can click onto the Yahoo Group page here. It was fun. We talked about all kinds of things under the sun. It was an open relaxed event... quite cool. Special praise should be given to Ms. Rena Tan, the function's organizer- for going thru the trouble of hiring the place- and taking the risk if NOONE showed up. 35 people were suppose to be there. I think only 15 came. I guess it was expected- everyone is away on holidays at this time of the year.

Criminal lawyer who defends Underworld leaders is unhappy
Check it out: this criminal lawyer who makes her business defending underworld crime bosses- is unhappy- despite the fact that she got free from an court appeal. Why? Because she reckons that the police force and judiciary - "the boys club" are trying to make life hard for her - including arresting her if she litters!!! Oh Heavens! No one, esp. a criminal lawyer whose a friend to mobsters and drug trafficers, should get arrested if they do that!!! In fact, the next time this pretty lawyer throws a banana peel onto a public walkway frequented by old withered grandmothers - the police should award her a medal!!!
Read the story here in The Oztraliyan:
Read the story here in The Oztraliyan:
Gangland lawyer to shake up 'boys' club'
by Gary Hughes and Natasha Robinson, December 20, 2006
GLAMOROUS gangland lawyer Zarah Garde-Wilson has vowed to fight what she describes as attempts by Melbourne's "boys' club" of police and prosecutors to discredit her.
"It's been ridiculous from day one. It's tall poppy syndrome. I don't fit into their boys' club," she told The Australian yesterday after escaping a jail sentence for contempt of court.
"You just keep fighting. The truth always comes to the surface. It is (hard), but what can you do? You can't stress about things you can't change. You can just do things right."
She also accused Victoria Police of unfairly pursuing her over her alleged connections to underworld figures, including charging her with firearms offences, which she denies.
"If I threw a banana peel out the window, they would charge me. And they would go to trial on it," she said.
Ms Garde-Wilson, 28, the former partner of a slain underworld hitman and reportedly a one-time lover of fugitive drug boss Tony Mokbel, walked free from Victoria's Supreme Court after the failure of an appeal by the Director of Public Prosecutions against the leniency of her sentence on a contempt of court conviction.
Swatting mossies and birth rates
So I'm trying to get back to sleep - when I hear that ear piercing buzz of the mosquito. God, knows why the silly buggers love to go for the head. It was so close that when I clamped my pillows against my ears, I squashed it. Normally, I'd go back to sleep. But my pillow case is a "Garcia"- I can't let it get stained!! So I pulled it out, gave it a wash.
In the meantime, I'm reading this site which quotes our illustrious leader.
Basically what we are having here is a paradox. In the past, the countries which were successful- militarily, politically and socially- saw great rises in its population base- and were able to colonize other nations who were not successful.
Today, we have the opposite. The nations which are the weakest are having massive increases in its birth rates- and the ironic thing is that- they are the ones "exporting" its young to the more powerful nations.
In the past, mass migration resulted in open warfare. No way the ancient Romans would tolerate the Gauls and Germanic tribes coming into their lands. They fought them.
Today, mass migration seems to result in the local populace (from the stronger nations), acquiescing and giving more social welfare handouts to the newcomers. At the same time, the latter's foreign aid helps to maintain the population increases in the poorer nations- which keeps the cycle rolling.
Meanwhile, the citizens of the powerful nations are too busy having a good time to produce babies and hence their culture and society gets slowly diminished.
Its not rational. In the end something has to give.
Read it here: Stupidity Sans Borders
Here's the initial part:
In the meantime, I'm reading this site which quotes our illustrious leader.
Basically what we are having here is a paradox. In the past, the countries which were successful- militarily, politically and socially- saw great rises in its population base- and were able to colonize other nations who were not successful.
Today, we have the opposite. The nations which are the weakest are having massive increases in its birth rates- and the ironic thing is that- they are the ones "exporting" its young to the more powerful nations.
In the past, mass migration resulted in open warfare. No way the ancient Romans would tolerate the Gauls and Germanic tribes coming into their lands. They fought them.
Today, mass migration seems to result in the local populace (from the stronger nations), acquiescing and giving more social welfare handouts to the newcomers. At the same time, the latter's foreign aid helps to maintain the population increases in the poorer nations- which keeps the cycle rolling.
Meanwhile, the citizens of the powerful nations are too busy having a good time to produce babies and hence their culture and society gets slowly diminished.
Its not rational. In the end something has to give.
Read it here: Stupidity Sans Borders
Here's the initial part:
The 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries have witnessed the most spectacular population growth in human history, most of it in Third World countries. The worldâs population, estimated at 6.4 billion in 2006, grows by more than 70 million people per year. In sixty years, Brazilâs population has increased by 318 per cent; Ethiopiaâs by 503 per cent. There are now 73 million people in Ethiopia â more than the population of Britain or France.
At the same time, many of the most economically successful countries, both in the East and in the West, have problems with ageing or declining populations. At its peak around 1910, one-quarter of the worldâs population lived in Europe or North America. Today the percentage has probably declined to about one-eighth. South Koreaâs birthrate has dropped to the point where the average Korean woman is expected to have only one child throughout her life. The U.S. still has a birthrate of more than two, while the U.K. saw births inch up from 1.63 to 1.74 and Germany from 1.34 to 1.37 in the same period. The low birthrate problem in Asia is rooted in womenâs rising social and economic standing. Japanâs birthrate was 1.28, comparable to Taiwanâs 1.22, and Hong Kongâs 0.94.
âEurope and Japan are now facing a population problem that is unprecedented in human history,â said Bill Butz, president of the Population Reference Bureau. Countries have lost people because of wars, disease and natural disasters but never because women stopped having enough children. Japan announced that its population had shrunk in 2005 for the first time, and that it was now the worldâs most elderly nation. Italy was second. On average, women must have 2.1 children in their lifetimes for a society to replenish itself, accounting for infant mortality and other factors. Only one country in Europe â Muslim Albania â has a fertility rate above 2. Russiaâs fertility rate is 1.28.
Writer Spengler in the Asia Times Online commented that demography is destiny: âNever in recorded history have prosperous and peaceful nations chosen to disappear from the face of the earth. Yet that is what the Europeans have chosen to do. Back in 1348 Europe suffered the Black Death.â âThe plague reduced the estimated European population by about a third. In the next 50 years, Europeâs population will relive â in slow motion â that plague demography, losing about a fifth of its population by 2050.â
Itâs numbers like these that have prompted Singaporeâs former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew to state that âitâs demography, and not democracy, that will be the critical factor shaping growth and security in the 21st century. High rates of births are contributing to the booming populations which are dragging down developing nations. Meanwhile falling birth rates are sapping the growth of developed nations.â âAlthough migration is one option developed countries are looking at to keep their economies vibrant,â Lee said, âit might not solve all their troubles and might even breed social tensions.â According to him, governments may not be able to afford to keep out of personal issues like sex, marriage and procreation much longer.
Niall FergusonHistorian Niall Ferguson reveals how Islam is winning the numbers game. âIf fertility persisted at such low levels, within 50 years Spainâs population would decline by 3-4 million, Italyâs by a fifth. Not even two World Wars had inflicted such an absolute decline in population.â âIn 1950 there had been three times as many people in Britain as in Iran. By 1995 the population of Iran had overtaken that of Britain. By 2050, the population of Iran could be more than 50 per cent larger. At the time of writing, the annual rate of population growth is more than seven times higher in Iran than in Britain.â
Slept at 9... woke up at 5. So much for getting a lengthier sleep time. Its raining again. My temperature is down. My throat is still raspy and hard to swallow. But at least the shakes have gone.
Probably won't go to the gym today. My instructor won't be pleased.
Probably won't go to the gym today. My instructor won't be pleased.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Boy strangles teacher- walks free
A 16 year old Sydney school boy walked free after strangling his 24 year old female teacher. It seems he also bruised her "chest"- which I assume would mean he grabbed her breasts. She's in hospital.
But "Magistrate Paul Mulroney gave the sorry boy an 18-month suspended control order provided he undergo counselling.
Counselling???? Err... wait I forgot... who got assaulted again???
Oh boo hoo, he was sorry? And you believe him???? So what, the next time some kid tries to kill his teacher and fails- all he has to do is plaster lemon juice in his eyes and say "I'm sorry" repeatedly and will the Court counsellors and judges bleed their tender hearts for his pretty pretty ass?? Is that it???!!!
I wonder how the judge would feel if some young punk put him in hospital with a half broken larynx? Good grief, where in the world do they get these judges from- I think the munchkins from The Land of Wizard of Oz would hand out more appropriate decisions.
Next news item - NSW govt ponders poor teacher recruitment roadshow... Education Minister can't imagine why.
Read the rest of the story here in the Australian.
Frankly, they ought to cane the little bugger til he really cries; then, afterwards send him for counselling. But that would no doubt bring up a chorus line of civil libertarians, lawyers, and judges defending his human rights.
But "Magistrate Paul Mulroney gave the sorry boy an 18-month suspended control order provided he undergo counselling.
Counselling???? Err... wait I forgot... who got assaulted again???
Mr Mulroney said he would not impose a custodial sentence due to the remorse shown by the boy." He said there was "no interest" in the boy being placed in custody.
"It clearly will not provide any lesson. It seems that many of the lessons he needs to learn have already been learnt," he said.
"There is considerable evidence that (the boy) feels very deep remorse for what he has done."
Oh boo hoo, he was sorry? And you believe him???? So what, the next time some kid tries to kill his teacher and fails- all he has to do is plaster lemon juice in his eyes and say "I'm sorry" repeatedly and will the Court counsellors and judges bleed their tender hearts for his pretty pretty ass?? Is that it???!!!
I wonder how the judge would feel if some young punk put him in hospital with a half broken larynx? Good grief, where in the world do they get these judges from- I think the munchkins from The Land of Wizard of Oz would hand out more appropriate decisions.
Next news item - NSW govt ponders poor teacher recruitment roadshow... Education Minister can't imagine why.
Read the rest of the story here in the Australian.
Frankly, they ought to cane the little bugger til he really cries; then, afterwards send him for counselling. But that would no doubt bring up a chorus line of civil libertarians, lawyers, and judges defending his human rights.
Rain Rain Rain

It was raining nonstop since Sunday. Buckets of water like waterfall strength came down. I got caught in the rain on Wednesday after the King's College Choir concert and got a bit chilled. Normally I can take the cold- I once walked in shorts and tshirt in minus zero weather in Queenstown, NZ to the milkbar and back. But if you get soaking well- its another story. My hands had black spots when I was caught in a soaking gale force winds at Cradle Mountain.
Right now, I've got a temperature and my body is shivering. I wish I had my dear friend Carol to nurse me back to health. Nothing fancy. Just make me a warm cup of lemon tea. And just being around to make sure I didn't get any more sicker. That would make me feel so much better. Sometimes just a loving touch and a comforting word can make all the difference.
Right now, I'm living in a pretty big CBD flat all by myself. Its cool most of the time, but right now I feel quite down.
I've taken some panadol tables and going to get an early night's sleep... hope to get better tomorrow.
Criminal lawyer who defends Underworld leaders is unhappy
Check it out: this criminal lawyer who makes her business defending underworld crime bosses- is unhappy- despite the fact that she got free from an court appeal. Why? Because she reckons that the police force and judiciary - "the boys club" are trying to make life hard for her - including arresting her if she litters!!! Oh Heavens! No one, esp. a criminal lawyer whose a friend to mobsters and drug trafficers, should get arrested if they do that!!! In fact, the next time this pretty lawyer throws a banana peel onto a public walkway frequented by old withered grandmothers - the police should award her a medal!!!
Read the story here in The Oztraliyan:
Read the story here in The Oztraliyan:
Gangland lawyer to shake up 'boys' club'
by Gary Hughes and Natasha Robinson, December 20, 2006
GLAMOROUS gangland lawyer Zarah Garde-Wilson has vowed to fight what she describes as attempts by Melbourne's "boys' club" of police and prosecutors to discredit her.
"It's been ridiculous from day one. It's tall poppy syndrome. I don't fit into their boys' club," she told The Australian yesterday after escaping a jail sentence for contempt of court.
"You just keep fighting. The truth always comes to the surface. It is (hard), but what can you do? You can't stress about things you can't change. You can just do things right."
She also accused Victoria Police of unfairly pursuing her over her alleged connections to underworld figures, including charging her with firearms offences, which she denies.
"If I threw a banana peel out the window, they would charge me. And they would go to trial on it," she said.
Ms Garde-Wilson, 28, the former partner of a slain underworld hitman and reportedly a one-time lover of fugitive drug boss Tony Mokbel, walked free from Victoria's Supreme Court after the failure of an appeal by the Director of Public Prosecutions against the leniency of her sentence on a contempt of court conviction.
Swatting mossies and birth rates
So I'm trying to get back to sleep - when I hear that ear piercing buzz of the mosquito. God, knows why the silly buggers love to go for the head. It was so close that when I clamped my pillows against my ears, I squashed it. Normally, I'd go back to sleep. But my pillow case is a "Garcia"- I can't let it get stained!! So I pulled it out, gave it a wash.
In the meantime, I'm reading this site which quotes our illustrious leader.
Basically what we are having here is a paradox. In the past, the countries which were successful- militarily, politically and socially- saw great rises in its population base- and were able to colonize other nations who were not successful.
Today, we have the opposite. The nations which are the weakest are having massive increases in its birth rates- and the ironic thing is that- they are the ones "exporting" its young to the more powerful nations.
In the past, mass migration resulted in open warfare. No way the ancient Romans would tolerate the Gauls and Germanic tribes coming into their lands. They fought them.
Today, mass migration seems to result in the local populace (from the stronger nations), acquiescing and giving more social welfare handouts to the newcomers. At the same time, the latter's foreign aid helps to maintain the population increases in the poorer nations- which keeps the cycle rolling.
Meanwhile, the citizens of the powerful nations are too busy having a good time to produce babies and hence their culture and society gets slowly diminished.
Its not rational. In the end something has to give.
Read it here: Stupidity Sans Borders
Here's the initial part:
In the meantime, I'm reading this site which quotes our illustrious leader.
Basically what we are having here is a paradox. In the past, the countries which were successful- militarily, politically and socially- saw great rises in its population base- and were able to colonize other nations who were not successful.
Today, we have the opposite. The nations which are the weakest are having massive increases in its birth rates- and the ironic thing is that- they are the ones "exporting" its young to the more powerful nations.
In the past, mass migration resulted in open warfare. No way the ancient Romans would tolerate the Gauls and Germanic tribes coming into their lands. They fought them.
Today, mass migration seems to result in the local populace (from the stronger nations), acquiescing and giving more social welfare handouts to the newcomers. At the same time, the latter's foreign aid helps to maintain the population increases in the poorer nations- which keeps the cycle rolling.
Meanwhile, the citizens of the powerful nations are too busy having a good time to produce babies and hence their culture and society gets slowly diminished.
Its not rational. In the end something has to give.
Read it here: Stupidity Sans Borders
Here's the initial part:
The 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries have witnessed the most spectacular population growth in human history, most of it in Third World countries. The world’s population, estimated at 6.4 billion in 2006, grows by more than 70 million people per year. In sixty years, Brazil’s population has increased by 318 per cent; Ethiopia’s by 503 per cent. There are now 73 million people in Ethiopia — more than the population of Britain or France.
At the same time, many of the most economically successful countries, both in the East and in the West, have problems with ageing or declining populations. At its peak around 1910, one-quarter of the world’s population lived in Europe or North America. Today the percentage has probably declined to about one-eighth. South Korea’s birthrate has dropped to the point where the average Korean woman is expected to have only one child throughout her life. The U.S. still has a birthrate of more than two, while the U.K. saw births inch up from 1.63 to 1.74 and Germany from 1.34 to 1.37 in the same period. The low birthrate problem in Asia is rooted in women’s rising social and economic standing. Japan’s birthrate was 1.28, comparable to Taiwan’s 1.22, and Hong Kong’s 0.94.
“Europe and Japan are now facing a population problem that is unprecedented in human history,” said Bill Butz, president of the Population Reference Bureau. Countries have lost people because of wars, disease and natural disasters but never because women stopped having enough children. Japan announced that its population had shrunk in 2005 for the first time, and that it was now the world’s most elderly nation. Italy was second. On average, women must have 2.1 children in their lifetimes for a society to replenish itself, accounting for infant mortality and other factors. Only one country in Europe – Muslim Albania – has a fertility rate above 2. Russia’s fertility rate is 1.28.
Writer Spengler in the Asia Times Online commented that demography is destiny: “Never in recorded history have prosperous and peaceful nations chosen to disappear from the face of the earth. Yet that is what the Europeans have chosen to do. Back in 1348 Europe suffered the Black Death.” “The plague reduced the estimated European population by about a third. In the next 50 years, Europe’s population will relive — in slow motion — that plague demography, losing about a fifth of its population by 2050.”
It’s numbers like these that have prompted Singapore’s former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew to state that “it’s demography, and not democracy, that will be the critical factor shaping growth and security in the 21st century. High rates of births are contributing to the booming populations which are dragging down developing nations. Meanwhile falling birth rates are sapping the growth of developed nations.” “Although migration is one option developed countries are looking at to keep their economies vibrant,” Lee said, “it might not solve all their troubles and might even breed social tensions.” According to him, governments may not be able to afford to keep out of personal issues like sex, marriage and procreation much longer.
Niall FergusonHistorian Niall Ferguson reveals how Islam is winning the numbers game. “If fertility persisted at such low levels, within 50 years Spain’s population would decline by 3-4 million, Italy’s by a fifth. Not even two World Wars had inflicted such an absolute decline in population.” “In 1950 there had been three times as many people in Britain as in Iran. By 1995 the population of Iran had overtaken that of Britain. By 2050, the population of Iran could be more than 50 per cent larger. At the time of writing, the annual rate of population growth is more than seven times higher in Iran than in Britain.”
Slept at 9... woke up at 5. So much for getting a lengthier sleep time. Its raining again. My temperature is down. My throat is still raspy and hard to swallow. But at least the shakes have gone.
Probably won't go to the gym today. My instructor won't be pleased.
Probably won't go to the gym today. My instructor won't be pleased.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Rain Rain Rain

It was raining nonstop since Sunday. Buckets of water like waterfall strength came down. I got caught in the rain on Wednesday after the King's College Choir concert and got a bit chilled. Normally I can take the cold- I once walked in shorts and tshirt in minus zero weather in Queenstown, NZ to the milkbar and back. But if you get soaking well- its another story. My hands had black spots when I was caught in a soaking gale force winds at Cradle Mountain.
Right now, I've got a temperature and my body is shivering. I wish I had my dear friend Carol to nurse me back to health. Nothing fancy. Just make me a warm cup of lemon tea. And just being around to make sure I didn't get any more sicker. That would make me feel so much better. Sometimes just a loving touch and a comforting word can make all the difference.
Right now, I'm living in a pretty big CBD flat all by myself. Its cool most of the time, but right now I feel quite down.
I've taken some panadol tables and going to get an early night's sleep... hope to get better tomorrow.
The end of a civilization
A nation is on the verge of downfall when it devalues and sells its women. That's the thesis of this article.
It brought several interesting points which I didn't realize- that Iran has a declining birth rate and that most of its youth are unemployed despite the booming oil economy.
Some of the essayist's points are rather extreme. But go read and see:
It brought several interesting points which I didn't realize- that Iran has a declining birth rate and that most of its youth are unemployed despite the booming oil economy.
Some of the essayist's points are rather extreme. But go read and see:
The end of a civilization
A nation is on the verge of downfall when it devalues and sells its women. That's the thesis of this article.
It brought several interesting points which I didn't realize- that Iran has a declining birth rate and that most of its youth are unemployed despite the booming oil economy.
Some of the essayist's points are rather extreme. But go read and see:
It brought several interesting points which I didn't realize- that Iran has a declining birth rate and that most of its youth are unemployed despite the booming oil economy.
Some of the essayist's points are rather extreme. But go read and see:
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Cara Dillion
If you like beautiful sweet warm singing - you got to listen to Cara Dillion's debut album- see it here at Amazon
Most of the songs are traditional music, she has arranged them well and sung them with angelic perfection.
I discovered her music back in 2004. I would play her album in my car, thank God for mp3 players, and time just passed seamlessly. By no time, I would arrive at my destination. Amazing what good music can do.
In particular, you have to listen to "BLACK IS THE COLOUR", 2. "DONALD OF GLENCOE", 3. "CRAIGIE HILL", and track 7: BLUE MOUNTAIN RIVER.
Each time I listen, her melodic voice wraps itself around my ears and gives them a warm hug. Awesome.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Cara Dillion

If you like beautiful sweet warm singing - you got to listen to Cara Dillion's debut album- see it here at Amazon
Most of the songs are traditional music, she has arranged them well and sung them with angelic perfection.
I discovered her music back in 2004. I would play her album in my car, thank God for mp3 players, and time just passed seamlessly. By no time, I would arrive at my destination. Amazing what good music can do.
In particular, you have to listen to "BLACK IS THE COLOUR", 2. "DONALD OF GLENCOE", 3. "CRAIGIE HILL", and track 7: BLUE MOUNTAIN RIVER.
Each time I listen, her melodic voice wraps itself around my ears and gives them a warm hug. Awesome.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
December 1986
I met up with a female acquaintance this week. It was a pleasant encounter- the sort you have with old friends. (I call her an acquaintance because, in truth, I hardly know her).
It was good to see her again after all these years. She didnât seem to have changed much; she had that same vitality that I admired. Amazingly, she hadnât lost it, despite having two kids, and holding down a full-time major job position - she's the head of a big govt bureau.
She reminded me of Audrey Hepburn (circa 1950s) â it was that confident look in her eyes which in the past had occasion to be haughty. Hrmm...
For a moment, seeing her again, I felt like the kid just about to enter the army. December 1986, I had just come back from Australia, after finishing my boarding high school, and was about to enter the Singapore army to do my two and half years of national service. My family were away in Kuwait, but we had an old empty flat and so I moved in.
One of my neighbors was this girl, my age, who had just done her 1st year of Uni in Australia; she skipped a grade. I met her at the staircase and she seemed to like me. Back then, I assumed that any girl who smiled was flirting with me.
For that first two months of army training, every weekend, Iâd get back and see her. Gosh I was such a doofus. I remember when I first asked her out on a date. I had psyched myself up all week to ask her out. Through the harsh army drills, routine details, forced marches and training in the stinky tropical jungle, thats all I could think about all week⦠Then this girl opens her door⦠I look at her⦠somethingâs wrong, she looks different⦠suddenly I realize I forgot her name⦠I stare at her in slight confusion and blurted out my lines robotically.
âHey, would you like to watch a movie with me?â
She looks back, stunned. And says, âSure, ok! But who the hell are you?â Oh wait! Youâre looking for YN!!!â
In the background, peales of laughter rang out.
Then I realize: Oh shit. That was her sister! No wonder she looked different, duh.
Also turns out that âsisterâ had a boyfriend who she had been going out with for over 5 years. And he was in the house too. He was most unimpressed with my dating faux pas.
Still YN agreed to go out to watch the movie, Taipan. It was trashy, she hated it.
I was really way out of my league. YN was a lot more smarter and intelligent than me⦠way more. She was also a strong Christian and thought I was a heathen. lol.
Anyhow it was good to see her again. We chit-chated for awhile. But it was different this time. I realized I had changed a lot. I wasnât that naïve, unsophisticated geeky 18 year old kid who had spent his entire life in the company of @ssholes anymore. I didnât feel the need to fill the silences with rubbish comments. We reminisced about the past, esp. the old apartment block. For a moment, she drifted back down in time.
She had lived there for a considerably longer period than I did. Her mom had passed away in the place⦠I still remember it⦠Christmas Day, 1988. Intrusively, I asked to attend the funeral but she was seeing someone else by that time and said no. My Lord was I obtuse.
To think that its exactly 20 years to the day that we first met, yet, it feels like yesterday.
It was good to see her again after all these years. She didnât seem to have changed much; she had that same vitality that I admired. Amazingly, she hadnât lost it, despite having two kids, and holding down a full-time major job position - she's the head of a big govt bureau.
She reminded me of Audrey Hepburn (circa 1950s) â it was that confident look in her eyes which in the past had occasion to be haughty. Hrmm...
For a moment, seeing her again, I felt like the kid just about to enter the army. December 1986, I had just come back from Australia, after finishing my boarding high school, and was about to enter the Singapore army to do my two and half years of national service. My family were away in Kuwait, but we had an old empty flat and so I moved in.
One of my neighbors was this girl, my age, who had just done her 1st year of Uni in Australia; she skipped a grade. I met her at the staircase and she seemed to like me. Back then, I assumed that any girl who smiled was flirting with me.
For that first two months of army training, every weekend, Iâd get back and see her. Gosh I was such a doofus. I remember when I first asked her out on a date. I had psyched myself up all week to ask her out. Through the harsh army drills, routine details, forced marches and training in the stinky tropical jungle, thats all I could think about all week⦠Then this girl opens her door⦠I look at her⦠somethingâs wrong, she looks different⦠suddenly I realize I forgot her name⦠I stare at her in slight confusion and blurted out my lines robotically.
âHey, would you like to watch a movie with me?â
She looks back, stunned. And says, âSure, ok! But who the hell are you?â Oh wait! Youâre looking for YN!!!â
In the background, peales of laughter rang out.
Then I realize: Oh shit. That was her sister! No wonder she looked different, duh.
Also turns out that âsisterâ had a boyfriend who she had been going out with for over 5 years. And he was in the house too. He was most unimpressed with my dating faux pas.
Still YN agreed to go out to watch the movie, Taipan. It was trashy, she hated it.
I was really way out of my league. YN was a lot more smarter and intelligent than me⦠way more. She was also a strong Christian and thought I was a heathen. lol.
Anyhow it was good to see her again. We chit-chated for awhile. But it was different this time. I realized I had changed a lot. I wasnât that naïve, unsophisticated geeky 18 year old kid who had spent his entire life in the company of @ssholes anymore. I didnât feel the need to fill the silences with rubbish comments. We reminisced about the past, esp. the old apartment block. For a moment, she drifted back down in time.
She had lived there for a considerably longer period than I did. Her mom had passed away in the place⦠I still remember it⦠Christmas Day, 1988. Intrusively, I asked to attend the funeral but she was seeing someone else by that time and said no. My Lord was I obtuse.
To think that its exactly 20 years to the day that we first met, yet, it feels like yesterday.
December 1986
I met up with a female acquaintance this week. It was a pleasant encounter- the sort you have with old friends. (I call her an acquaintance because, in truth, I hardly know her).
It was good to see her again after all these years. She didn’t seem to have changed much; she had that same vitality that I admired. Amazingly, she hadn’t lost it, despite having two kids, and holding down a full-time major job position - she's the head of a big govt bureau.
She reminded me of Audrey Hepburn (circa 1950s) – it was that confident look in her eyes which in the past had occasion to be haughty. Hrmm...
For a moment, seeing her again, I felt like the kid just about to enter the army. December 1986, I had just come back from Australia, after finishing my boarding high school, and was about to enter the Singapore army to do my two and half years of national service. My family were away in Kuwait, but we had an old empty flat and so I moved in.
One of my neighbors was this girl, my age, who had just done her 1st year of Uni in Australia; she skipped a grade. I met her at the staircase and she seemed to like me. Back then, I assumed that any girl who smiled was flirting with me.
For that first two months of army training, every weekend, I’d get back and see her. Gosh I was such a doofus. I remember when I first asked her out on a date. I had psyched myself up all week to ask her out. Through the harsh army drills, routine details, forced marches and training in the stinky tropical jungle, thats all I could think about all week… Then this girl opens her door… I look at her… something’s wrong, she looks different… suddenly I realize I forgot her name… I stare at her in slight confusion and blurted out my lines robotically.
“Hey, would you like to watch a movie with me?”
She looks back, stunned. And says, “Sure, ok! But who the hell are you?” Oh wait! You’re looking for YN!!!”
In the background, peales of laughter rang out.
Then I realize: Oh shit. That was her sister! No wonder she looked different, duh.
Also turns out that “sister” had a boyfriend who she had been going out with for over 5 years. And he was in the house too. He was most unimpressed with my dating faux pas.
Still YN agreed to go out to watch the movie, Taipan. It was trashy, she hated it.
I was really way out of my league. YN was a lot more smarter and intelligent than me… way more. She was also a strong Christian and thought I was a heathen. lol.
Anyhow it was good to see her again. We chit-chated for awhile. But it was different this time. I realized I had changed a lot. I wasn’t that naïve, unsophisticated geeky 18 year old kid who had spent his entire life in the company of @ssholes anymore. I didn’t feel the need to fill the silences with rubbish comments. We reminisced about the past, esp. the old apartment block. For a moment, she drifted back down in time.
She had lived there for a considerably longer period than I did. Her mom had passed away in the place… I still remember it… Christmas Day, 1988. Intrusively, I asked to attend the funeral but she was seeing someone else by that time and said no. My Lord was I obtuse.
To think that its exactly 20 years to the day that we first met, yet, it feels like yesterday.
It was good to see her again after all these years. She didn’t seem to have changed much; she had that same vitality that I admired. Amazingly, she hadn’t lost it, despite having two kids, and holding down a full-time major job position - she's the head of a big govt bureau.
She reminded me of Audrey Hepburn (circa 1950s) – it was that confident look in her eyes which in the past had occasion to be haughty. Hrmm...
For a moment, seeing her again, I felt like the kid just about to enter the army. December 1986, I had just come back from Australia, after finishing my boarding high school, and was about to enter the Singapore army to do my two and half years of national service. My family were away in Kuwait, but we had an old empty flat and so I moved in.
One of my neighbors was this girl, my age, who had just done her 1st year of Uni in Australia; she skipped a grade. I met her at the staircase and she seemed to like me. Back then, I assumed that any girl who smiled was flirting with me.
For that first two months of army training, every weekend, I’d get back and see her. Gosh I was such a doofus. I remember when I first asked her out on a date. I had psyched myself up all week to ask her out. Through the harsh army drills, routine details, forced marches and training in the stinky tropical jungle, thats all I could think about all week… Then this girl opens her door… I look at her… something’s wrong, she looks different… suddenly I realize I forgot her name… I stare at her in slight confusion and blurted out my lines robotically.
“Hey, would you like to watch a movie with me?”
She looks back, stunned. And says, “Sure, ok! But who the hell are you?” Oh wait! You’re looking for YN!!!”
In the background, peales of laughter rang out.
Then I realize: Oh shit. That was her sister! No wonder she looked different, duh.
Also turns out that “sister” had a boyfriend who she had been going out with for over 5 years. And he was in the house too. He was most unimpressed with my dating faux pas.
Still YN agreed to go out to watch the movie, Taipan. It was trashy, she hated it.
I was really way out of my league. YN was a lot more smarter and intelligent than me… way more. She was also a strong Christian and thought I was a heathen. lol.
Anyhow it was good to see her again. We chit-chated for awhile. But it was different this time. I realized I had changed a lot. I wasn’t that naïve, unsophisticated geeky 18 year old kid who had spent his entire life in the company of @ssholes anymore. I didn’t feel the need to fill the silences with rubbish comments. We reminisced about the past, esp. the old apartment block. For a moment, she drifted back down in time.
She had lived there for a considerably longer period than I did. Her mom had passed away in the place… I still remember it… Christmas Day, 1988. Intrusively, I asked to attend the funeral but she was seeing someone else by that time and said no. My Lord was I obtuse.
To think that its exactly 20 years to the day that we first met, yet, it feels like yesterday.

Saturday, December 16, 2006
A blissful eternal moment
I woke up early today to make a call to a friend whose living overseas. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to take my call.
So I sat around in my balcony and made some breakfast. I brewed some freshly grounded coffee. Took out some Malay jam tarts.
The air was cool and refreshing. I could hear the sound of a few birds singing. I had a pleasant view of the Istana gardens. And the radio was playing Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony.
It was sheer bliss.
It was just extraordinary. An eternal heavenly moment in time.
Hmmm... Beethoven's Pastoral. Everyone has to listen to it in a peaceful place at some stage of their life.
Oh yes, I discovered yesterday that eating "bak qua" (Chinese dried sweet meat) with a good bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon really works. (I found a 2002 Jacob Creek bottle at Colds). The two compliment each other. Hmm... fusion food.
So I sat around in my balcony and made some breakfast. I brewed some freshly grounded coffee. Took out some Malay jam tarts.
The air was cool and refreshing. I could hear the sound of a few birds singing. I had a pleasant view of the Istana gardens. And the radio was playing Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony.
It was sheer bliss.
It was just extraordinary. An eternal heavenly moment in time.
Hmmm... Beethoven's Pastoral. Everyone has to listen to it in a peaceful place at some stage of their life.
Oh yes, I discovered yesterday that eating "bak qua" (Chinese dried sweet meat) with a good bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon really works. (I found a 2002 Jacob Creek bottle at Colds). The two compliment each other. Hmm... fusion food.
Japan creates military bureau
In another step towards militarization, Japan has created a defence or war ministry. It already spends a considerable fortune on its military might.
Hmmm... wonder how the (Communist) Chinese perceive it?
I wouldn't be surprised that one day a nuclear war broke out between China and Japan- both sides hate each other very very much.
From Ancient Bitterness flows a bloody river...
Japan creates defence ministry
December 15, 2006 07:43pm
Article from: Agence France-Presse
JAPAN has created a full-fledged defence ministry for the first time since World War II, when the United States stripped the defeated country of its right to a military.
Post-war Japan has had a "Defence Agency" with lower standing than full-fledged ministries as the 1947 constitution declared the country to be pacifist.
Despite calling its troops the "Self-Defence Forces", Japan has one of the world's biggest military budgets at $52.25 billion a year.
Hmmm... wonder how the (Communist) Chinese perceive it?
I wouldn't be surprised that one day a nuclear war broke out between China and Japan- both sides hate each other very very much.
From Ancient Bitterness flows a bloody river...
Japan creates defence ministry
December 15, 2006 07:43pm
Article from: Agence France-Presse
JAPAN has created a full-fledged defence ministry for the first time since World War II, when the United States stripped the defeated country of its right to a military.
Post-war Japan has had a "Defence Agency" with lower standing than full-fledged ministries as the 1947 constitution declared the country to be pacifist.
Despite calling its troops the "Self-Defence Forces", Japan has one of the world's biggest military budgets at $52.25 billion a year.
Friday, December 15, 2006
The Female Warrior Princess
Her shield her intelligence
Her rapier her wit
How dazzling her armor
How she moves with confidence and grace
She brushes aside the arrows
She leaps over the battlements
Capturing Hearts,
Crushing her foes.
Her rapier her wit
How dazzling her armor
How she moves with confidence and grace
She brushes aside the arrows
She leaps over the battlements
Capturing Hearts,
Crushing her foes.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Democracy in Action
Ah, democracy in action. This week, the Federal and State govts of Australia got together to decide how to check the illicit use of the drug, "ice".
Check it out here
But let me summarize it for you:
"no agreement was reached, with the communique only calling for further examination of the problem. The issue will be discussed again at tomorrow's health ministers' meeting in Sydney."
Just f@@king great. A whole bunch of democratically elected salespeople just get together to hold yet another verbal masturbatory session. No doubt, the idiots from the Territories tried to outdo each other with the most rhetorical soliloquies.
Imagine it:
Then they meet afterwards in elegant restaurants, and over the several rounds of the most expensive wines, agree to meet again in another tax payer funded talkfest session to discuss and elaborate on the issues at hand.
Total bullshit.
Frankly, I'd say that virtually all of the State govts +local councils in Australia do jackshit except waste tax-payers dollars. Look at their councils and you'll find the most pathetic group of nitwits. They wouldn't have the brains to run a small business successfully. And yet, they put them in charge of the state.
Well, in the end, nothing or very little gets done. More youth get addicted to drugs. More drug pushers get richer. And ordinary hard working citizens have to be taxed more harshly to pay for the mess.
And meanwhile we have the premier of one Queensland saying its cool for hip young wealthy popular entertainers to break the law - no big deal to him. Pity the poor busker who takes a smoke and gets fined by the QLD police.
Check it out here
But let me summarize it for you:
"no agreement was reached, with the communique only calling for further examination of the problem. The issue will be discussed again at tomorrow's health ministers' meeting in Sydney."
Just f@@king great. A whole bunch of democratically elected salespeople just get together to hold yet another verbal masturbatory session. No doubt, the idiots from the Territories tried to outdo each other with the most rhetorical soliloquies.
Imagine it:
Federal Representative: "We have to increase our efforts in preventing the distribution of illicit drugs."
ACT Minister: "But what is an illicit drug? And can we stop it really. What is man that he can stop such blah... blah... Isn't reality just a construct of man's imagination? Maybe drugs are just part of our Sociological Imagination? (and she carries on her bullshit ranting... for another 87 minutes....) Lastly respect my female authority. I wield the spirit of Gaia and we have to do something about AIDS. And we need more funding."
NT minister: "I deeply concur! We need more funding. I need more whor...interns."
QLD Premier: "Yeah, we need funding for a Space Station."
Federal: "WTF, are you on about? We're talking about curbing illicit drug use! Damnit!!!"
SA Premier: "Space, man... we need space. If we built a space station they will come. And the Aliens will offer our young a New Hope!"
Federal: "What the hell have you all been smoking???"
Tasmania Premier: "Chill out bro... smoking weed is not half as bad as drinking alcohol.... Hey try some, Taz haz d b3z hashz."
Vic and NSW Premiers: "Its all the fault of the Federal Govt. If we legalized drug use, we wouldn't have a problem. Ergo, its the fault of the Feds!"
WA Premier: "Dudes... I'm totally tripping... we ought to have another committee meeting yeah? Someone call my chauffeur."
Federal: "F#!k me."
Then they meet afterwards in elegant restaurants, and over the several rounds of the most expensive wines, agree to meet again in another tax payer funded talkfest session to discuss and elaborate on the issues at hand.
Total bullshit.
Frankly, I'd say that virtually all of the State govts +local councils in Australia do jackshit except waste tax-payers dollars. Look at their councils and you'll find the most pathetic group of nitwits. They wouldn't have the brains to run a small business successfully. And yet, they put them in charge of the state.
Well, in the end, nothing or very little gets done. More youth get addicted to drugs. More drug pushers get richer. And ordinary hard working citizens have to be taxed more harshly to pay for the mess.
And meanwhile we have the premier of one Queensland saying its cool for hip young wealthy popular entertainers to break the law - no big deal to him. Pity the poor busker who takes a smoke and gets fined by the QLD police.
Kids are so funny
I've got an adorable little nephew, he's 3.5 years old and he knows the solar system by heart. He can even discuss the differences of Saturn's and Neptune's moons.
My sister told me he did something really cute the other day. She read him a bedtime story from the old hamlyn story book about Santa claus leaving presents at children's beds while they slept. And she drew the theory,
"you must sleep in your own bed cos santa won't leave pressies for you cos he won't know there is a little boy living here..."
He likes to come to sleep in his parents' beds in the wee hours of the morning every night.
You know what his reply was? He said? "Hmmm in- teres- ting...." as if he was in deep thought!!
That night he came to their bed and my sis reminded him of the story... and he agreed to go back to his own bed.
Oooh!!! How adorable!!!
Then this morning, he pulled one of the black drawers out of the teak desk and she heard him whispering, "I'm sorry Jesus, I'm really sorry for pulling it out"
She never taught him to say that and neither did his grandmom!
He may have picked it up from me though, as I mouth out words of religious veneration on an occasional basis when I babysat him.
Later, she asked her three and half year old child again, and he looks up to the sky with his hands raised to heaven like Charlton Heston and cried out "I'm sorry Jesus"!!!
My sister told me he did something really cute the other day. She read him a bedtime story from the old hamlyn story book about Santa claus leaving presents at children's beds while they slept. And she drew the theory,
"you must sleep in your own bed cos santa won't leave pressies for you cos he won't know there is a little boy living here..."
He likes to come to sleep in his parents' beds in the wee hours of the morning every night.
You know what his reply was? He said? "Hmmm in- teres- ting...." as if he was in deep thought!!
That night he came to their bed and my sis reminded him of the story... and he agreed to go back to his own bed.
Oooh!!! How adorable!!!
Then this morning, he pulled one of the black drawers out of the teak desk and she heard him whispering, "I'm sorry Jesus, I'm really sorry for pulling it out"
She never taught him to say that and neither did his grandmom!
He may have picked it up from me though, as I mouth out words of religious veneration on an occasional basis when I babysat him.
Later, she asked her three and half year old child again, and he looks up to the sky with his hands raised to heaven like Charlton Heston and cried out "I'm sorry Jesus"!!!
One sock day
I just coined the phrase recently. It means having a day where you get half of your stuff done- but its totally useless and frustrated because you can't find or do the other half.
Hence the term, "one sock day".
Don't you just hate it when you can't find the other half of your socks? I've wasted so much time trying to find them. God knows where they go.
The funny thing is that when I came back to Singapore, I found one of my missing sock.
Hence the term, "one sock day".
Don't you just hate it when you can't find the other half of your socks? I've wasted so much time trying to find them. God knows where they go.
The funny thing is that when I came back to Singapore, I found one of my missing sock.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Smoking weed makes you delusional... duh.
Is it any coincidence that with the rise of marijuna smoking, a large section of our society starts seeing things like UFO, space aliens, and other wacky conspiracy theories? For some reason, smoking weed really fcuks with your brain. Excessive consumption of alcohol also kills brain cells too, but doing pot throws the members of the skull club into the deep end of the loopy pool.
For example the Australian Green Party is constantly advocating legalizing marijuna for public consumption. And check out its policies - total daft stuff that would ruin the nation. The Greens want to increase tax rates, let in more illegal immigrants, increase the dole, shut down the mining industry, and eventually force everyone to ride on bicycles and public transport.
You know what will happen of course. Such policies will only encourage a massive wave of illegal immigrants, encourage more people to just stay at home, smoke weed, stay on the dole, etc.. But the Greens don't see it that way- instead, they want to blame all their problems on the evil Multinational Corporations, and the conservative government. All their problems!
I used to encounter all these idiots when I was at Uni. You couldn't reason with them. At the country fairs, you'd see a group of the potheads under a rainbow flag, smoking weed, and they were invariably the most useless bunch of nutcases you could ever find.
Its actually legal to smoke weed in Australia. People are allowed to carry, I think, a small joint for personal consumption.
Once a group of my female friends were cooking some fried food, they had the door open, and this guy walked right in, smoking a joint, and demanded to "join the party" and was very insulted that "he wasn't invited". He lived next door and worked as a criminal lawyer. He talked total bullshit stuff with no logic or sense, and just refused to leave. The girls called Adrian over and he gently escorted him out of the place.
Anyhow, read the report here - Cannabis 'increases mental illness risk'
Don't tell me there's not a correlation between cannabis use and moronic ideas.
For example the Australian Green Party is constantly advocating legalizing marijuna for public consumption. And check out its policies - total daft stuff that would ruin the nation. The Greens want to increase tax rates, let in more illegal immigrants, increase the dole, shut down the mining industry, and eventually force everyone to ride on bicycles and public transport.
You know what will happen of course. Such policies will only encourage a massive wave of illegal immigrants, encourage more people to just stay at home, smoke weed, stay on the dole, etc.. But the Greens don't see it that way- instead, they want to blame all their problems on the evil Multinational Corporations, and the conservative government. All their problems!
I used to encounter all these idiots when I was at Uni. You couldn't reason with them. At the country fairs, you'd see a group of the potheads under a rainbow flag, smoking weed, and they were invariably the most useless bunch of nutcases you could ever find.
Its actually legal to smoke weed in Australia. People are allowed to carry, I think, a small joint for personal consumption.
Once a group of my female friends were cooking some fried food, they had the door open, and this guy walked right in, smoking a joint, and demanded to "join the party" and was very insulted that "he wasn't invited". He lived next door and worked as a criminal lawyer. He talked total bullshit stuff with no logic or sense, and just refused to leave. The girls called Adrian over and he gently escorted him out of the place.
Anyhow, read the report here - Cannabis 'increases mental illness risk'
Don't tell me there's not a correlation between cannabis use and moronic ideas.
The Dragon breathes its fiery breath

I'm checking out the news of the bush fires with utter dismay. I was introduced to the problem back in the 1980s when I went up to the Blue Mountains on a tour bus as a school boy. I've got a rotten memory - right now I can't find $200 - which I stashed somewhere in my room, but I remember evocative moments very well.
There was a moment, when we were crawling up the mountain, the bus driver sadly gazed at all the beautiful homes nestled amongst the trees and said with a note of incredulousness, "Don't these people learn? Every year in the hot Summer with dry winds this whole place is like a tinderbox. Every year they have to face the prospect of their homes burning down. And it happens. Yet they come back and rebuild."

There's a sweet looking chalet on Mount Buffalo in Victoria, about 3 hours drive from Melbourne city. I wanted to go there last year but everyone else was busy. (No fun going alone). I hope its ok. The fires are close, and several buildings have already been destroyed by fire. If I go back to Melbourne in June, during Winter, I'll try and organize a trip up. These economy in these small towns rely heavily upon tourism.
Right now in the North West corner of Tasmania, entire towns are forced to evacuate due to the rushing bush fires. My Uncle's two homes are near there- in a place called Beauty Bay near St. Helens. He had a quad bypass heart surgery and is building a cute country cottage for his friends to live in when they come and visit. I hope he's ok.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Would be Santa Claus gets jailed
Yet another example of how farcical the Australian Justice system is.
This monster raped a 11 year old girl several times back in the 1970s. The police caught him but he gave a false name and fled the State. Then nearly 30 years later he gets caught during a background check- he was applying to be a store Santa Claus and most likely going to get his kicks when the unsuspecting kids pose with the fcuker. What a @#$t.
The judge however reckons that he DOESN'T pose a risk to the community and sentences the "poor man" to a 3 year 6 month jail term. He's already spent nearly a year in detention which will count to his jail time.
"no longer a threat"??? OH! I guess THAT WHY the child rapist sought to obtain a job as a store "santa clause"!!!
Its amazing that the judge didn't give him special credit for "trying" to do charitable work.
So despite the face that the maximum time is 5 years, our dear honorable decent judge doesn't give it out; he gives out only 3.5 years. Moreover he doesn't seem to take into account that the child rapist was a fugitive from justice since 1977.
You would think that "any decent person" would have considered all this and given the child rapist and former fugitive at least 5 years plus extra time from running away from the law. I think any decent person would. But not this judge.
Goddamn the Australian justice system totally sucks.
Read the shit story here
If you want to protest: send a letter or fax or email to
Steve Bracks: Premier of Victoria
Address: 1 Treasury Place
Phone: 9651 5000
Fax: 9651 5054
Email: steve.bracks@parliament.vic.gov.au
This monster raped a 11 year old girl several times back in the 1970s. The police caught him but he gave a false name and fled the State. Then nearly 30 years later he gets caught during a background check- he was applying to be a store Santa Claus and most likely going to get his kicks when the unsuspecting kids pose with the fcuker. What a @#$t.
The judge however reckons that he DOESN'T pose a risk to the community and sentences the "poor man" to a 3 year 6 month jail term. He's already spent nearly a year in detention which will count to his jail time.
Judge Burke said O'Brien was no longer a threat to the community, but his attack in 1977 would "revolt any decent person.''
Judge Bourke said some might see the sentence as light and that he was confined by the 1977 law, which held a maximum five-year jail term.
"no longer a threat"??? OH! I guess THAT WHY the child rapist sought to obtain a job as a store "santa clause"!!!
Its amazing that the judge didn't give him special credit for "trying" to do charitable work.
So despite the face that the maximum time is 5 years, our dear honorable decent judge doesn't give it out; he gives out only 3.5 years. Moreover he doesn't seem to take into account that the child rapist was a fugitive from justice since 1977.
You would think that "any decent person" would have considered all this and given the child rapist and former fugitive at least 5 years plus extra time from running away from the law. I think any decent person would. But not this judge.
Goddamn the Australian justice system totally sucks.
Read the shit story here
If you want to protest: send a letter or fax or email to
Steve Bracks: Premier of Victoria
Address: 1 Treasury Place
Phone: 9651 5000
Fax: 9651 5054
Email: steve.bracks@parliament.vic.gov.au
Monday, December 11, 2006
Chiropracter Chinese Medicine
I'm seeing a Chinese Chiro. He's expensive (relatively). Each visit cost $70. And last for about 10 to 15 minutes. If there isn't someone else waiting, he'll spend a bit more time with you, odd.
His work also hurts like hell - the first few times. He lightly touches and rubs the body and it feels like he's using a blow torch. But once the treatment takes effect, the pain goes away (after the 3rd visit).
Quite a number of people go to see him too. I heard commendations from different parties. So its not as if he's a quek. :)
However, he's in a rundown area of Orchard Road- located on the 5th floor of Orchard Plaza, a dodgy joint. On every level, there are all these Men Karoke lounges and creepy looking massage palours. God knows why there's so much bloody construction when there are commercial blots like OP that can be renovated and redeveloped. Damn the constant construction. (Recently they chopped down several magnificient trees at Somerset Station- I hope its not to build another shopping mall. Good grief, how many do we fracking need here???)
Anyhow, if you have back problem or digestion issues, or any number of physical or mental ailments, go and see him:
He's Liu Ting Kai of Kai De Enterprises.150 Orchard Road, #05-07 Orchard Plaza, S238841. Phone 6737-3821. 5th floor, best to take the lift.
Postscript - I'm afraid that Mr Liu's services have become somewhat... disinterested. He only seems to be only exerting a minimal amount of effort and taking your cash - milking the cow so it appears.
I'm seeing a Western chiropracter now. Dr Andrew Ching. Arc of Life, Singapore. I found him to really good in helping my back problems.I'm finally getting some movement in my upper spine which had been as stiff as an ironing board.
In Melbourne, I'm also seeing an acupuncturist, Dr Wilson Lo. Power Medicine in Auburn Road, he's been very helpful too.
Despite the fact that I'm over 40, my health has really improved. I feel healthier than I have ever been. A lot of the problems that buggered me was I was in my 20s and 30s, like constipation, chronic bad problems, poor digestion has been healed. I don't take any medicines, nor supplement vitamins either.
Arc of Life Chiropractic Centre Pte LtdNo. 1 Scotts Road
#24-12/13 Shaw Centre
Singapore 228208
Tel: (65) 6732 3323
Fax: (65) 6732 3313
Email: Info@ArcOfLifeChiropractic.com.sg
Arc of Life Chiropractic Pte Ltd (New! Just Opened!!!)460 Alexandra Road #02-17
PSA Buidling, Alexandra Retail Centre
Singapore 119963
Tel: (65) 6273 7877
Fax: (65) 6273 7977
Email: Enquiry@ArcOfLifeChiropractic.com.sg
My back problems have improved dramatically including my lower back problems. This is going to sound off-color - but I think it was because I made a special female friend in Singapore during my last trip and that helped my "chi" to flow smoothly.
I'm still seeing a Chinese accupressurist in Melbourne Australia. His name is Dr Wilson Wen Lo
Power Chinese Medicine
93 Auburn Road, Hawthorn Vic 3122
Phone: 98132895
His work also hurts like hell - the first few times. He lightly touches and rubs the body and it feels like he's using a blow torch. But once the treatment takes effect, the pain goes away (after the 3rd visit).
Quite a number of people go to see him too. I heard commendations from different parties. So its not as if he's a quek. :)
However, he's in a rundown area of Orchard Road- located on the 5th floor of Orchard Plaza, a dodgy joint. On every level, there are all these Men Karoke lounges and creepy looking massage palours. God knows why there's so much bloody construction when there are commercial blots like OP that can be renovated and redeveloped. Damn the constant construction. (Recently they chopped down several magnificient trees at Somerset Station- I hope its not to build another shopping mall. Good grief, how many do we fracking need here???)
Anyhow, if you have back problem or digestion issues, or any number of physical or mental ailments, go and see him:
He's Liu Ting Kai of Kai De Enterprises.
Postscript - I'm afraid that Mr Liu's services have become somewhat... disinterested. He only seems to be only exerting a minimal amount of effort and taking your cash - milking the cow so it appears.
I'm seeing a Western chiropracter now. Dr Andrew Ching. Arc of Life, Singapore. I found him to really good in helping my back problems.I'm finally getting some movement in my upper spine which had been as stiff as an ironing board.
In Melbourne, I'm also seeing an acupuncturist, Dr Wilson Lo. Power Medicine in Auburn Road, he's been very helpful too.
Despite the fact that I'm over 40, my health has really improved. I feel healthier than I have ever been. A lot of the problems that buggered me was I was in my 20s and 30s, like constipation, chronic bad problems, poor digestion has been healed. I don't take any medicines, nor supplement vitamins either.
Arc of Life Chiropractic Centre Pte LtdNo. 1 Scotts Road
#24-12/13 Shaw Centre
Singapore 228208
Tel: (65) 6732 3323
Fax: (65) 6732 3313
Email: Info@ArcOfLifeChiropractic.com.sg
Arc of Life Chiropractic Pte Ltd (New! Just Opened!!!)460 Alexandra Road #02-17
PSA Buidling, Alexandra Retail Centre
Singapore 119963
Tel: (65) 6273 7877
Fax: (65) 6273 7977
Email: Enquiry@ArcOfLifeChiropractic.com.sg
My back problems have improved dramatically including my lower back problems. This is going to sound off-color - but I think it was because I made a special female friend in Singapore during my last trip and that helped my "chi" to flow smoothly.
I'm still seeing a Chinese accupressurist in Melbourne Australia. His name is Dr Wilson Wen Lo
Power Chinese Medicine
93 Auburn Road, Hawthorn Vic 3122
Phone: 98132895
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Melbourne Cafes

Melbourne is famous for its cafe society. In the city and most of the eastern inner suburbs you can find some of the best cafes ever- serving fantastic freshly brewed coffee- coffee that isn't burnt, overdone, but just right. I think my record was 5 cups in one sitting. And of course, you have to have the pastries and biscuits.
One of the best places to goto if you r ever in Melbourne is Brunetties at Faraday Street, off Lygon Street.
I find their almond biscuits particular positively divinely sumptuous. In particular, the Pinolate - a flourless almond biscuit with pinenut shavings and the Amaretti - Almond Macaroon biscuit.
Anyhow check it out: http://www.brunetti.com.au/history.html

Modern Art is a Load of Crap literally
Whenever I see (most) modern art, its seems obvious that "the end is nigh" for humankind. When we hold in esteem, the most vulgar and crassest forms of self-expression, in our venues of high culture, what does it say about Society?
I think by any common artistic standard from any point in human history, will render a severe disapproval of this kind of nonsense.
In the Tate Gallery, they paid more money for a tin load of crap than they would have if the same tins were filled with pure gold. Meanwhile, the Aussies are also catching up: See below.
This is for as usual a tax payer funded arts program in Australia. Don't read this with a full stomach.
I think by any common artistic standard from any point in human history, will render a severe disapproval of this kind of nonsense.
In the Tate Gallery, they paid more money for a tin load of crap than they would have if the same tins were filled with pure gold. Meanwhile, the Aussies are also catching up: See below.
This is for as usual a tax payer funded arts program in Australia. Don't read this with a full stomach.
AN ART show featuring a bra containing a vial of human liposuction fat is being funded by ratepayers.
A video animation depicting a woman with a man’s face, perpetually gratifying herself, is among other controversial artworks in Gendertopia—Teknikunst 06.
The nine-day show, which opened on Friday night, is funded with $12,000 from Melbourne Council, which claims it helps make the city “stimulating and fulfilling”. The key artwork, IncuBra, was created by two artists with more than $7000 of West Australian taxpayers’ money.
It consists of a corset fitted with thermostatic controls to preserve a vial of human fat extracted during a liposuction in 2004. The bra also has speakers that play poetry.
Watch this documentary
Watch this documentary. Its about the Green movement and how basically it wants to keep third world nations improvised because they are "small and quaint".
Check out the preview here http://mineyourownbusiness.org/
Doesn't this remind you of an episode from South Park? Remember the second Mr Hankey episode where Robert Redford went to SouthPark to build a film festival? "Redford" used similar words.
Isn't this a form of neo-colonialism? Except that instead of ripping off the host nation, the greens just want them to remain in a constant state of impoverisment to keep alive their romantic idea of the "noble savage".
Check out the preview here http://mineyourownbusiness.org/
Doesn't this remind you of an episode from South Park? Remember the second Mr Hankey episode where Robert Redford went to SouthPark to build a film festival? "Redford" used similar words.
Isn't this a form of neo-colonialism? Except that instead of ripping off the host nation, the greens just want them to remain in a constant state of impoverisment to keep alive their romantic idea of the "noble savage".
Saturday, December 09, 2006

Oh my goodness, Melbourne's got the haze!!! And its not even from Indonesia- its in their own backyard. The smoke from countryside fires has even shrouded Melbourne City hundreds of miles away, causing smoke detectors and fire alarm systems to go off even in city apartments.
Check out the photo. Ominous huh?
Read the story here.
I wish the Federal+Stategovts and different political parties of Australia would get together and build a 100 year plan to create a water system that would channel water from areas that get a lot of rainfall - like the Northern Territory - to the areas where water is scarce. The cost would be tremendous- but hey, Australia is surrounded by nations where the people would be willing and happy to work for (relatively low) wages.
I'd say its a win-win situation. People get to work. Australia gets a badly needed irrigation system. Australia produces more food and plants more trees.
School teaching
A random idea came in my head today, I think if I was a teacher and trying to teach kids on points of view or how to be more perceptive. This is what I'll do:
I'll divide half the class up. One half would read a story about a dog that bit a group of children savagely- badly injuring some kids... and focus on the kids' injuries, some of whom were killed or hospitalized. And have comments from the kids and their parents.
In the other half- they'd read a story about how a group of 17 year old "kids" beat up an old granny for small change to fund their drug habit, before her faithful scottish terrier dog bit back and drove them off.
Imagine the two groups trying to discuss the story. What chaos!!
For the conclusion, after the classroom discussion ends- we read the whole report and also learn that the teenagers got into their car and tried to run the dog over, missed, and hit a lamp post at 80km/h in a 50 km/h zone. They weren't wearing seat-beats.
At the very least, it might teach them to try and get both sides of the story.
I'll divide half the class up. One half would read a story about a dog that bit a group of children savagely- badly injuring some kids... and focus on the kids' injuries, some of whom were killed or hospitalized. And have comments from the kids and their parents.
In the other half- they'd read a story about how a group of 17 year old "kids" beat up an old granny for small change to fund their drug habit, before her faithful scottish terrier dog bit back and drove them off.
Imagine the two groups trying to discuss the story. What chaos!!
For the conclusion, after the classroom discussion ends- we read the whole report and also learn that the teenagers got into their car and tried to run the dog over, missed, and hit a lamp post at 80km/h in a 50 km/h zone. They weren't wearing seat-beats.
At the very least, it might teach them to try and get both sides of the story.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Its 10pm Thursday and I'm starting to feel hungry!!!!
I didn't have much of a breakfast this morning- then I went to the gym- then went to see my Chinese Medicine Chiro who straighten me out literally. Ooooh, I was screaming.
But he's good. However, being a Chinese medical practitioner- he told me to avoid chilli, meat especially chicken, curry, and virtually all the great food I enjoyed.
So I had porridge with fish. That was at 1.30 pm.
I'm starving now. I feel so tired though. That workout this morning was a killer.
Aiya, I'm gonna get a bowl of noodles. I'm sitting on my bed eating rice crackers and feeling so unsatisfied.
I didn't have much of a breakfast this morning- then I went to the gym- then went to see my Chinese Medicine Chiro who straighten me out literally. Ooooh, I was screaming.
But he's good. However, being a Chinese medical practitioner- he told me to avoid chilli, meat especially chicken, curry, and virtually all the great food I enjoyed.
So I had porridge with fish. That was at 1.30 pm.
I'm starving now. I feel so tired though. That workout this morning was a killer.
Aiya, I'm gonna get a bowl of noodles. I'm sitting on my bed eating rice crackers and feeling so unsatisfied.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Coming back home
Its been over a month since I've arrived back to Singapore. I remember when I left over 20 years ago - back in 1984. I hope I've come back a bit more wiser than since I left this country.
I remember back then - I was happy to get out. I hated the place. I was failing Mandarin- and in Singapore if you fail your 1st or 2nd language (back then)- you were doomed as my mom would warn me. I imagined that if I failed my studies, my dear parents would abandon me in the streets and force me to shovel shit.
But I came from an English speaking family. My grandparents spoke to me in English, my parents spoke to me in English, my relatives all spoke to me in English. My friends spoke to me in English. I was sent to an school where virtually the entire curriculum was taught in English. And the amazing part is my (late) dad, God bless his soul, despite his amazing intellect, couldn't understand why I had major problems passing my Mandarin exam.
I failed virtually every year and got dreadfully beaten by the Mandarin teachers who, sad to say, were mostly sadistic, cruel bitches who enjoyed tormenting little boys. It was like a story out of Charles Dickens. Fagin would have fitted in well in that school. In latter years, I learnt that they were terribly underpaid and overworked and thus took out their frustrations on their pupils - a small mitigating factor... very small.
But going to Australia wasn't fun either. I had to stay in the Aussie school's boarding house which I thought would be similar to those Enid Blyton stories. It was on the whole, ok. No "real" horror stories. But I had big problems fitting in. Most of the boys were from broken homes. Several were on drugs. Wasn't helped by the fact that one of the popular students, a Eurasian student seemed to absolutely hated me for no apparent reason. Daily, he would constantly provoke me with insults, taunts etc.. This kept on going on day after day, month after month, year after year. He used to get his jollys by making fun of me. I think it had to do with the fact that his parents divorced- and he must have resented his Chinese dad for that (his mom was white).
My dad used to tell me - just ignore the bullies. Don't show your anger. Keep your cool. Pray to God. We're Christians so we're suppose to love our enemies etc.. And so I endured, build character, whatever.
But it was really intolerable. What was worse was that he was very popular. He was good at sports. He was a good student. He made friends more easily. He got on very well with the teachers. To everyone else he was a cool dude. But he seemed determined to make life absolutely miserable for me as a 16 year old teenager... for the whole time I was in that school.
Anyhow lets move on...
By and large, I think Australians and Singaporeans are fairly alike... maybe most people are. All they want is a good shake at life. Get by without getting hassled. Live a good life. Marry a good partner etc..
Nation-wise, its a bit different, their geography and political environment are vastly different.
Simply put- Singapore is minuscule compared to Australia- you could fit Singapore into Melbourne (city+inner city suburbs).
Australia has vast natural mineral resources - oil, gas, copper, gold, you name it -they have it. Over 100 years ago, 1/5 of the world's gold supply once came from Melbourne. Today, Australia is poised to supply much of the world's uranium needs.
Over here in Singapore- what do we have? A deep water harbor in a precarious strategic position. God help us one day if our neighbors cut off the Straits of Malacca. I wouldn't be surprised if the pirates, descendants of the Bugis pirates, that haunt the area aren't being patronized by higher powers.
I used to hate the PAP. But after spending 20 years overseas, I've come to respect Lee Kuan Yew and his achievements. He's provided a good stable uncorrupt government.
Look around us.
Malaysia, Burma, former French IndoChina, Thailand, Borneo, and all the Pacific Island nations. All of them have so much much more in terms of natural resources - beautiful beaches, vast quantities of wood, tin, oil, etc.. But virtually all of their governments are shonky, corrupt- and that dreadfully affects the society and the populace.
True, the PAP has made some made bad calls- and always seems to be in yesterday's business.
To me, personally, one of the crappy calls was in the area of education- notably in the area of compulsory 2nd language. Yet even looking back at it now, I can understand why they were doing it. They need to enforce a standard and they naively figured - well if the Swiss could speak two languages- Singaporeans can do the same too- ignoring the reality that mastering English+Mandarin was much different from say- German+French.
But, after a bloody long wait, the "Spore gahmun" are making amends and putting more skill, effort, and money into the education system here. Melbourne alone makes 1 billion dollars through its education system by teaching foreign students- and the standard of education can be shockingly horrible there. I hope to see Singapore taking a slice of that pie. But they need to raise the standards here a bit- get more international intellectual prizes and awards for their lecturers, administrators and teachers.
I'll talk about Australia some other time.
I remember back then - I was happy to get out. I hated the place. I was failing Mandarin- and in Singapore if you fail your 1st or 2nd language (back then)- you were doomed as my mom would warn me. I imagined that if I failed my studies, my dear parents would abandon me in the streets and force me to shovel shit.
But I came from an English speaking family. My grandparents spoke to me in English, my parents spoke to me in English, my relatives all spoke to me in English. My friends spoke to me in English. I was sent to an school where virtually the entire curriculum was taught in English. And the amazing part is my (late) dad, God bless his soul, despite his amazing intellect, couldn't understand why I had major problems passing my Mandarin exam.
I failed virtually every year and got dreadfully beaten by the Mandarin teachers who, sad to say, were mostly sadistic, cruel bitches who enjoyed tormenting little boys. It was like a story out of Charles Dickens. Fagin would have fitted in well in that school. In latter years, I learnt that they were terribly underpaid and overworked and thus took out their frustrations on their pupils - a small mitigating factor... very small.
But going to Australia wasn't fun either. I had to stay in the Aussie school's boarding house which I thought would be similar to those Enid Blyton stories. It was on the whole, ok. No "real" horror stories. But I had big problems fitting in. Most of the boys were from broken homes. Several were on drugs. Wasn't helped by the fact that one of the popular students, a Eurasian student seemed to absolutely hated me for no apparent reason. Daily, he would constantly provoke me with insults, taunts etc.. This kept on going on day after day, month after month, year after year. He used to get his jollys by making fun of me. I think it had to do with the fact that his parents divorced- and he must have resented his Chinese dad for that (his mom was white).
My dad used to tell me - just ignore the bullies. Don't show your anger. Keep your cool. Pray to God. We're Christians so we're suppose to love our enemies etc.. And so I endured, build character, whatever.
But it was really intolerable. What was worse was that he was very popular. He was good at sports. He was a good student. He made friends more easily. He got on very well with the teachers. To everyone else he was a cool dude. But he seemed determined to make life absolutely miserable for me as a 16 year old teenager... for the whole time I was in that school.
Anyhow lets move on...
By and large, I think Australians and Singaporeans are fairly alike... maybe most people are. All they want is a good shake at life. Get by without getting hassled. Live a good life. Marry a good partner etc..
Nation-wise, its a bit different, their geography and political environment are vastly different.
Simply put- Singapore is minuscule compared to Australia- you could fit Singapore into Melbourne (city+inner city suburbs).
Australia has vast natural mineral resources - oil, gas, copper, gold, you name it -they have it. Over 100 years ago, 1/5 of the world's gold supply once came from Melbourne. Today, Australia is poised to supply much of the world's uranium needs.
Over here in Singapore- what do we have? A deep water harbor in a precarious strategic position. God help us one day if our neighbors cut off the Straits of Malacca. I wouldn't be surprised if the pirates, descendants of the Bugis pirates, that haunt the area aren't being patronized by higher powers.
I used to hate the PAP. But after spending 20 years overseas, I've come to respect Lee Kuan Yew and his achievements. He's provided a good stable uncorrupt government.
Look around us.
Malaysia, Burma, former French IndoChina, Thailand, Borneo, and all the Pacific Island nations. All of them have so much much more in terms of natural resources - beautiful beaches, vast quantities of wood, tin, oil, etc.. But virtually all of their governments are shonky, corrupt- and that dreadfully affects the society and the populace.
True, the PAP has made some made bad calls- and always seems to be in yesterday's business.
To me, personally, one of the crappy calls was in the area of education- notably in the area of compulsory 2nd language. Yet even looking back at it now, I can understand why they were doing it. They need to enforce a standard and they naively figured - well if the Swiss could speak two languages- Singaporeans can do the same too- ignoring the reality that mastering English+Mandarin was much different from say- German+French.
But, after a bloody long wait, the "Spore gahmun" are making amends and putting more skill, effort, and money into the education system here. Melbourne alone makes 1 billion dollars through its education system by teaching foreign students- and the standard of education can be shockingly horrible there. I hope to see Singapore taking a slice of that pie. But they need to raise the standards here a bit- get more international intellectual prizes and awards for their lecturers, administrators and teachers.
I'll talk about Australia some other time.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Casino Royale II

Along pathwalks washed with God's tears, you walk
You move with confidence and grace
Your stride boasts of your strength
Your quiver is full, your bow is taunt
With purpose you move
What do you seek?
What manner of beast do you hunt?
Do I dare ask?
And in the shadows I move.
The prey hunting the predator.
(Image taken from http://www.manchesteronline.co.uk/ewm/ic2/71.html)
Strange Historical Sights in Singapore

When I was a kid, I used to pass this place that had an old WW2 piller box. Not a cheap and nasty guard house, but a big concrete bunker - the size of a small house. It was built into a small hill and had a dominating view of that long and winding road; you could only see it after you turned around the bend. A perfect ambush area!
I'm pretty sure it was the British who built it. The area used to be a British military-civilian camp area.
Apparently, the whole area is ringed with lesser fortifications, trench systems, underground bunkers etc.. One of the houses there have converted their WW2 bomb shelter into a wine cellar- talk about "beating the swords into plowshares"!! Another neighbor found a deep tunnel and plugged it up with concrete. Imagine, one day someone might find Yamashita's treasure there one day... or a big unstable ammo dump.
In the past, it used to stand much higher and the embrasures (or machine gun slots) were visible. Now its sunken in by several feet and the slots have been bricked over. Ivy has now covered over the old red brick and its barely noticeable now.
But as a kid, I remember always being a little awestruck when I walked past it. I wondered whether the soldiers who stood guard ever got a chance to fire a shot in anger.
Even now it captures my imagination...
The old fort still stands guard
Domineering over the countryside road
Its menacing leer frightens noone now.
The people it guarded have long gone.
The realm it protected has perished.
Yet, it peers into the distance with blinded eyes.
Waiting for an enemy that will not come.
But I'm here though you may not see me
I linger in your presence
My hands brush on your ivy covered wall
What tales can you tell?
What secrets do you hide?

Monday, December 04, 2006
Rapist promises not to reoffend so Aussie Jail lets him out
I just "love" the Australian legal system. You get real "funny" lines like this:
A serial rapist is being released from jail- that's a outcry from Victim and anti-crime groups but as far as the justice system is concerned:
Susan Bothmann from Wacol Prison's legal service said Fardon (the serial rapists) had assured her that he would not re-offend.
LOL. I can't believe that let such naive idiots run the prison system here. Officer Barbrady would do a better job. Click on the quote for the full article.
But this is some sad serious shit. The Australian justice system has a habit of letting the worse criminals go after a few years in jail and allowing them to reoffend and kill, rape, or bash an innocent person or child. Now , if he reoffends, I'd like to see the idiots who released him in the same jail cell.
The story gets worse, much worse. Read the story here if you have the stomach for it.
There is, of course, a "good argument" that he be released into the community because he had a terrible childhood. But knowing full well that he has caused so much harm, anguish and torment to innocent women and children, I just don't understand how the justice system can allow such a person loose into society, placing him into a unsuspecting community, suburb - whose people know nothing about his past and who may thus unknowingly place themselves and their loved ones in grave danger.
The justice system is suppose to protect the public from people like this- yet it cares more for criminals than for the people it serves. Meanwhile, politicians like the Premier of Victoria Steve Bracks- don't care or worse. Australian justice system is really f@#ked.
A serial rapist is being released from jail- that's a outcry from Victim and anti-crime groups but as far as the justice system is concerned:
Susan Bothmann from Wacol Prison's legal service said Fardon (the serial rapists) had assured her that he would not re-offend.
LOL. I can't believe that let such naive idiots run the prison system here. Officer Barbrady would do a better job. Click on the quote for the full article.
But this is some sad serious shit. The Australian justice system has a habit of letting the worse criminals go after a few years in jail and allowing them to reoffend and kill, rape, or bash an innocent person or child. Now , if he reoffends, I'd like to see the idiots who released him in the same jail cell.
The story gets worse, much worse. Read the story here if you have the stomach for it.
There is, of course, a "good argument" that he be released into the community because he had a terrible childhood. But knowing full well that he has caused so much harm, anguish and torment to innocent women and children, I just don't understand how the justice system can allow such a person loose into society, placing him into a unsuspecting community, suburb - whose people know nothing about his past and who may thus unknowingly place themselves and their loved ones in grave danger.
The justice system is suppose to protect the public from people like this- yet it cares more for criminals than for the people it serves. Meanwhile, politicians like the Premier of Victoria Steve Bracks- don't care or worse. Australian justice system is really f@#ked.
Something cool

Alright, I was going to talk about how Australia let in this African conman who proceeded to rape and rob women at bars around Oz- pretending to be a US Fighter Pilot. As usual the incompetent Aussie state police force in NSW, VIC, etc... couldn't catch him. By the time they pushed the dounuts off their desks to check their paperwork, he escaped back to Tanzania. But anyhow, why bother. Let's talk about something cool.
You know what cool is- cool is doing something great effortlessly. And that is why I just love the movie Royal Tenenbuams. Its about this misfit family beginning with- the father, "Royal", is a selfish bombastic arsehole of a lawyer who doesn't think twice about stealing from his kids, Etheline, the mother, is an urban archelogists who later attracts a string of bizarre suitors, and the kids well... screw this... this is getting boring. But Clive Owens plays an outstanding performance as "the nerdy kid next door" who succeeds to get into the famous family.
Read the reviews here- at www.imdb.com.
You get plenty of ironic, dead-pan humor, sometimes hilarious, sometimes just sweet and funny, and some of the best satires on New Yorkers...
On a sidenote, I found the peculiar painting on Eli Cash (Owen Wilson's) flat very funny for some reason.
Anyhow, if you have nothing better to do on a Sunday night. Go watch it. Borrow it on DVD or VHS.
Its one of the best movies made.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Sunday and the Meaning of Life
Every Sunday I go to church. I believe in God. I believe that He sent his Son (in the Bible's way of speaking) to die for us to enable us to have a relationship with God the Father. I'd prefer a more metaphysical explanation but... why tamper with the Word of God :)
But as one of my friends put it- I'm quite materialistic. Or better way to say would be - I'm more realistic. Whatever :)
But it is true that sometimes I place my security more in security, financial security. In stocks, bonds, things you can sell, hold... feel. I love beautiful objects.
In the Old Testament- the prequel to the Gospels, there is a story of a Jewish soldier who takes a beautiful rug and precious objects from a city which God has commandered to be utterly destroyed. He eventually confessed and was killed. I feel sorry for the poor bastard. If I was in his shoes, maybe I would have done the same thing.
Anyhow, the sermon today stressed on the temporaral nature of the world today. In other words, why work so hard for things which you can't take with you to heaven?
But then again many parents selflessly and heroiclly work very hard to provide for their children and their grandchildren. But even then- they only provide material wealth- sadly many children/grandchildren end up as spoil brats and squander the fortune that their parent left behind.
After the sermon, I said my prayer:
Dear God,
Forgive me for sometimes being such a selfish bastard. Forgive me for my love for material objects and for misusing your mercy and grace. Clease me of my sins, and wash away my dross, purify me like gold. Not by my strength O Lord but in thy Grace I trust. Help me to be the man you want me to be.
Let it be so (i.e., Amen)
But as one of my friends put it- I'm quite materialistic. Or better way to say would be - I'm more realistic. Whatever :)
But it is true that sometimes I place my security more in security, financial security. In stocks, bonds, things you can sell, hold... feel. I love beautiful objects.
In the Old Testament- the prequel to the Gospels, there is a story of a Jewish soldier who takes a beautiful rug and precious objects from a city which God has commandered to be utterly destroyed. He eventually confessed and was killed. I feel sorry for the poor bastard. If I was in his shoes, maybe I would have done the same thing.
Anyhow, the sermon today stressed on the temporaral nature of the world today. In other words, why work so hard for things which you can't take with you to heaven?
But then again many parents selflessly and heroiclly work very hard to provide for their children and their grandchildren. But even then- they only provide material wealth- sadly many children/grandchildren end up as spoil brats and squander the fortune that their parent left behind.
After the sermon, I said my prayer:
Dear God,
Forgive me for sometimes being such a selfish bastard. Forgive me for my love for material objects and for misusing your mercy and grace. Clease me of my sins, and wash away my dross, purify me like gold. Not by my strength O Lord but in thy Grace I trust. Help me to be the man you want me to be.
Let it be so (i.e., Amen)
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